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Protective Breast Formula - 60 tabs , (Enzymatic Therapy)
Protective Breast Formula - 60 tabs , (Enzymatic Therapy)
Protective Breast Formula - 60 tabs , (Enzymatic Therapy)
Protective Breast Formula -
Product Code:discontinued
类别: 胸部护理

Protective Breast Formula - 60 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

Protective Breast Formula 
The best-researched ingredients to support breast tissue health 
  • Combines the best-researched, clinically-studied doses of ingredients that support breast tissue health.
  • Includes the best ingredients in one convenient product.
  • Supports breast tissue health through five separate, unique pathways.
Key Features
  • Includes the potent natural immune boosters and antioxidants: Indoplex, green tea extract, maitake D-fraction, turmeric, vitamin D3 cholecalciferol and grape seed extract.
  • Recommended by women’s health expert, Dr. Christine Horner.
Created in collaboration with Christine Horner, MD, FACS, an expert in the field of women's breast health, this formula supports breast tissue health in 5 ways: hormonal balance, detoxification, immune support, free-radical defense, and natural inflammatory response. Includes: Indoplex, green tea extract, maitake D-fraction, turmeric, vitamin D3 cholecalciferol and grape seed extract.
Two tablets daily with food. If desired, take one tablet twice daily with food. For more active support, take two tablets twice daily.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $67.95
Other Spec:
Protective Breast Formula - 60 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) 400 IU 
Calcium (as calcium D-glucarate) 25 mg 
Sodium 10 mg 
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Rhizome Extract 1 g 
standardized to contain 85-100% curcumin 
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Leaf Extract 500 mg 
standardized to contain 80% polyphenols, 45% epigallocatechin gallate, and less than 5% caffeine 
Calcium D-Glucarate 200 mg 
Indolplex Complex modified food starch, 25% diindolylmethane (DIM), d-alpha tocopheryl succinate, phosphatidylcholine (soy), and silicon dioxide 120 mg 
Grape (Vitis vinifera) Seed Extract 100 mg 
standardized to contain 95% polyphenols, including procyanidolic oligomers (PCOs) 
Maitake (Grifola frondosa) Mushroom Extract 90 mg 
standardized to contain 30% pure D-fraction 
Other Ingredients 
cellulose, modified cellulose gum, magnesium stearate, modified cellulose, titanium dioxide color, soy lecithin, vegetable juice color, and carnauba wax. 
Contains No 
sugar, yeast, wheat, gluten, dairy products, artificial flavoring or preservatives. All colors used are from natural sources. 
Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Harmless changes in urine color may occur with the use of this product. If taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use.
Protective Breast Formula - 60 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

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Protective Breast Formula - 60 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

How It Works

Optimal breast health depends on a complex interplay of factors. A woman's diet, her environment, and even the level in stress in her life play a role in her health experience. The ingredients in Protective Breast Formula were selected because each provides demonstrated breast health support through one or more different pathways, including antioxidants, hormone detoxification, and immune system support. When used in conjunction with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle choices, Protective Breast Formula provides superior support for breast tissue health. 
1. Antioxidant 
Human cells are constantly being exposed to unstable molecules known as free radicals. These compounds steal electrons from other molecules to stabilize themselves, thereby creating a new unstable free radical and starting a chain reaction of free radical formation. Exposure to free radicals is not associated with optimal health. 
Free radicals form as a normal part of body function, or in response to exposure to toxins such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, or even ultraviolet rays from the sun. The human body has a built in system to neutralize free radicals with the help of antioxidants. These compounds donate an extra electron to a free radical (making it stable) but do not then become free radicals themselves. If the amount of free radical formation is greater than the amount of available antioxidants, this may lead to oxidative stress and potential harm to cells. Supplemental antioxidants from food or supplements can boost the body's own natural antioxidant defenses. 
Grape seed extract is a powerful antioxidant ingredient found in Protective Breast Formula. In a scientific study, grape seed extract even exhibited more powerful antioxidant activity than vitamins C and E. 
Other research has shown that the antioxidant activity of grape seed extract aids in the overall functioning of healthy cellular production and immune support. A recent study in an animal model found that grape seed extract was associated with a 50% increased benefit in breast cell health. 
Green tea is well known for its antioxidant abilities as well. Green tea compounds, called polyphenols or catechins are the components studied for their beneficial effects. To date, most research has centered around a catechin of green tea called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or simply, EGCG. In scientific and clinical studies, EGCG from green tea works as an overall antioxidant and a powerful scavenger of free radicals. Specifically, studies have found EGCG supports healthy breast cell development. 
Green tea has been shown in research studies to both increase the activity of antioxidant production systems (glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase enzyme), as well as protect lipids and proteins from oxidation. Finally green tea has also shown COX-2 inhibition, and support for healthy cell replication and development. 
2. Natural Inflammatory Response 
Inflammation is a natural process, and may occur throughout the body. The inflammatory response can be triggered by many factors, including poor diet, physical injury, and invading microorganisms. A healthy inflammatory response involves activation of inflammatory compounds including prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and cytokines. Research has now found that inflammation also plays a role in cell development. 
COX-2 and inflammation 
The cyclooxygenase enzyme plays an important role in the production and regulation of prostaglandins, the hormone-like compounds that regulate many biochemical processes in the body. The enzyme exists in two primary forms, cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). An imbalance of the COX-2 enzyme may lead to the development of inflammation and generation of free radicals. Additionally, a high level of COX-2 enzyme active is not associated with healthy cell development. 
Because of its important role in the inflammatory cascade, much research has focused on COX-2 inhibition. COX-2 inhibitors decrease prostaglandin production, thereby halting the inflammatory cascade. 
Recent research also shows a link between COX-2 inhibition and support of healthy breast tissue formation. 
In scientific studies, turmeric shows COX-2 inhibition and general support for healthy cell development. Turmeric seems to be COX-2 preferential—not inhibiting the activity of the beneficial COX-1 enzyme involved in supporting the stomach lining. Additional recent research has investigated turmeric's ability to scavenge free radicals. 
3. Hormone Balance: 
Estrogen is an important hormone for women, as it stimulates the development and function of female characteristics and sexual reproduction. Estrogen also plays a role in supporting healthy cell development, especially in the tissues of the breast and ovaries. Interestingly, there are compounds in the environment called “xenoestrogens” that can mimic the effect of estrogen in the body, landing on estrogen receptor sites and stimulating cell activity. However, many of these xenoestrogens come from environmental pollutants and pesticides, and their estrogenic activity has a much more potent effect than natural estrogen made by the body. Xenoestrogens can also block the cell receptor site, preventing natural estrogen from doing its job, and may contribute to estrogen dominance. 
Promoting healthy hormone balance involves limiting exposure to environmental xenoestrogens, and supporting the body's own hormone balancing mechanisms. For years, an observational association has been noted between healthy estrogen balance and a high dietary intake of vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Scientific study determined that such cruciferous vegetables contain several phytochemicals, including diindolylmethane (DIM). 
DIM acts as a natural hormone detoxifier, helping the body to efficiently and effectively break down and excrete estrogen. Metabolism occurring via the C-2 pathway in the liver increases the chances for estrogen to be broken down into 2-hydroxyestrone (2-OH1) and 2-hydroxyestradiol (2-OH2), estrogen metabolites known for their health supporting activities and promotion of healthy cell development. 
DIM shifts estrogen metabolism to the beneficial C-2 pathway in the liver. Research has shown that consumption of DIM increases the ratio of desirable 2-hydroxy and 2-methoxy estrogen metabolites over the undesirable 16-hydroxyestrone estrogen metabolites. Scientific studies have also found that DIM directly supports healthy cell development in breast tissue. 
4. Immune Health: 
The immune system includes cells and organs whose purpose is to defend the body from external invaders and internal malfunctions. Immune system cells, including macrophages, B and T cells, and natural killer cells detect and destroy foreign and potential harmful molecules – including bacteria, viruses, and damaged cells. Breast tissue health is tightly linked to healthy immune system function. Two ingredients in Protective Breast Formula, maitake mushroom extract and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) were specifically included in the formula to provide immune system support. 
Maitake and Maitake-D-Fraction: Maitake (Grifola frondosa) mushrooms grow in clusters and have a leafy appearance (hence the “frondosa” or “fronds” of its Latin name). When eaten as food, they are noted for their woodsy taste, and are used as side dishes and additions to main ingredients. Extracts of maitake have also been investigated for their effects on immune system health and cellular development. 
D-fraction is one of the key compounds in maitake mushrooms. Its primary benefit is to boost the activity of important immune system cells. In a clinical study, maitake D-fraction enhanced natural killer cell activity by 1.2 to 2.7 times. 
Other clinical and scientific studies have been encouraging as well, showing that maitake D-fraction induced a healthy immune system and cellular response. All the participants in a clinical study experienced increased natural killer activity and support of healthy cellular development. 
The benefits of vitamin D for bone health have been well documented. New epidemiologic studies have now shown that higher dietary intake of vitamin D is associated with support for breast health. Cholecalciferol, the biologically active form of vitamin D (also known as vitamin D3) is now the focus of research to determine exactly how vitamin D's benefits for breast tissue are attained. 
Scientific studies have shown that cholecalciferol encourages healthy cell growth and cell differentiation. These studies show that cholecalciferol enhances the body's own natural immune defense, support normal cellular health and support TNF-alpha (a protein involved with inflammation)-induced defense of breast cell tissues. 
5. Detoxification: 
The process of detoxification refers to the breakdown and excretion of substances that are no longer needed or may be harmful to the body. One of the ways in which the body excretes hormones and toxins is by binding them to glucuronic acid in the liver, and then excreting this compound in the bile. However, this process can be disrupted by â-glucuronidase, an enzyme that produced by intestinal bacteria. This enzyme has the ability to break (uncouple) the chemical bond established by glucuronic acid. This action releases the bound toxins, which are then reabsorbed into the body instead of being excreted. 
Calcium D-Glucarate is the calcium salt of d-glucaric acid. Naturally occurring both in the human body, and in certain plant sources, supplementation with calcium d-glucarate has been shown in research studies to support immune system function, promote estrogen metabolism, and enhance the body's detoxification systems through inhibition of beta-glucuronidase. By decreasing the portion of active compounds that could be hazardous to the body through its inhibition of D-glucuronidase, calcium d-glucarate provides significant support of breast tissue health.

Wouldn’t I get the same or better benefits from eating broccoli, grapes, and green tea instead of taking Protective Breast Formula? 
While it is always best to eat a diet high in nutritious fruits and vegetables, sometimes it is a struggle. Protective Breast Formula features health supporting nutrients that you may find it difficult to get in your diet. If you want to get all of the benefits of DIM from food, for example, you need to eat 2 pounds of broccoli! Getting the proper amount of grape seeds would require eating several pounds of grapes each and every day. And while we get vitamin D from standing in sunshine, we all know that too much sun can permanently damage our skin and increase our risk of skin cancer. Getting these nutrients in the Protective Breast Formula is not only more convenient and more effective – it’s safer, too.  
Just 2 tablets of Protective Breast Formula deliver the nutritional equivalent of:
  • 6 cups of green tea (for green tea polyphenols) 
  • 2 glasses of red wine (for grape seed extract)
  • 5 minutes of direct sunlight (for Vitamin D)
  • 1 quart of 2% milk (for Vitamin D)
  • 1 bowl of Indian curry (for turmeric extract)
  • 6 cups of lettuce (for calcium D-glucarate)
  • 2 pounds of raw broccoli (for DIM)
  • A heaping handful of maitake mushrooms (for maitake D-fraction)
Does Protective Breast Formula contain hormones? 
The ingredients in Protective Breast Formula are hormone-free. 
Is Protective Breast Formula safe for kids? 
While formulated for adult women, Protective Breast Formula is safe for children over four years old. For girls (and boys) under the age of 12, simply reduce the dose to one tablet each day with food. Teens can take the recommended adult dosage - two tablets daily with food.
Protective Breast Formula is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.