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AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula - 60 tabs , (Enzymatic Therapy)
AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula - 60 tabs , (Enzymatic Therapy)
AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula - 60 tabs , (Enzymatic Therapy)
Product Code:discontinued
类别: Menopause

AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula - 60 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula 
Hormone-Free 24-Hour Relief of PeriMenopause Symptoms 
  • AM Formula: Hot Flashes, Lack of Energy, Irritability, and Mood Swings.
  • PM Formula: Occasional Sleeplessness, Hot Flashes, and Night Sweats.
Key Features
  • Studied dosage of standardized black cohosh.
  • More powerful than black cohosh alone.
This hormone-free blend relieves the symptoms of perimenopause. Most women typically enter perimenopause during their mid 30’s to late 40’s. Symptoms are similar to menopause, including: hot flashes, lack of energy and night sweats.
AM: One (yellow) AM tablet in the morning. 
PM: One (purple) PM tablet approximately 30-45 minutes before bedtime. 
It may take four to five weeks to achieve full benefits. Continue use to maintain benefits.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $23.95
Other Spec:
AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula - 60 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) 250 mg  
Leaf Extract standardized to contain 35 mg caffeine 
Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) Root Extract 205 mg 
standardized to contain 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside 
Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) 40 mg 
Berry Extract standardized to contain 0.5% agnusides 
Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) 20 mg  
Root and Rhizome Extract standardized to contain 2.5% triterpene glycosides calculated as 27-deoxyactein 
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) 200 mg  
Root Extract standardized to contain 0.8% valerenic acids 
Hops (Humulus lupulus) 100 mg  
Flower Extract 6.6:1 
L-Theanine (Suntheanine® brand) 50 mg 
Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) 20 mg  
Root and Rhizome Extract standardized to contain 2.5% triterpene glycosides calculated as 27-deoxyactein 
Other Ingredients 
AM FORMULA: cellulose, modified cellulose, modified cellulose gum, magnesium stearate, soy lecithin, riboflavin color, and carnauba wax. 
PM FORMULA: cellulose, modified cellulose, modified cellulose gum, magnesium stearate, carrot and paprika extract color, soy lecithin, and carnauba wax. 
Contains No 
sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, dairy products, artificial flavoring, preservatives or ingredients of animal origin. All colors used are from natural sources. 
CAUTION:Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use this product. If taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use. 
This product has a tamper-evident foil pouch. Do not use if foil or plastic is punctured!
AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula - 60 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

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AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula - 60 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

How It Works

Perimenopause is a transition period in a woman's life, signaling the beginning of the loss of fertility as part of the body's natural aging process. Perimenopause is not a disease; it is a healthy and natural part of a woman's life. Perimenopause lasts anywhere from two to ten years before complete cessation of menstruation. Its average duration is six years, and usually appears in women from 35-50 years of age. 
The manifestations of perimenopause can vary greatly. The “classic” pattern for women approaching menopause is for cycles to get farther apart. The change in cycle length is due to the fact that ovulation no longer occurs every month; thus, subtle changes in hormone levels and hormone balance occur. As estrogen begins to decline, other symptoms may appear, such as hot flashes, night sweats, emotional lability (the “cry at the drop of a hat” feeling), and short term memory loss. Every woman experiences this transition in her own way. Though these erratic changes aren't really “normal,” they are so common during perimenopause that they are thought of as normal. Following are some of the most commonly reported symptoms of perimenopause.
  • Menstrual cycles become shorter, longer, or unpredictable
  • Flow becomes heavier or lighter
  • Fatigue several days before menstruation
  • Weight gain (primarily in the abdominal area)
  • Sore, lumpy breasts
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Hot flashes (changing thermostat), night sweats, chills
  • Irritable and moody, inability to tolerate frustration
  • Inability to concentrate, confusion, short term memory loss
  • Low self esteem
There are many similarities between the perimenopause period and the menopause event. However, a woman going through perimenopause still has menstrual periods, although usually not following her normal pattern. A woman who is considered to have reached menopause has not had a menstrual period for one full year.1 During perimenopause, there is great fluctuation of hormone levels.8 By the time a woman's menstrual periods have completely stopped, the hormone levels have changed but have stabilized.10 A key ingredient in AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula is chaste berry extract to support healthy hormone levels.  
There are supportive options available to the perimenopause woman during this stage of life. AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula, combined with a diet rich in vegetables and fiber and an exercise program, can help a woman cope with the changes in her body as she transitions to menopause.  
FAM Formula 
The AM formula is designed with ingredients that provide daytime support of energy and healthy hormone levels, and relieve symptoms such as hot flashes.  
Black Cohosh 
Black cohosh has long been used to support female health, and continues to be widely used to relieve the symptoms of perimenopause. Black cohosh has been shown to be effective in relieving daytime hot flashes and night time sweats. About 75% of women experience mild or moderate hot flashes while 15% will have severe hot flashes. These hot flashes can lead to embarrassing situations, physical discomfort and psychological stress. Night sweats may lead to interrupted sleep; lack of sleep can cause daytime moodiness and irritability. In clinical trials, the occurrence of hot flashes while taking black cohosh decreased from an average of 4.9 per day down to an average of less than one per day. Additional research studies have also shown black cohosh's effectiveness on the many perimenopausal symptoms in addition to hot flashes and night sweats.  
Because of the effectiveness in relieving perimenopausal symptoms such as irritability and mood swings, black cohosh was originally believed to have a hormonal-like action. Though the exact mechanism of action has not been clearly defined, recent studies have found black cohosh to have no estrogenic action. It is now theorized that the action of black cohosh is a more central, dopaminergic like action. This theory postulates a link between serotonin receptors and the hypothalmus. Results of clinical studies suggest that adverse effects from Black Cohosh are mild and infrequent.  
Green Tea 
Green tea has long been known for its positive effect on energy. It has also been suggested that green tea has thermogenic effects, which have proven helpful in controlling body weight, a concern of the perimenopausal woman. Green tea is well established as a potent source of antioxidants. Green tea contains the antioxidant known as epigallocatechins – gallate (EGCG). Recent studies have shown that EGCG promotes the growth of healthy cells. Studies additionally have specifically shown green tea supports healthy breast tissue. The exact mechanism is unknown, but theories include acting as an antioxidant and inhibiting enzymes involved in cell replication and DNA synthesis, by interfering with cell-to-cell adhesion, or by inhibiting some of the intracellular communication pathways required for cell division.  
Chaste Tree Berry 
Chaste tree berry, although it contains no hormones, supports healthy progesterone levels. Research has found that this effect is due to chaste tree's stimulation of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland secretes luteinizing hormones, which in turn signal the ovaries to produce more progesterone. A balance between estrogen and progesterone relieves the symptoms of estrogen dominance. In clinical trials, no significant adverse effects were associated with the use of this herb. In a survey of perimenopausal women using chaste tree berry extract, 94% rated the beneficial effect as good or very good.  
Rhodiola is native to mountainous regions and has long been used as a healing herb. Its most well known uses are to help combat fatigue and restore energy. Notably, rhodiola is well documented as an adaptogen (an endurance enhancer). In this capacity it helps the body stay healthy and perform at its best despite physical exhaustion or environmental stressors. Preliminary research indicates that rhodiola's benefits occur through influencing key chemicals in the central nervous system. It is believed that rhodiola affects neurotransmitters in multiple neuronal pathways. Still other studies show rhodiola benefits learning capacity, memory enhancement and increased capacity for work and endurance. The level of mental fatigue (short term memory, associative disorder, and audio-visual perception) was much reduced after supplementation with a rhodiola supplement compared to the placebo group in a double blind study.  
PM Formula 
The PM formula is designed with ingredients to support a relaxed state that allows restful sleep while not causing morning grogginess.  
Valerian is a key ingredient in the PM formula, which targets the need for good quality sleep while going though this “change of life” transition. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) has been reported to have sleep inducing and calming effects in laboratory studies and clinical trials. A placebo-controlled, crossover trial of 128 volunteers reported 400 mg of valerian extract at bedtime led to improved sleep quality, decreased sleep latency, and reduced the number of night awakenings. Two other clinical studies using 400-900 mg valerian before bedtime also demonstrated improved sleep quality. In a double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled trial, subjective sleep latency and wake time after sleep-onset were reduced by more than half after a 900 mg dose, with a smaller effect after 450 mg. One electroencephalographical (EEG) study reported 135 mg of aqueous, dried extract of valerian, taken three times daily, improved delta sleep and decreased stage 1 sleep.  
In general, clinical studies with valerian extracts suggest that the mild sleep-inducing effect of valerian decreases sleeps latency and improves sleep quality. Research has shown a subjective improvement in the sleep experience when taken nightly over one to two week periods.  
Hops flowers have long been successfully used for their soothing and calming effect. Although it has a long history of use for gastrointestinal support, recent interest has focused on the ability of hops to support restful sleep. Key constituents of hops include a volatile oil, valerianic acid, phytoestrogenic substances, tannins, and flavonoids. Hops have been demonstrated to induce sleep.  
L-theanine is considered a unique amino acid that is found in tea plants and thought to contribute to the “exotic” taste of green tea. Research has shown that in addition to its flavor properties, L-theanine also has a relaxing effect. L-theanine does not contain caffeine and actually acts antagonistically on the side effects of caffeine. It is believed that after being absorbed in the large intestine, it stimulates the generation of alpha waves in the brain. Alpha waves are associated with a calm and relaxed state. L-Theanine reduces stress, promotes relaxation without drowsiness, eases nervousness due to common every day overwork and fatigue, and reduces nervous irritability.  
Many women begin to experience changes in menstrual periods beginning in their late thirties to early forties. This is the start of perimenopause, the variable amount of time transitioning to menopause, the complete loss of ovarian hormone function. During perimenopause, ovulation may become sporadic as hormone levels fluctuate. Some women may begin to skip periods or have heavier flow. More pre-menstrual type symptoms, especially mood swings, can occur. Developing a plan for this transition that includes prevention of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, and lifestyle modification with early intervention of symptoms, is critical in maintaining overall health and quality of life for the perimenopause woman. 
AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula is a unique blend of herbs specifically formatted to support a woman as she experiences the symptoms that indicate she has begun the “change of life.” This is not a time to be embarrassed or uncomfortable asking for help. AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula allows a woman to have control over her own “change of life” journey.
How do I know which formula (AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula or AM/PM Menopause Formula) is best for me? 
Your age and the symptoms you are experiencing can help you determine which AM/PM Formula is best for you. While most women between the ages of 35 and 45 are not in menopause (they’re still menstruating) something is definitely going on hormonally and it may show up in several distressing symptoms, including:
  • Heavier or longer menstrual periods
  • Increased menstrual cramps
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Irritability and shifting moods
  • Foggy thinking
  • Occasional sleeplessness
These symptoms all point to perimenopause, a period in women’s lives defined by fluctuating hormones. The answer to these symptoms is AM/PM Perimenopause Formula, containing black cohosh, green tea, chaste tree berry, and Rhodiola in the morning tablet, and black cohosh, valerian, and hops for proven evening symptom reduction. 
Most women enter menopause when they reach their mid to late forties or early fifties. As menopause signals the end of a woman’s fertility, her ovaries slowly stop producing estrogen and progesterone, her periods become less frequent and more irregular, and finally stop about 3 to 5 years later. Women in menopause may experience intense hot flashes, wild mood swings, and disruptive night sweats. And they often feel rundown and fatigued during the day. AM/PM Menopause Formula contains black cohosh, ginseng, and green tea in the morning (AM) tablet and black cohosh, valerian, hops, and the amino acid L-theanine in the tablet taken in the evening.
AM/PM PeriMenopause Formula is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.