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The Magic Pill - 180 Vegan caps , (The Magic Pill)
The Magic Pill - 180 Vegan caps , (The Magic Pill)
The Magic Pill - 180 Vegan caps , (The Magic Pill)
The Magic Pill -
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The Magic Pill - 180 Vegan caps, (The Magic Pill)

Today, we are living longer than ever, but are we living better than ever? The truth is we are living with more disease than at any other time recorded in human history. Today, there are abnormal cell growths that did not exist 100 years ago. Today, heart disease is affecting more people than ever. Today, more people than ever are using nursing homes, assisted care, hospice facilities and in home nursing care. We have succeeded in increasing our life spans, but we have failed in improving or even maintaining our quality of living. 
Most of us do not envision spending our retirement years living on a respirator. We all want to live healthy, active and independent lives, so we can have the ability to enjoy our time with our loved ones. But these wishes cannot become reality unless we learn to recognize how toxicity negatively affects our bodies. If we do not learn to recognize these negative affects, our quality of life will continue to diminish as we move closer to our golden years. 
We must understand that the world is in an extremely overpopulated state and the demand on our food, water and air supplies is increasing while the supply is being exhausted.  
Today, the food we eat is over processed and has negligible nutritional values compared to the nutritional value years ago. Also, food contains record amounts of chemicals, excessive unnatural fats and sugars that the body cannot process properly.  
The famous adage, “You are what you eat” has never been more important than today. Food used to be fresher, untainted and more natural. Not so long ago, the local milkman delivered milk early every morning because the milk was fresh and unprocessed; therefore, its shelf life was very short. Today, our milk is sterilized, hormone filled, irradiated, pasteurized and homogenized in order to meet production requirements. Also, years ago, most families would eat well rounded meals that were freshly prepared and cooked. Now, with hectic lifestyles, the processed packaged foods we consume are bursting with hormones, artificial preservatives and chemical food additives. “They say” these accumulations are safe in small quantities, but in time these small quantities can build up and become toxic, leaving our bodies with the challenge of fighting off foreign, man-made additives in our food. Over time, the accumulation of these toxins is over-burdening the body’s natural defenses. This accumulation of toxins can cause the development of illness. Many people attribute this to the aging process, and do not consider the accumulation of toxins ingested from processed foods, pesticides, hormones and artificial chemicals. 
Today, food grown from our land has a level of toxicity because of artificial chemicals and fertilizers. Due to the extreme demand for food, our soil is being exhausted and under rotated, which has led to a depletion of important nutrients essential for healthy living. Many years ago, cow manure was used to fertilize our nutrient laden land, and goats were used to eat weeds in the fields. The use of chemical fertilizer additives and toxic pesticides were not needed. Also, years ago, cattle, pigs and chickens ate natural foods and roamed freely, living without stress, and they grew normal prior to being farmed for consumption. Today, because of high demands on the food supply and competitive industries, these animals are held in extremely small cages to prevent any activity, exercise or movement. These animals eliminate waste in the same area they eat. Instead of their traditional grass or grain diet, they become more obese and eat unnatural foods that contain little or no nutrients. They are also injected with growth hormones to produce fast growth in limited time and exposed to antibiotics due to the confinement and stressful conditions. Due to this stressful environment, large amounts of harmful cortisol hormones are produced by the animal, which we can also later consume.  
In addition to our contaminated food supply, over the years, our water supply to some extent has been contaminated. Many people have changed their drinking habits from tap water to bottled. The record sales of spring water, water filters, and purifiers in this country have increased dramatically. Our local water contains chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride. Also, it has also been reported that we consume mercury and chemical by-products from industrial plants that seep and run off into our rivers and lakes.  
The problem is not just limited to the food we eat, the water we drink or even the poor quality of the air we breathe. Our skin, which is the largest organ in our body, is a permeable organ, which absorbs impurities from the water every time you take a shower. The exposure to toxins and chemicals from all around us is never ending. Even with the purist diet, eating all organic foods, there is still little chance of escaping the constant and unnatural daily bombardment of toxins. Clearly, we are dying from disease because of an over abundance of chemicals we ingest from our food, water and other sources that require processing and sanitizing.  
Today in the health food industry it is widely excepted that vibrant health and energy begins with properly balancing the body's pH levels. It is critically important to understand how health and disease can be determined by the degree of alkalinity or acidity in the body's tissue and fluids. The more toxcity we put into our body the more acidicd it becomes which places our system out of pH balance. This can create an envoriment for sickness and disease. 
In order to reduce the toxicity in our body which can reduce acidity, a few simple lifestyle changes need to be implemented. First, consume as little processed foods as possible. Always read labels. The longer the ingredient list the less natural the product. Avoid foods with chemical additives, pesticides, hormones, hydrogenated oil and any form of processed foods. Second, start eating organic meats, fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Organic foods are far more nutritious and free of toxic pesticides and hormones. Today organic food markets are virtually in every city and your health is worth the slight extra cost. 
Third, always avoid fast foods, which may be the hardest thing to do since most of us lead hectic lifestyles. “A young man will sacrifice his health to gain wealth, an old man will spend all his wealth to regain his health.” Give that statement some thought before you rush off to work tomorrow and stop for a quick fast food meal.  
Furthermore, to alkalize the body, it is imperative to be positive and prevent negative thoughts from creating stress. This negative stress will cause the body to turn acidic. Stress unfortunately is the domestic terrorist from within ourselves and must be minimized. After incorporating these simple lifestyle changes into your daily routine the last item needed to bring it all together and maximize your good health potential is supplementing your diet with the “THE MAGIC PILL®.”  
Finally, after over a decade of research and development, “THE MAGIC PILL®” has arrived. “THE MAGIC PILL®” is the most powerful nutrient dense detoxifying product that has ever been developed. We now have a defense to combat the everyday battle against free radicals, immune system deficiencies and to help prevent disease, toxin build up and malnutrition. The organic and natural nutrients in “THE MAGIC PILL®” were designed to give the body the ability to detoxify itself and eliminate the unnatural chemicals built up in our systems. With regular use of “THE MAGIC PILL®” beneficial bacteria are increased, bad bacteria are eliminated and free radicals are destroyed. Organs are strengthened and the immune system is dramatically increased to deliver a fatal blow to disease. Our bodies are also introduced to nutrients that could not be found presently in the correct quantities needed due to the depletion of minerals in our food supply. This allows our bodies to thrive, recover and regain good health. When our bodies are free of toxins, the body becomes balanced.  
A balanced body that is supplied with the right nutrients has the amazing ability to heal, strengthen and prevent disease so we can enjoy a long, vigorous healthy lifestyle.  
On going clinical studies are showing that people who have taken “THE MAGIC PILL®” have noticed benefits that include:
  • strengthened immune system.
  • elevated moods and emotional balance
  • increase energy, strength and sexual desire
  • improved sleep patterns
  • general productivity
  • better circulation
  • improved memoy
Also, with regular use of “THE MAGIC PILL®” you may experience the following benefits:
  • decreased free radical damabe and increased longevity
  • detoxification of organs and balanced body PH
  • increased immunity from illness
  • improved insuling sensitivity
  • normalized blood pressure
  • improved cholesterol levels
  • enhanced healing and decreased pain
Athletes may think they do not need a product like “THE MAGIC PILL®.” However, the fewer toxins in athletes’ bodies the higher level of performance they will notice. By seriously detoxifying the body, athletes will be able to recuperate at a much higher rate. This rapid recuperation will be seen in the form of more strength, muscle size, flexibility and a faster recovery from injuries. 
Unlike many other nutritional supplements, “THE MAGIC PILL®” is formulated with a very specific ratio of nutrients that work synergistically with the body, so that the body may absorb the nutrients more effectively. 
Today, there are countless nutritional products on the market. There are an overwhelming abundance of vitamins, herbs, super greens and detoxifying combinations. The average consumer is confused as to which supplements to purchase. The manufacturers of these products do little to simplify the choice. They try to surpass each other by adding more of the trendiest herbs or vitamins.  
These manufacturers do not place much thought on how these nutrients complement each other. More of this and less of that does not make one product better then another unless the product is formulated in a precise form where the body can utilize the nutrients properly. This problem of inadequate nutritional supplements led the scientists who formulated “THE MAGIC PILL®” to create this product. “THE MAGIC PILL®” is the most unique nutritional product on the market. The formulation uses very specific nutrients in exact ratios that work synergistically, so your body can absorb the nutrients effectively. "THE MAGIC PILL®" takes the guesswork out of what nutritional product you need. Using "THE MAGIC PILL®" saves money by replacing the need for a closet full of supplements and herbs. If you were to take any single nutritional product on the market today, you cannot make a better choice than using "THE MAGIC PILL®" This product took yeats of research and development to perfect, and with daily use, we are sure you will agree it is a product that has no equal. 
"THE MAGIC PILL®" will heavy-handedly deal with toxins produced from the environment, food, drugs, water, etc., but not your mind. In order for "THE MAGIC PILL®" to create its absolute most positive effects, please understand your thoughts can make you sick. "THE MAGIC PILL®" can make you feel healthier and more energized, but you and only you can change your life and bring tranquility back into your thoughts. 
You need to take charge of your life and your health before sickness destroys your happiness. Please get yourself educated on this matter. Read everything that you can on toxins and how to avoid them and supplement your diet with “THE MAGIC PILL®”
As the ultimate dietary supplement, take 6 capsules per day on an empty stomach, in equally divided doses (3 capsules 2 times per day) for the first 3 months. After 3 months, take 3 capsules daily.
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Retail Price: $49.99
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The Magic Pill - 180 Vegan caps, (The Magic Pill)

Brown Rice Bran: Helps to reverse Atherosclerosis. Alleviates constipation. Inhibits the formation of kidney stones. Reduces the incident of colon cancer and prolongs survival in colon cancer patients. Inhibits the absorption of dietary cholesterol.  
Wheat Grass Juice Powder: Alleviates Anemia and some types of heart disease. Lowers blood pressure in hypertension patients. Improves the health of the digestive system. Functions as a tonic for the kidneys. Prevents some cases of cancer by preventing the metabolic activation of many carcinogens. Possesses antioxidant properties due to chlorophyll content. Facilitates the detoxification of the liver. 
Barley Grass Juice Powder: Helps to prevent Atherosclerosis due to antioxidant actions. Protects the body’s endogenous DNA from mutations during the meiotic division phase of cell division. Accelerates the healing of Colitis by facilitating the healing of tissue in the colon and reduces associates inflammation. Suppresses some types of viruses, functions as an antioxidant, lowers total serum cholesterol levels and increases stamina. In large doses alleviates Eczema. Helps to break down residues of pesticides into non-toxic compounds. 
Chlorella: Some studies suggest that Chlorella may be useful for lowering blood pressure in hypertension patients. Alleviates the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis. Helps to prevent some bacterial and viral diseases due to its ability to stimulate the production of Interferon’s. Helps to prevent the common cold and influenza. Prolongs the survival time in cancer patients by boosting the immune response, not by directly killing cancer cells. In the same manner prolongs survival time in Leukemia patients. Decreases the pain associated with Fibromyalgia and improves the “quality of life” in these patients. In larger does facilitates the removal of accumulated lead and mercury from the body. 
Parsley Leaf Powder: Improves the function of the digestive system by increasing blood circulation to the digestive tract, thereby increasing the absorption of nutrients. Alleviates flatulence, indigestion and halitosis. Stimulates the appetite by increasing blood flow to the digestive tract. Improves the function of the kidneys and helps to prevent kidney stones. Helps to prevent age-related macular degeneration due to the lutein and zeaxanthin content. Improves the condition of and promotes the growth of hair. Helps prevent some forms of cancer (due to its Histamine content) and is also claimed to decrease the carcinogenic risks associated with the consumption of fried foods.  
Kale Juice Powder: Helps to prevent age-related macular degeneration due to its high content of lutein and zeaxanthin. Helps to prevent the development of cataracts and the further progression. Helps to prevent several forms of cancer due to its Sulforaphane content. 
Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillius Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnonsus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus: Are strains of beneficial bacteria that resides in the digestive tract. 
Grape Seed Extract: May retard the progression of the aging process due to the powerful antioxidant properties. 
There are numerous other health benefits of grape seed extract supplementation including: 
*Increase the strength of the capillaries; helps to lower blood pressure; alleviates varicose veins and hemorrhoids by inhibiting the destruction of collagen in the walls of the veins; helps to prevent the mutations that underlies some forms of cancer cells; inhibits the oxidation of LDL cholesterol; helps prevent bruising; maintains the integrity of the skin’s collagen and elastin which helps to prevent some aspects of skin aging; protects healthy cells from the toxic effects of the excessive generation of free radicals that occur as a result of anti-cancer therapy (chemotherapy); inhibits the damage to liver cells (hepatocytes) that occurs as a result of Paracetamol overdose. 
CoQ10: The health benefits of CoQ10 supplementation are very extensive also; retards various aspects of the aging process and possesses life extension potential; improves blood circulation, alleviates congestive heart failure and improves many aspects of the heart function including lowering blood pressure; alleviates allergies; 
Boosts immune system chemicals (cytokines) that attack cancer cells and increases the body’s resistance to viruses; functions as a very powerful antioxidant; improves athletic performance by increasing the body’s production of energy via ATP; lowers total serum cholesterol levels; increases energy and endurance levels; CoQ10 is beneficial to all systems in the human body including; cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, musculoskeletal, respiratory, sexual, and nervous and immune systems.  
Milk Thistle: Possesses antioxidant properties and strengthens the body’s cell membranes. It stimulates the regeneration of the kidneys and protects the kidneys from the toxic effects of many poisons. Research has shown it can be effective in the treatment of breast, ovarian, prostate and squamous cell carcinoma cancers. 
Milk thistle increases HDL cholesterol and accelerates the removal of LDL cholesterol by the liver. Stimulates the regeneration of the liver and also protects the liver from the toxic effect of many poisons.  
Lycopene: possesses powerful antioxidant properties and quenches singlet oxygen free radicals two times more effectively than beta-carotene and 100 times more effectively than vitamin E. Lycopene may help to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease according to epidemiological evidence that indicate that people who consume high levels of lycopene have a lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. It also improves the function of the lungs and helps to prevent exercise-induced asthma.  
Alpha Lipoic Acid: Retards some aspects of the aging process. Lowers blood pressure in hypertension patients. Helps prevent free radical damage to cell membranes. It stimulates the immune system, reduces inflammation and may help to prevent certain types of cancer. Lipoic acid increases muscle energy levels and aids in recovery from exercise. It also reduces insulin resistance in larger dosage and improves the body’s utilization of glucose within the muscles and increases the body’s production of ATP.  
Quercetin: is a type of flavonol bioflavonoid and potent antioxidant that again has many health benefits. It can protect against cardiovascular disease, stabilizes cell membranes, helps prevents cataracts, and has demonstrated significant anti tumor activity against various forms of cancer. It furthermore reduces inflammation and prevents many infections caused by viruses, lowers total serum cholesterol levels and alleviates asthma due to its anti-inflammatory properties.  
Dandelion Powder: purifies the blood by straining and filtering toxins and wastes from the bloodstream as it improves circulation and helps to regulate blood sugar. 
Bee Pollen: is under investigation for its life extension potential in humans. It is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, improves the immune system and the body’s ability to fight cancer. Athletic performance is claimed to be improved in its ability to alleviate fatigue has been observed. It helps to protect the liver from the damage caused by exposure to many toxins.  
Flax Seed Powder: improves digestion and can alleviate constipation as it can also alleviate disorders of the colon. May retard the progression of hair loss, strengthen the bones, teeth and nails and improve the health of the skin. Flax seeds inhibit the development of some forms of cancer. Helps stabilize blood sugar levels and in large doses can lower total serum cholesterol levels. 
Lecithin: is a commercially produced combination of Phospholipids and fatty acids usually extracted from soybeans. It reduces some of the observed deficiencies in the lung tissue that are caused by tobacco smoking. In larger doses it can benefit the cardiovascular system by lowering total cholesterol, lowering triglycerides, lowering LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol.  
Green Tea: Retards the aging process in the skin due to the EGCG content. Improves the cardiovascular system and helps prevent abnormal blood clotting, can lower blood pressure in hypertension patients and helps to prevent strokes. It also protects the cell membranes of red blood cells from the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Green tea enhances the function of the kidneys and promotes the production of urine. It has also been reported to help prevent and treat some forms of cancer due to the tea polyphenols and gallocatechins. The immune system can also be strengthened and the reproduction of many types of viruses could be inhibited. Possesses potent antioxidant properties up to 20 times stronger than vitamin E. Green tea enhances the function of the liver and helps to prevent liver damage.  
Astragalus: is a perennial herb that is native to Mongolia and Northern China, it is one of the principle herbs used in Chinese medicine. Stimulates the immune system and processes strong immune-restorative effects. Improves overall health of the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. Inhibits many types of detrimental bacterial and inhibits many viruses. Increases the production and function of white blood cells and increases the activity of Helper T-Cells. Possesses antioxidant properties and scavenges Hydroxyl and Superoxide free radicals. Improves athletic performance, increases Basal Metabolic Rate and  
alleviates Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Improves the function of the adrenal glands, improves memory and learning ability and may improve quality of sleep and overall ability to tolerate stress.  
Royal Jelly: helps stimulate the production of antibodies and suppresses gram-positive types of detrimental bacterial due to its Royalisin content. Strengthens immune system and enhances the function of the lymph nodes as it stimulates the production of lymphocytes. In large doses lowers total serum cholesterol levels and lowers total serum triglycerides.
The Magic Pill - 180 Vegan caps, (The Magic Pill)

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The Magic Pill - 180 Vegan caps, (The Magic Pill)

Case Studies
“I have taken many supplements over the years but I really like THE MAGIC PILL because many of the products I was buying are in it and I don’t have to buy so many bottles to keep myself healthy”.  
Jeannie D. Orlando Florida 
“My friend referred me to take THE MAGIC PILL for my general health and for cleansing of toxins. Before I started taking it I weighted 175 lbs after 1 month of taking THE MAGIC PILL I noticed I went down to 164 lbs and did not change anything else in my diet. I called the company I bought it from and I was happy to find out that with all the ingredients in THE MAGIC PILL and from detoxifying my body went through that THE MAGIC PILL could have been responsible for my weight loss.!!! What an unexpected and pleasant experience that was!!!!! And I feel great besides!!!! Thank you for such a fantastic product”.  
Karen M. Palm Bay Florida 
“Cool name. Great product. I will continue taking THE MAGIC PILL as long as I can”. 
Bill T. Grayson Ga 
“I heard through a friend about THE MAGIC PILL and noticed it was locally distributed.I started taking it about 6 months ago and I can honestly say at the age of 63, I never felt better. I sleep less than I used to and feel better and have more energy throughout the day. I now have my wife take it every day also and she likes it very much also. I have even told a few of my golf buddies about it. We could use all the help we can get!!! And I will keep spreading the word about a great product.” 
Jim E. Melbourne Florida 
“There are so many products for your health these days it gets confusing what I really need to take. My friend told me about a product called THE MAGIC PILL. At first I laughed, because I never heard of “a magic pill”. But after I read about it on the Internet, it sounded really good and just what I was looking for without having to buy a bunch of different products. Since I have been taking THE MAGIC PILL I am a believer now. I feel better than ever and I wish I found a product like this sooner. Thanks for my good health and a great product.” 
Lenny N. Indialantic FL
The Magic Pill - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.