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EndurMax + VitaLife 3 - Ejaculation Control, 60 + 60 tabs , (Naturalife)
EndurMax + VitaLife 3 - Ejaculation Control, 60 + 60 tabs , (Naturalife)
EndurMax + VitaLife 3 - Ejaculation Control, 60 + 60 tabs , (Naturalife)
Product Code:discontinued

EndurMax + VitaLife 3 - Ejaculation Control, 60 + 60 tabs, (Naturalife)

Discontinued -

Thermal imaging proves it works
These thermal images of patients are used to measure the metabolic activity of cells and nerves. Low activity will be in blue, showing very little chemical conversion and stimulation. High activity will have a brighter and redder image, revealing the heat that is given off from the chemical and metabolic reactions between cells and nerve tissues.

Stage 1: Without Endurmax
This patient has a very difficult time controlling and delaying ejaculation. From this diagram, you can see that the cellular activity around the groin area, the lower back, and the region between the two are low and insignificant. The organs of the body also have a low metabolic rate.
Stage 2: After 10 days of taking EndurMax
As you can see, the blood flow and cellular activity (shown in red) of the body has increased, especially to the genital area and the sexual nerves leading from the lower back to the penis � which are responsible for ejaculation control. The patient now experiences fuller erections and ejaculation control has improved.
Stage 3: After 20 days of taking EndurMax
Cellular metabolism has significantly increased throughout the whole body (shown in red). The hormones to sustain a firm erection and control ejaculation are finally flowing to the sexual organs and nerves.

Stage 4: After 30 days of taking EndurMax
Blood flow and cellular metabolism is now almost back to normal. The sexual nerves leading from the lower back to the genitals have been repaired. The organs of the body have been rejuvenated to provide more nutrients and hormones to the body. The patient’s ability to control and delay ejaculation have dramatically improved.

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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $124.00
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EndurMax + VitaLife 3 - Ejaculation Control, 60 + 60 tabs, (Naturalife)

Discontinued -
EndurMax + VitaLife 3 - Ejaculation Control, 60 + 60 tabs, (Naturalife)

Editor's rating: 9 out of 10
User's rating: 50% 50%


Weakened and poorly active sexual nerves are responsible for issues of premature ejaculation and the common related cause of leaking seminal fluids. EndurMax and VitaLife 3 were designed with this in mind, to cure the root causes of these problems � not just the symptoms. Exotic herbs are carefully combined to produce several healing abilities.  
Thermal imaging, a recent tool in the research of sexual dysfunctions, shows just how the herbs stimulate the body’s own production of nutrients and hormones, while more efficiently relaying the brain’s electrical impulses throughout the body. This is something most prescribed medicine can does not address. Plus, herbs don’t have the negative side effects that often come with medication. Natural remedies are always a healthier solution.


GuyWith PE  "Don't buy"
Did not work at all.

Anonymous  "Experience results within 10 days"
Ejaculation was easier

Johnny  "No Go!"
sorry did not work for me! Tried it for 1 month

Viper  "its good"
EndurMax + VitaLife 3 - Ejaculation Control, 60 + 60 tabs, (Naturalife)

How It Works
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Discontinued -
Case Studies

Without EndurMax

After 10 days of taking EndurMax

After 20 days of taking EndurMax

After 30 days of taking EndurMax
How Do I Allow the Full Effects of EndurMax Heal My Body?
I am taking EndurMax for my premature ejaculation problem and the result is very satisfactory. My question is, while I am taking it, should I stop/prevent any sexual activity� go to this case study
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