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Fertility Monitor - Helps Reduce the Time it Takes to Conceive Your Baby , (Clearblue Easy)
Fertility Monitor - Helps Reduce the Time it Takes to Conceive Your Baby , (Clearblue Easy)
Fertility Monitor - Helps Reduce the Time it Takes to Conceive Your Baby , (Clearblue Easy)
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Fertility Monitor - Helps Reduce the Time it Takes to Conceive Your Baby, (Clearblue Easy)

The most advanced method to maximize your chances of gettng pregnant. 
Our Fertility Monitor reliably indicates the days of your cycle when you are most likely to conceive - the days closet to when the egg is release from your ovary (ovulation). 
Most home ovulation and fertility test identify the 2 best days to get pregnant during a women's cycle by detecting the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that triggers ovulation. The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor not only shows these 2 Peak Fertility days, but also identifies additional fertile days when you can conceive. By detecting a rise in estrogen, The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor can inform most women of an extra 1-5 days of High Fertility prior to their Peak Fertility days. This mean that you know all the days on which having intercourse is most likely to lead to conception.
  • More accurately identifies a greater number of fertile days than any other method. Typically identifies up to 6 fertile days each cycle.
  • Is the Only Monitor to detect two key fertility hormones.
  • Stores your personal fertility information and displays your level of fertility every day.
  • Is simple and easy to use.
  • Is a 100% natural, non-invasive way to increase your chances of conceiving.
  • Last for years, to help you plan for future pregnancies as well.
  • The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor includess the Monitor and easy-to-follow instructions.


On the first day of your period, turn the Monitor on and set the 'm' button to Day 1 to start tracking day one of your personal monthly cycle. 
The Fertility Status bar will appear on the screen to indicate that your fertility is presently at a Low level, which is normal at the start of a cycle. 
The Display Screen changes each day to tell you which day of your cycle you are on. 
On mornings when testing is required, the Monitor will display the "Insert a Test Stick" symbol (the monitor will asky you for a test every day for 10 or 20 days depending on your cycle length.) 
Using your first urine of the day, hold the Test Stick in your urine stream for 3 seconds. Put on the cap and then insert the Test Stick into the "Test Stick" slot on your Monitor. 
A Test Stick symbol will flash on the display for 5 minutes as the Monitor reads and interprets the information from your Test Stick. After 5 minutes, remove the test stick and discard. Each daily test helps the monitor track your personal fertility profile. 
Throughout your cycle, your fertility status will be clearly displayed. 
High Fertility is indicated by two bars. Peak Fertility is indicated by three bars and the "Egg" symbol 
For the greatest chance of conception, have intercourse at least during both the High and Peak fertility time of your cycle. 
If your cycles are regular, a few days before your next period is due, the "m" Symbol will appear to indicate that you are approaching the end of your cycle. 
When your period starts, set your Monitor for the next cycle. 
If the 'm' Symbol flashes for several days and you think that your period is late, then you may have conceived.
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Retail Price: $199.00
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Fertility Monitor - Helps Reduce the Time it Takes to Conceive Your Baby, (Clearblue Easy)

Fertility Monitor - Helps Reduce the Time it Takes to Conceive Your Baby, (Clearblue Easy)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Anonymous  "Worth it"
Don't be put off by the cost of this! I have irregular periods and trying to pinpoint the right week to test with the disposable ovulation test kits was tricky at best. Otherwise I was purchasing 2 each month. After spending half a fortune, I decided to try this product. It completely took the guesswork out of it AND I was pregnant the first month using it. I highly recommend this product if like me, you have irregular cycles.

Anonymous  "Very Easy to Use"
This was our first month using the monitor. It's very easy to use. The directions are clear. I used the "dip" method to test my urine, because it was more precise and I could have a clock in front of me to time exactly 15 seconds. My husband and I made a baby-making "attempt" each "high" day and both "peak" days. It worked for us, and we were seriously considering IVF because nothing else worked. I'm so glad we got this monitor!!!

Lisa  "Great machine"
EXCELLENT!!! I tried for six months before getting this machine. Amazing, I got pregnant the second try. I have highly recommended it to my friends and am going to start using it again soon for child number two.
Fertility Monitor - Helps Reduce the Time it Takes to Conceive Your Baby, (Clearblue Easy)


How accurate is the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor? 
The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor has been shown in laboratory testing to be 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge in cycles in which an LH surge had also been identified by a reference method. Most women will have 1-5 days advanced notice of their Peak Fertility, during which time High Fertility will be displayed. 
I've been using basal body temperature and home ovulation tests. Does the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor replace these? 
The basal body temperature method only tells you that you're in the fertile zone after ovulation has occurred. This is too late to take advantage of all your fertile days, including those that come before you ovulate. The advantage of the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor is that, unlike the basal body temperature method, it predicts ovulation before it happens. The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor does so by not only detecting the LH surge which precedes ovulation by 24-36 hours, thus identifying your 2 most Peak Fertility days of each cycle, but also gives you notice of additional days of High Fertility. The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor also counts your days for you, telling you which days to test, interpreting the results, and displaying your fertility levels every day to give you a personalized understanding of your cycle pattern. 
How effective will the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor be for me? 
The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor can detect Peak Fertility in cycles of 21 to 42 days in length. If you have intercourse during High and Peak Fertility it can help you maximize your chances of conceiving your baby. It is important, however, to remember that there are no products available that can guarantee success in achieving pregnancy. 
Will oral contraceptives affect the result? 
After using the pill (or emergency contraception), your cycle can be irregular and may take some time to stabilize. You may wish to wait until you have had at least two natural menstrual cycles in a row each lasting 21-42 days before using the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. 
What conditions or medication could interfere with my test result? 
Always read the manufacturers instructions for any medication you are taking before using the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. Most medications (e.g. simple pain killers and cold remedies) should not affect the way the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor works. However, certain medical conditions and medications can adversely affect the performance of the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor. Refer to the instruction booklet provided with the Monitor for further information. If you still have questions, please speak to your doctor. 
Please Note: We recommend that you consult your doctor if you are taking any medication before you try to conceive. 
What should I do if I pressed the m Button by mistake? 
Don't worry, you can cancel it. In fact, to get an accurate reading, if you set the m Button on the wrong day, you must cancel it. To cancel, press the m Button for 5 seconds until the 'm' symbol disappears. When the m Button is released, the Display Screen will return to its original state. 
What if I am unable, or forget to set the m Button on day 1 of my cycle? 
If you are on day 2, 3, 4 or realize your mistake before your chosen m Button setting time on day 5 of your cycle, simply hold the m Button down at your chosen m Button setting time, and release it when the correct day number is shown on the display. The Monitor will then work correctly. You can also do this to set a different Testing Window during days 2 to 5 of your cycle, if the Testing Window set on day 1 is inconvenient. If you are not able to set the m Button during the first 5 days of your cycle, you should wait until your next cycle starts to set the m Button. 
The m Button setting time is important. Please refer to instruction booklet provided with the Monitor for further information. 
My period starts during the day and I have to wait until the next morning before setting the m Button should I set it as day 1 or day 2? 
You should set it as day 1. You must always set the m Button the morning after your period begins. The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor understands this as day 1. 
Can I use more Test Sticks if I want to? 
How do I know if I've inserted the test correctly? Do I ever need to try again? 
My Monitor did not display a Peak Fertility Symbol this cycle. What does this mean? 
There may be a small percentage of cycles in which you do not see Peak Fertility Status. There are a number of possible reasons for this, for example, a test may have been missed or performed incorrectly or you may not have ovulated this cycle. An unusually short or long cycle may result in Peak Fertility not being detected. If Peak Fertility is not detected, the Monitor may show High Fertility for an extended period of time. This may be as long as 19 days. If this occurs, it is unlikely that you will be fertile during this entire time. If you do not see Peak Fertility over a number of cycles, speak to your doctor. 
My Monitor displayed Low Fertility during all of my last cycle. What does this mean? 
During the course of this cycle, the Monitor did not detect a change in the hormones that control your fertility. You may not have ovulated during this cycle or the Low Fertility reading may be due to a missed test, or a test being performed incorrectly. If your fertility status stays low over a number of cycles, consult your doctor. 
My Monitor changed straight from Low to Peak Fertility this cycle. What does this mean? 
This may happen occasionally, for example when a rise in estrogen is detected on the same day as your LH surge or if the Monitor does not detect a change in your estrogen before your LH surge. This can also happen if you miss a test, or perform a test incorrectly, or if you have a very short cycle following longer cycles. To optimize your chances to conceive, you should still have intercourse during this Peak Fertility time. 
Can I use Test Sticks from different packs? 
It is important that you always use your Test Sticks in sets of 10 from the same pack. The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor works by comparing the current day's test reading with those of previous days. As there are slight sensitivity differences between batches of Test Sticks, optimal performance is achieved when the Test Sticks are used in sets of 10 from the same pack. After carrying out your first 10 tests, the Monitor may request a further 10 tests in the same cycle. If you do not have any more Test Sticks from the same pack, then you may use 10 Test Sticks from a different pack to complete your testing. You should perform all of the tests requested by the Monitor. 
If I lose or ruin a Test Stick can I start a new pack? 
You should normally only use a second set of 10 Test Sticks if the Monitor has requested more than 10 tests in that cycle. However, if you have damaged a Test Stick and have not yet seen your Peak Fertility on that cycle, you can start a second set of 10 Test Sticks from a new pack. 
How should I dispose of used Test Sticks? 
Used Test Sticks should be thrown away with your household waste. Do NOT flush them down the toilet. 
How do I test if I work night shifts or travel between time zones? 
When you press the m Button on day 1, this determines the Testing Window for that cycle. If you consistently work night shifts, you should set your m Button so that your Testing Window permits you to test using your first urine after waking, which, in this instance, may be in the afternoon. 
If your sleeping pattern changes temporarily during your testing period, for example if you travel to a different time zone and awaken before or after your normal Testing Window, you should collect a sample of your first urine upon waking. You should store the collected urine and check your Monitor during your next possible Testing Window and, if you need to do a test, use the collected urine (Refer to product instructions for more information on testing with collected urine). You will need to follow this procedure for all your tests in the new time zone. You may test as you normally do if you awaken during your normal Testing Window. 
Please Note: The m Button setting time is important. Please refer to the instruction booklet provided with the Monitor for further information. 
How do I test with collected urine? 
Occasionally, you may wish to test with collected urine (for example, if you need to go to the bathroom before the start of the Testing Window). You should collect your urine in a clean, dry container and keep it at room temperature. When you are ready to test, immerse just the Sampling End of a Test Stick completely into the urine for 15 seconds and then proceed as normal. You should test within the Testing Window (refer to the product instruction booklet for more information). 
Can the information in the Monitor's memory be lost? 
The Monitor can retain data from your last six cycles. This data is constantly overwritten as you continue to use the Monitor to ensure it has the most up to date information available. When you stop using the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor it will retain the last set of information indefinitely. 
How will I know if the Monitor is not working properly? 
When the batteries are inserted correctly and the Monitor has power, it will warn you if there is a problem by displaying the error symbol. This symbol will be accompanied by another, explaining the problem. For a definition of these symbols, refer to the symbols section in the Fertility Monitor instruction booklet. 
Since it tells me when I'm fertile, can I use the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor as a contraceptive? 
No. The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor is designed to tell you when you are most likely to conceive. As sperm can survive for several days, you may still have a chance of becoming pregnant even if you have intercourse before you detect your High or Peak Fertility. The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor has been designed to assist in conception and is not intended to be used for contraception. 
Can I be sure of getting pregnant if I am using the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor? 
There are no products available that can guarantee success in achieving pregnancy. However, the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor allows couples to make the best use of their natural fertility by timing intercourse around ovulation. The majority of conceptions occur in a 6 day window around ovulation. The Clearblue Fertility Monitor is a simple, effective way of identifying your most fertile days, helping you maximize your chances of conceiving your baby. 
Can I stop using the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor and start again in the future? 
Yes. Remove the batteries. Store the Monitor in a dry place. For instructions on resuming use of your Monitor refer to the instruction booklet. 
I have been using Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor for several cycles and have still not become pregnant. Why not? 
Conception is a complex biological process and there are many influencing factors. It is important to remember that generally it can take many months to become pregnant. If conception has not been achieved after 6 consecutive cycles or you have concerns, you should consult your doctor. 
Can I share my Monitor with a friend or relative when I am done using it? 
The monitor has been designed to be used by you as an individual. Once it has been used by you, it stores your personal data and modifies the testing schedule based on the data. If you transfer the monitor to another person, it may take several months for the monitor to adjust to the new person's data. This could result in a delay for the new user to identify their Peak Fertility. Additionally, once your monitor has been used, it may be carrying viruses or germs or have urine residue on it. There are no reliable methods for you to sanitize the monitor for someone else's use. For these reasons, we do not recommend that anyone use your monitor but you. 
What do the blue lines mean on the test stick and can I tell when I'm ovulating by looking at the color or intensity of the lines? 
To communicate your results most accurately, the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor Test Sticks are designed to be interpreted by the Monitor only. It is strongly recommended that you do not attempt to read the sticks visually as it can result in missing your peak fertility and delay your opportunity to become pregnant.
Fertility Monitor is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.