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DEX L10 Hoodia Gordonii - Natural Appetite Suppressant, 60 caps , (Nutralab)
DEX L10 Hoodia Gordonii - Natural Appetite Suppressant, 60 caps , (Nutralab)
DEX L10 Hoodia Gordonii - Natural Appetite Suppressant, 60 caps , (Nutralab)
Product Code:

DEX L10 Hoodia Gordonii - Natural Appetite Suppressant, 60 caps, (Nutralab)

What is this Hoodia?. 

Hoodia pronounced "who Dee ah" Gordonii is actually a succulent and technically different from a cactus, it is also know by the name "Xhoba". It belongs in the succulent family of Asclepiadaceae along with stapelia, stephanotis and vinca. 
There are approximately 20 species in the genus of Asclepiadaceae. As it grows it forms multi-stemmed clumps 12 inches wide by 12 inches high and bears unpleasant-smelling, pale purple saucer-shaped flowers (3-4in) in diameter in red or purple brown. The plant grows to a mature height of six-feet and may survive for a century or more. 
The Hoodia Gordonii plant originated in the southwestern part of Africa and grows best in the semi-arid areas of South Africa primarily the Kalahari. It has also been cultivated in semi-arid areas of China, Mexico and the US with limited success. In its native habitat it is extremely difficulty to identify because it looks similar to succulents of the same family of which there are 20. Only an experienced botanist or as the case in South Africa with Hoodia Gordonii a San people can tell the difference, others wait for the plant to bloom in order to make an identification. 
The San people of the Kalahari have also learned to eat the bitter-tasting plant to suppress their appetite and thirst when on long hunting expeditions. It takes the edge off appetite and thirst, and has enabled the hunters to respect their tradition of bringing home their entire catch, without eating of it on the way. [...Click here for more detail...] 
Australian Customers please read the shipping information under the other informations tab for info on delivery of Hoodia.

June 21, 2004 
Dr. Richard M. Goldfarb Medical Director of a Philadelphia Clinical research facility has just completed a study on weight loss using the DEX-L10 Hoodia Gordonii in Lafayette Louisiana. The testing, which was completed using a milled powdered form of the South African Hoodia plant, confirms that Hoodia Gordonii suppresses the appetite. 
The first in this series of clinical studies showed that by ingesting Hoodia DEX-L10 one hour before meals, appetite was stifled significantly. 
July 25, 2004  
Hoodia Gordonii (DEX-L10 Certified) an Appetite Suppressant: Positive Effect on Weight Loss - A Case Study Report of 7 Participants 
Richard M. Goldfarb, M.D. FACS, David J. Miller, D.O. FAAP 
Background: obesity is the #1 health concern in the USA. Obesity is responsible for multiple physical and mental conditions. 
Hoodia Gordonii is a succulent plant that grows throughout the semi-arid areas of Southern Africa primarily in the Kalahari Desert. The San people have traditionally used Hoodia stems to stave off hunger when they set out on long journeys for food to be brought back to their families. The Hoodia acts as an appetite suppressant. The active ingredient of the Hoodia succulent cactus was identified by the council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa (CSIR) and patented. 
Hoodia Gordonii is completely safe and contains no stimulants. 
Hoodia Gordonii, like most natural products, can vary from lot to lot in raw materials. The only way to standardize the pure form from the Kalahari Desert is by certification. A certification standard labeled DEX-L10 is utilized. Materials meeting this standard are rigorously inspected and tested to insure their origin and species. The South African government harvesting permits, microscopic, macroscopic liquid thin layer chromatography from known specimens to identify and categorize materials utilizing the branding of the DEX-L10 seal. 
Hoodia Gordonii works within the satiety center of the brain by releasing a chemical compound similar to glucose but up to 100 times stronger. The Hypothalamus receives this signal as an indication that enough food has been consumed and this in turn decreases the appetite. 
Study design: seven (7) participants where categorized as overweight. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25 or more. A BMI of 30-39 is considered obesity and a BMI of 40 or greater is considered severely obese. 
The requirements of each participant where as follows:
  • Each participant was required to eat a balanced breakfast with a multivitamin supplement in the AM.
  • Each participant was required to take 2 Hoodia Gordonii DEX-L10 capsules daily. The first capsule, 1-hour prior to lunchtime with 8 ounces of water and the second capsule 1 hour prior to dinner with a minimum of 8 ounces of water.
  • Each participant was required to have their weight recorded on days 0, 7, 14, and 28.
The product has not been shown to interact with any other medications being taken. No major side effects have been reported. No other weight loss products were taken during the 28-day study. Each participant was instructed not to alter his or her dietary habits. All participants utilized One (1) Detecto scale. Each weight was checked by Dr. Goldfarb to ensure quality control and accuracy. All weights were entered at the time of weigh in. 
Results: compliance of the participants was excellent. All patients did not alter their dietary habits and/or their daily activity during the 28-day study. 
Day 0
Day 7
Day 14
Day 21
Day 28
% Body weight loss
  • Average deviation 0.8% from average body weight loss. This shows very little variation.
  • On average the body weight loss is 3.3%.
  • Median is 10 pounds of weight loss over the 28-day study.
Conclusion: this study clearly demonstrates that the median weight loss over 28 days is 10 pounds. This weight loss is considered a healthy weight loss. A majority of participants interviewed stated that their caloric intake decreased to less than half in only a few days of being on the Hoodia Gordonii DEX-L10 product. 
No side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jitteriness, or change in sleep habits were reported. 
The benefit of Hoodia Gordonii DEX-L10 justifies its daily use in the treatment of obesity. 
Author contributions 
Study conception and design: Richard M. Goldfarb, M.D. FACS 
Analysis and interpretation of data: Richard M, Goldfarb, M.D. FACS 
Critical revision: David J. Miller, D.O. FAAP 
Supervision: David J. Miller, D.O. FAAP 
Copyright @ 2004 Delmar Labs 
[...Click here to see BBC and ABC News...]

As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 1 hour before lunch and dinner with 8 ounces of water or as recommended by a health practitioner. Do not exceed 6 capsules daily. 
Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing an infant do not use without consulting a physcian. If you are under a physician's care taking medication consult your health care professional before using this product. Do not exceed suggested dosage.
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Retail Price: $39.89
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DEX L10 Hoodia Gordonii - Natural Appetite Suppressant, 60 caps, (Nutralab)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 60

Amount per serving

DEXL10-Hoodia Gordonii (stem) 500 mg *
*Daily Value not yet established.
Other ingredients: Gelatin Capsule (glycerin, water), Magnesium Stearate, Di-Calcium Phosphate.
DEX L10 Hoodia Gordonii - Natural Appetite Suppressant, 60 caps, (Nutralab)

Editor's rating: 6 out of 10
User's rating: 73% 27%


In 1937, a Dutch anthropologist studying the San indigenous people in the Kalahari Desert near what is now the South Africa-Namibia border noted that they sucked on the Hoodia plant as an appetite suppressant and thirst quencher before and during nomadic hunts through the sand swept and sparsely vegetated area of the Kalahari. These hunters did not eat on their two to three day hunts; instead, they munched on the stem of this succulent to suppress their hunger and thirst. The San People have known about the properties of Xhoba for thousands of years.  
Besides alleviating hunger and thirst, Hoodia Gordonii also provides a state of alertness but without the jittery feeling produced by the current diet remedies of ephedra combined with caffeine. It is therefore an ideal choice for days' long hunts where prey is tracked over hundreds of miles. 
Hoodia sat on the back shelf in a lab for almost another thirty years when South African scientists at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) began studying it, they discovered that Hoodia contains a previously unknown molecule, which has since been christened P 57 by Phytopharm who classified the molecule in Hoodia Gordonii. 
Lab animals fed South African Hoodia Gordonii lost weight, but otherwise suffered no ill effects. Hoodia Gordonii has no known side effects, and contains the powerful newly found molecule that fools your brain into believing you are full, experts consider that, when properly developed and tested, Hoodia weight loss pills may be a solution to the obesity epidemic. As scientist struggle to fully understand all of the molecules in Hoodia Gordonii it should be noted that it is the entire plant that the San people have eaten over thousands of years. While the entire world focuses on one molecule it may in fact be a combination of molecules that makes Hoodia Gordonii perform as an appetite suppressant. We may not know for years the actual combination.  
As a natural alternative whole dried Hoodia Gordonii is currently available, which in essence is what the indigenous San people of South Africa have eaten to suppress their appetite. 
Sampling the Kalahari cactus diet 
Imagine this: an organic pill that kills the appetite and attacks obesity. It has no known side-effects, and contains a molecule that fools your brain into believing you are full. Deep inside the African Kalahari desert grows an ugly cactus called the Hoodia. It thrives in extremely high temperatures, and takes years to mature. The San Bushmen of the Kalahari, one of the world's oldest and most primitive tribes, had been eating the Hoodia for thousands of years, to stave off hunger during long hunting trips. 
--Source: BBC-- 
Desert Diet: Ancient Tribal Remedy Could Be Next Big Drug to Fight Obesity 
A wild plant used by generations of native Bushmen in South Africa's Kalahari Desert to help them avoid starvation in the dry, hot sands could make them millionaires if it is successfully developed into a weight-loss drug for Westerners. "I learned how to eat it from my forefathers," said one member of the San tribe, a people who live in the Kalahari Desert, as he prepared a piece of the cactus-like plant called Hoodia by trimming off the prickly spikes. "It is my food, my water, and also a medicine for me." 
According to San spokesman Andries Steenkamp, his people ate the Hoodia plant for thousands of years in order to ward off hunger pains and to quench their thirst during lean times and when they were forced to survive during long hunting trips. "Hoodia stops hunger and also treats sickness," Steenkamp told ABC NEWS. "We, San, use the plant during hunting to fight off the pain of hunger and thirst." 
--Source: ABC News--


it's good and it works. i tried another brand that had the same calms as this one and it didnt work.this one does!!!

I almost did not purchase this item because of all of the 0-1 star reviews, BUT I figured I'd at least try this product. I take 2 in the morning and 2 at lunch or late afternoon. On the second day I felt starving and ordered a huge omelet and a side of sausage (Atkins) I ate about a third of the omelet and one sausage and was full! This has continued since. I do get hungry, famished even, but once I start to eat it doesn't take much to fill me up. I only have about 15 pounds to lose and in the first 3 days I lost 4 pounds and couldn't be more pleased. It is a shame that it doesn't seem to work for everyone because when it works it is terrific. It is nice to take a "diet" pill that doesn't make my heart race or my hands jittery. I am also relieved that this supplement doesn't have any side effects. I know some people have mentioned headaches; I have not had them either! I love this stuff and would encourage anybody to at least try the product.

This is really working for me. I've been taking it about 3 weeks and IT HAS REDUCED MY APPETITE. I am in training for a run and my appetite has always increased with the extra calories burned, - but not this time! YEAH! I've lost about 4 pounds with stepping up my exercise. I'll use ONLY this brand, as I've tried others in the past and didn't notice ANYTHING different. A friend suggested this and he was right - IT WAS THE ONLY ONE that seems to work. Super product to try!

Forget it, it just doesn't work. I didn't lose one ounce while taking this product.

I have been using DexL10 for about 2 months. I have not always been taking it religiously, but when I do it usually gives me a willpower boost. It doesn't seem to work if I eat sugary stuff around the time of taking it, so perhaps the sugar is binding and blocking the receptors that the Hoodia needs in order to work. I have had headaches from it as well, but I wonder if they may be due to sugar withdrawal. Less than a 1000mg dose doesn't seem to help me, and I try to take 1000mg 3x/day 1 hour before meals. The Hoodia has allowed me to know that my problem with food is more than just appetite. I'm definitely not as hungry and fill up much sooner when taking it. But I also now see myself reaching for food when under stress and just plain out of habit. The Hoodia has helped me to see this, since I find I'm not always hungry when I'm looking for food.

This product didn't affect my hunger at all.

I have hypothyroidism and have noticed a HUGE difference in my cravings and appetite. I eat less and my late afternoon/evening cravings have curbed!! I am not looking for a "MIRACLE PILL", and one has to take into consideration the fact that herbal supplements do not affect everyone the same way. I SUGGEST THAT IF YOU ARE EVEN CONSIDERING THIS PRODUCT TO PURCHASE IT!!! TRY IT OUT!! IT IS AMAZING!! (ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE HYPOTHYROID!!!)

One more time I feel like I have flushed money down the toilet looking for that "magic fix" to lose weight. This product has actually increased my appetite, not suppressed it. How the heck can that be? Save your money and try a different product.

I have to say that this probably does contain real Hoodia and it does suppress my appetite. Though 500mg does not seem to have much of an effect, I do feel it after taking two capsules though it wears off after about 4 hours. I was shocked to find out though that even with my appetite completely neutralized that sometimes I still ate things out of habit or because of stress. So the question isn't if it will neutralize your appetite, but if neutralizing your appetite for a few hours will help you lose weight. I would say to go ahead and try at least one bottle. You may be like me and be surprised to find out that hunger may not be why you overeat.

This stuff is amazing. I am not snacking as much as I usually do and I am not as hungry. I was unsure about this product because I have tried several. But I have to say that is works. You have to the mindset of "I am going to do this." I don't crave as much more as I used to. This product is very good but you have to make sure you exercise and eat healthy.

When I first tried this product, I followed the instructions on the bottle. That did not work for me at all. I was even going to return it to GNC. After reading the reviews here, I tried taking two before my problem time, evening, and wow - what a diffrence. It really does make me feel full. I only take it once a day and I am thrilled with the results.

This is truly a great way to lose weight. I have hypothyroidism and I am really sensitive to any type of stimulants. I have been taking this product for 4 days and have lost 5 pounds. I like the fact that it is all natural and isn't like other all "natural" products out there that contain junk derivatives and such. I have to remember to eat. Overall, I give this product 5 stars and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is sensitive to stimulants and wants to reduce their weight.

I think this product is amazing! It has worked really well for me so far. I take two in the afternoon because that is when I am at my weakest, and I must say that it does the trick. Sometimes, I don't feel hungry at all, and when I do feel hungry and eat, I feel satisfied quicker. I have not had headaches with this product, though I know some people have. I think that the headaches come from not drinking enough water. Hoodia Gordonii not only takes away hunger, but it also takes away thirst. Make sure you drink plenty of water while taking this product. I highly recommend it.

I been taking it for about a week and I think it's great! I think it's true what some of the other reviewers have said, that the effects are subtle, but I find I get hungry less often and when I DO eat, a small amount makes me tremendously full, which makes me tend to snack less (usually not at all). Worth a try for sure!

You all know the story about the lady on "60 minutes" who went to Australia and ate pure fresh Hoodia and didn't want to eat all day. I tried this product and can tell you I got very hungry. I also got a mental "lift". I didn't want to eat loads of food, but my hunger was still there. I think if you exercise and eat right you could do better then to waste your money on these. The only magic pill that exists is your own will to succeed.
DEX L10 Hoodia Gordonii - Natural Appetite Suppressant, 60 caps, (Nutralab)

How It Works
The chemical constituents in Hoodia Gordonii work within the satiety center by releasing a chemical compound similar to glucose but much stronger. The hypothalamus receives this signal as an indication that enough food has been consumed and this in turn shunts the appetite.

Is all Hoodia the same? 
Not all Hoodia Gordonii is the same; from its origins in the Desert region of South Africa it is now grown in China, Mexico and even the US. Although it retains the name Hoodia Gordonii its chemical constituents can be quite different. Lets look at an example and compare the differences of another fruit that is familiar to most if not all of us. 
In comparing fruits lets look at the orange, no matter were it is grown it is still called an orange but the taste, color, texture among other things are different. California oranges are known as eating oranges they have just the right amount of juice and texture for peeling and eating. Florida oranges are very juicy oranges with a thinner skin and most Florida oranges are made into juice and are not eaten as readily whole. Brazilian oranges on the other hand have a slight bitter taste. All oranges are still oranges for the matter of comparison yet you can see they are uniquely different. 
It is the same with other natural products as in this case Hoodia Gordonii you cannot compare the effects of appetite suppression with Hoodia Gordonii grown in other parts of the world. Only the Hoodia Gordonii grown in the Kalahari region of South Africa has proven itself effective in controlling appetite. To be certain you are purchasing the correct Hoodia Gordonii the supplement label should ready - DEX-L10 Hoodia Gordonii - which is certified in its origin and species. 
Here are some tips to designing a safe and effective exercise program: 
A comprehensive fitness program should include: (1) aerobic activity, (2) muscular strength and endurance conditioning and (3) flexibility exercises. 
Aerobic exercise is essential for your cardiovascular system and is an important part of weight management. Muscular conditioning improves strength and posture, can reduce the risk of lower back injury, and is also important to weight loss. Flexibility exercises are needed to maintain joint range of motion, reduce the risk of injury and alleviate muscle soreness. 
Aerobic exercise can be as simple as taking a walk. 
Weight-bearing aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, skating and dance-exercise. Aerobic exercise uses your body's large muscle groups in a continuous, rhythmic fashion for sustained periods of time. 
There are also non-weight-bearing aerobic exercises, such as cycling, swimming and rowing. 
Keep a fat-burning pace. An essential aspect of your exercise program is the intensity. You can measure your heart rate to check the intensity of your exercising. 
To measure your heart rate, take your pulse as soon as you stop exercising. Count your heartbeat for 10 seconds, and then multiply that by six to convert it to a one-minute heart rate. If you keep your exercise heart rate within a range of 55 percent to 80 percent of an estimated maximum heart rate (220 minus your age), you're burning fat. 
How often should you exercise? Three to four days of aerobic activity is essential for general health maintenance. If you're trying to lose weight, aim for five to six days a week, being sure you take off at least one day a week. 
How long should you exercise? A minimum of 20 minutes of exercise per session is good for general health maintenance. For weight loss, gradually work up to 45 minutes per session. 
Strength conditioning can help you burn calories all day. 
Most people lose about one-half pound of muscle per year after the age of 20, mainly due to decreased activity. 
Muscle tissue is partly responsible for the number of calories burned when the body is at rest (the basal metabolic rate or BMR). As muscle mass increases, BMR increases, making it easier to maintain a healthy body weight. 
Whether you pick calisthenics, free weights or machines, be sure that your strength training includes exercises for every major muscle group, including the muscles of the arms, chest, back, abdomen, hips and legs. 
Start with a weight that is comfortable to handle and complete eight repetitions. Gradually add more repetitions until you can complete 12 repetitions. For greater strength conditioning, add more weight and/or more repetitions. Try three sets with 8-12 repetitions, and then move to another muscle. 
Training for flexibility 
Flexibility training is often overlooked but is very important to your health. It improves posture, increases mental and physical relaxation, reduces muscle tension and soreness and reduces risk of injury. 
Before stretching, take a few minutes to warm up since stretching cold muscles could cause injury. Begin with a simple, low-intensity warm-up, such as easy walking while moving the arms in a wide circle. Spend at least 5 to 10 minutes warming up prior to stretching. 
When stretching, hold the stretch statically for 10 to 30 seconds while you breathe normally. Like strength conditioning, flexibility exercises should include stretching for all the major muscle groups. 
Ideally, at least 30 minutes, three times per week, should be spent on flexibility training. But even five minutes of stretching at the end of your exercise session is better than not stretching at all. All aerobic activity should always be followed by at least a few minutes of stretching. 
One last thing... 
Always consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program, especially if you're over 40, or have cardiovascular risk factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or a family history of heart disease. 
In a world where super-sizing has become the norm, a single serving may be much smaller than what you're accustomed to eating. The following recommendations should be used as a general guideline, since individual nutrition needs vary widely according to factors such as age and activity level. 
Bread, cereal, rice and pasta 
The recommended daily serving of the bread, cereal, rice and pasta portion of the food pyramid is 6 to 11 servings. An example of one serving would be one slice of regular-sized bread. A jumbo bagel (like those served at most coffee shops) may contain as many as five servings. A serving of pasta is about one-half cup, which is about the size of half a baseball. Many restaurants serve up to four times that amount. 
Vegetables and fruit 
Vegetables should make up a substantial portion - three to five - of your daily servings. A serving of leafy green vegetables fills about one cup, the size of a small fist. Other veggies, such as broccoli or squash, fill about one-half cup per serving. The Food Guide Pyramid also recommends eating two to four servings of fruit per day. A medium banana, apple or orange each make an easy and convenient serving. Or, if you prefer, three-quarters of a cup of 100 percent fruit juice or one-half cup of canned fruit is also equivalent to one serving. 
Dairy and protein sources 
The fat content of the next three food groups come from animals and are generally higher in fat than most plant-based foods. According to the food guide pyramid, an adult should consume two or three servings from the milk, yogurt and cheese group. One cup of milk, one and one-half ounces of natural cheese or two ounces of processed cheese all equal one serving. A serving of cheese is roughly the size of your pinky or a one-inch cube.  
The food guide pyramid also recommends two or three servings of meat, fish, poultry, beans, eggs, and nuts group. A serving of cooked lean meat is equivalent to two or three ounces, about the size of a deck of cards. Beans or legumes can also be consumed as a plant-based protein source. One serving of beans equals about one-half cup of cooked dry beans. 
Eggs are also a good source of high-quality protein. One egg equals one ounce of lean meat; therefore, a serving of eggs would be about two or three eggs. Also, two tablespoons of peanut butter or one-third cup of nuts are also equivalent to one ounce of meat. 
Fats, oils and sweets are at the top portion of the food pyramid and should be used sparingly. They provide calories, but few nutritional benefits. Most Americans eat diets that are too high in fat, so nutrition experts recommend limiting foods that may contain hidden fats, such as many baked goods, salad dressings, high-sugar drinks, and sweets. 
Don't forget the water 
Water composes 75 percent of all muscle tissue and 25 percent of fatty tissue, and it also acts within each cell to transport nutrients and dispel waste. Be sure to drink water even before signs of thirst appear. Thirst is a signal that your body is already on the way to dehydration. Be sure to drink more water than thirst demands and continue to drink throughout the day. 
Water helps burn more calories… 
In a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, researchers estimate that over the course of a year, a person who increases his/her water consumption by 1.5 liters a day would burn an extra 17,400 calories, for a weight loss of approximately five pounds. They note that up to 40 percent of the increase in calorie burning is caused by the body's attempt to heat the ingested water. 
What about caffeine drinks? 
Many people rely on caffeine for the initial kick of energy it can provide. But caffeine can also affect the amount of insulin, and thus, sugar, in your blood. Further, it can cause dehydration, which can sap your energy. 
While drinking a caffeinated beverage may help you out in the short run, within an hour you may feel tired, lightheaded or even hungrier. So try to limit the amount of coffee, tea and soda that you drink and replace it with water whenever possible. 
Your activity level should dictate serving sizes 
Everyone should consume at least the minimum recommended servings, but active people should have more than non-active people. For example, if you exercise less than three times a week, follow the lowest range of servings on the food guide pyramid. If you exercise three times a week for about 30 minutes a session, use the moderate range. And if you exercise vigorously on a regular basis, go for the higher range. Use your activity level to pick the range that works best for you. 
In any weight loss plan, focus on Cutting Calories and portion sizes, and increasing your Physical Activity.
Case Studies
The San people of South Africa 

Of all the peoples of South Africa, only the San are truly indigenous - as scientific and genetic studies have proven, the San people where the first modern humans. The nomadic San have lived in Southern Africa from around 100,000 BC, and may be the first humans to have occupied the area of the Kalahari Desert around 30,000 years ago. The San have left a lasting record of their life through thousands of paintings throughout this region of the world. San rock paintings are among the oldest forms of art found on the African continent. Originally it was thought that the paintings were simply random drawings of everyday events, but it is now believed to have been representations of cosmological and spiritual beliefs and occurrences. 
Europeans first encountered the San people more than 500 years ago when Bartolomeu Dias set foot ashore on South African soil and encountered the Khoi-San people of Africa. It took another 10 to 20 years before trading with outside worlds began when Vasco da Gama traded directly with the San. 
As hunter-gatherers, the San live in highly mobile groups following the game/food around the country - with leadership among the San reserved for those who have lived within that group for a considerable time, who have achieved a respectable age, and who have desirable personal qualities. The San, being nomadic, lack institutions, they have no chiefs or formal systems of leadership and individual decision-making is part of their culture.  
San are largely characterized by a belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people and live in close rhythm with the land and its seasons, truly in touch with the power of nature. Surviving for thousands of years in the Kalahari, the San people have had to develop a keen awareness of their surroundings and have learned to benefit from a seemingly harsh environment. The same harsh environments in which the San have lived for thousands of years have led them to become expert botanists. They can readily identify several hundred different types of plant with different properties for healing and nutrition.  
In recent years, many San have begun to settle into larger groups around water sources, and many have also settled into the communities of their neighbors. Unfortunately, the San have often been regarded as second-class citizens during the course of history and have been displaced and victimized by each successive wave of immigrants from northern Africa and Europe. Efforts are underway as to assist the San people regain their identity and independence after pharmaceutical companies tried to commit bio-piracy by patenting the plants and knowledge of the San people without returning anything to them for their expert knowledge developed and honed over thousands of years.  
As Alex Wijeratna, a campaigner for ActionAid, the international development charity, has stated: "Corporations are scouring the globe looking to rip off traditional knowledge from some of poorest communities in the world. Consent or compensation is rarely given. The patent system needs urgent reform to protect the knowledge nurtured over generations by groups like the San." 
South African scientists at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) discovered that Hoodia contains a previously unknown molecule that is believed to cause the plant's appetite suppression. The molecule was name P57. Although P57 is the only active molecule to be named in the plant, there are likely others not yet identified that give Hoodia Gordonii its beneficial properties. 
Hoodia Gordonii has no known side effects and fools your brain into believing you are full. Experts believe that the Hoodia plant may hold the miracle solution to the current obesity epidemic. As scientists continue to research the plant to identify it's active molecules, it is the entire plant that the San people have eaten over thousands of years.
DEX L10 Hoodia Gordonii is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party. 
Attention Australian Customers: Australian Customs has been restricting the passage of supplements containing Hoodia. Please do not order such supplements as there is a strong chance that such a package will be refused.