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Hydroderm Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer - 1 oz , (Spectrum Partners)
Hydroderm Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer - 1 oz , (Spectrum Partners)
Hydroderm Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer - 1 oz , (Spectrum Partners)
Product Code:
类别: Wrinkle

Hydroderm Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer - 1 oz, (Spectrum Partners)

Hydroderm is the only patented collagen infusion delivery system clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.  
With Hydroderm, you apply the liquid with your fingertips and see the results - younger-looking, smoother skin with less fine lines and wrinkles. Hydroderm is proven to:
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles
  • Increase the skin's firmness
  • Increase the moisture level of the skin
  • Improve skin tone
  • No painfil injections
  • No doctor's appointments


Clinical studies show that Hydroderm works 
When applied to human skin, the patented Collagen Infusion System "opens up" the epidermal layers, allowing collagen molecules to enter. During penetration tests of the system, 95% of the formula reached the desired location within just 60 minutes. 
Recently, researchers at an independent laboratory tested Hydroderm against several competing cosmetic products. Not only did Hydroderm outperform its competitors with a combined wrinkle length and depth reduction of 63.5%, it also improved the skin's natural glow and overall clarity. 
Hydroderm gives the skin what it loses from aging-collagen-to help you regain that youthful look and feel you deserve. 
How Hydroderm works 
Hydroderm consists of marine collagen and Vyo-Serum. Thanks to this formula and our our patented collagen infusion technology, Hydroderm has created a new cosmetic delivery system. As a result, Hydroderm stands apart from all other collagen-based products available on the market.  
How does the technology work? Collagen is a protein with a high molecular weight, making it a difficult substance to deliver to the skin. We've developed a system that allows the collagen to go directly to the deepest layers to strengthen your own skin's collagen. The rest of the molecules remain in the upper skin layer (epidermis), where they slow down the loss of skin moisture.  

Without Hydroderm

With Hydroderm

What we call the Collagen Infusion Delivery System is a liquid-based solution that will allow the ingredients to be transferred directly to the human skin. The results will amaze you. Click here to see Hydroderm in the News

For best results, use the Wrinkle Reducer at least twice a day.
  • In the morning, wash your face thoroughly with warm water and your favorite cleanser. Begin with clean, dry skin.
  • Shake the bottle well. Release the serum onto the palms of your hands or fingertips.
  • Apply Hydroderm generously over your face and neck, making sure to avoid your eyelids. Use enough of the serum to cover with a substantial layer.
Allow Hydroderm to settle in for a few minutes before applying a moisturizer (such as Hydroderm Intense Oil-Free Moisturizer) or makeup. In the evening, use Wrinkle Reducer after washing and cleansing your face before bedtime. 
Note: results may take 14-21 days of continuous use, so it is important to consistently use Hydroderm each day and night. The longer you use Hydroderm, the better the results.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $79.99
Other Spec:
Hydroderm Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer - 1 oz, (Spectrum Partners)

Collagen (marine), Distilled water, Igepal Cephene, Methyl paraben, Ethyl Paraben, Plopyl paraben, Butyl Paraben, Isobutyl Paraben, Synasol, Purified water, Amniotic fluid, Placental protein, Calfskin extract, Hydrolyzed collagen, Sodium Methylparaben, Imidezolidinyl Urea, Trisodium EDTA, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid and Ascorbic Acid.
Hydroderm Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer - 1 oz, (Spectrum Partners)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 80% 20%


Life Extension Investigates Hydroderm 
Recently, The Life Extension Foundation asked to conduct its own independent research on Hydroderm. 
Life Extension is a nonprofit organization dedicated to investigating every method of extending the healthy human life span. In seeking to control aging, they frequently investigate the latest in cosmetic science, because cosmetics can be important tools that help people look more beautiful and defy the appearance of aging. 
Independent investigation 
A Life Extension spokesman said: “Dozens of companies offering so-called ‘revolutionary’ health products knock on our door each month. The majority of these products fail our initial peer review, and the few that look promising usually do not pass the in-house clinical testing we perform. As a result, only a select number of inventions ever demonstrate the efficacy needed to meet our exacting standards.” 
Over several weeks, Life Extension researchers, scientists and journalists reviewed Hydroderm Beverly Hills’ proprietary scientific material, including information from its exclusive U.S. Patent and its clinical studies. 
Stunning conclusions 
All of Life Extension’s conclusions were published in an issue of their Life Extension magazine. If you want, you can read the entire article here. 
Here are some of the most interesting passages:  
”The inventors presented several scientific studies to the Life Extension staff and showed stunning before-and-after photographs demonstrating this liquid’s efficacy. Finally, it seemed, there was a topical liquid that produced many of the effects of injections without the pain and huge expense.”  
“For the first time, a patent-pending delivery system has been developed that enables very large molecules (such as collagen) to pass through the upper layer of skin.”  
“Hydroderm liquid drops have become an incredible success story. Word-of-mouth advertising has resulted in an enormous number of jars being shipped monthly to regular users. Based on our review of the scientific reports and the results of our own clinical study, Hydroderm has demonstrated efficacy in reversing the signs of certain aspects of skin aging, primarily in people over the age of 40.” 
Conducted their own test study 
But then the Life Extension researchers took it one step further. In addition to analyzing Hydroderm’s written material and clinical data, they conducted their own independent investigation of Hydroderm. 
They gave a group of people of various ages a bottle of Hydroderm and instructed them to use it on only one side of the face for 30 days. The Life Extension researchers noticed visible age-reversing effects, including a reduction in fine lines, diminished bags under the eye, and removal of irregular pigmentation. 
Will conduct future research 
One woman who regularly used injections stated that Hydroderm worked just as well. Most of the participants were extremely satisfied with the product and eagerly awaited the completion of the study so they could use Hydroderm on the other side of their faces as well. 
In line with its commitment to vigorous research, Life Extension will conduct another clinical study on Hydroderm in the near future. The conclusions of this research will, of course, be included in a future issue of their magazine. 
Hydroderm scientists were very pleased at these results and look forward to working with Life Extension and other anti-aging organizations in the future, so that as many people hear about this remarkable skincare breakthrough as possible. 
Independent lab Tests Hydroderm  
Recently, independent researchers determined that Hydroderm may reduce wrinkle length and width nearly by a combined 50% within 90 days. Additional long-term tests are underway to determine how this remarkable anti-wrinkle serum can further help men and women to enjoy the youthful skin that they deserve. 
Already, more than 500,000 customers have tried Hydroderm, which features a unique collagen delivery system that has been issued its own exclusive U.S. Patent. 
Government issues U.S. Patent 
On July 6, 2004, a United States Patent (#6,759,056) was issued to Hydroderm for its unique Collagen Infusion Delivery System. This invention consists of a transdermal system that can deliver high molecular weight cosmetic agents (such as whole collagen molecules) to skin cells. 
When skin ages, it loses collagen, which is why many wrinkles and fine lines appear. However, the skin’s thick protective layers also can keep whole collagen from being absorbed from lotions or creams. Until now, most cosmetic formulas only provided partial proteins or hydrolyzed (crushed) collagen particles. 
With Hydroderm’s patented Collagen Infusion Delivery System, it is now possible to deliver whole collagen molecules directly to the skin. This system delivers entire, intact collagen molecules and encourages quick and dynamic skin rejuvenation.  
During penetration tests with the system, scientists noticed that as much as 95% of the formula entered the skin within only 60 minutes of use.


LG  "Wonderful"
I have used this product for 8 months and it has been wonderful! At first I used quite a bit since my skin was dry (didn't realize how dry I was - I thought StriVectin was doing okay), but after re-hydrating my skin, it has made my skin glow. You can't judge by just the first few weeks. It takes time to stop and (yes) reverse some of the aging. Now, I only use one bottle every 2 to 2.5 months. Much more economical than StriVectin - which did nothing.

Lynn  "A big difference"
I have been using this product for 3 weeks and I have noticed a big difference. The tackiness that is felt when applied is the tightening of the skin, but once you wash your face, your back to your original look. Also, Hydroderm states that 1 oz. will last for 60 days. No way! I'm almost out of it now after 3 weeks! For the woman who mentioned the Oil of Olay products? I am with you all the way!!! I guess we woman are always continuing to look for that panacea.

Anonymous  "I get a lot more attention from men"
As a 39-year-old woman, I feel beautiful thanks to Hydroderm. Since I began using Hydroderm, my skin feels a lot better and I get a lot more attention from men, which is the best part. I was afraid of smiling before because I had some smile lines. Now, I smile again without worrying that my smile lines were going to be noticed by others. Hydroderm not only makes me look younger but it also brought back my self-esteem.

Anonymous  "I really like Hydroderm"
I've been using Hydroderm for the past five weeks and I've seen some pretty decent results. I noticed that my forehead lines and eye puffiness seem a lot less noticeable, but the thing that I most like is that my skin texture is so much smoother. I had some acne as a kid and always had kind of bumpy rough skin. Anyway, I'm 41 and used to use prescription stuff but it was really harsh, so I really do like Hydroderm.

Anonymous  "It didn't work for me"
I am a 39 year old woman with lines around eyes and my nose between the eyebrows. I did notice a slight different in the frown lines, however it was not significant and it did nothing for the lines around my eyes. It is slightly tacky but not a problem.
Hydroderm Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer - 1 oz, (Spectrum Partners)

How It Works
Hydroderm consists of marine collagen and Vyo-Serum. Thanks to this formula and our our patented collagen infusion technology, Hydroderm has created a new cosmetic delivery system. As a result, Hydroderm stands apart from all other collagen-based products available on the market.  
How does the technology work? Collagen is a protein with a high molecular weight, making it a difficult substance to deliver to the skin. We've developed a system that allows the collagen to go directly to the deepest layers to strengthen your own skin's collagen. The rest of the molecules remain in the upper skin layer (epidermis), where they slow down the loss of skin moisture.  

Without Hydroderm

With Hydroderm

What we call the Collagen Infusion Delivery System is a liquid-based solution that will allow the ingredients to be transferred directly to the human skin. The results will amaze you.

Why does my Hydroderm full supply look or feel different than what I expected?  
Some customers may notice that the thickness, consistency and translucence of the formula may be differ from what they expect. Depending on the way that the product was shipped to you (either through airmail or ground delivery), certain temperature and/or pressure changes can affect the formula's look and feel.  
However, the shipping method does not affect how Hydroderm will work for your skin. Each supply of Hydroderm contains the same concentration of collagen and Vyo-Serum, which will still promote younger looking skin. 
What the wrinkle reducer does 
While many factors help keep skin young, soft and radiant, one of the most crucial involves collagen. More collagen is contained within the skin than any other protein, but collagen is constantly changing and adapting, as it gets exposed to many types of external factors (such as sun, weather, etc). 
Scientists now know that the gradual loss of collagen results in visibly dry, wrinkled, furrowed and dull skin. As collagen gets depleted, skin loses a key to its continued vitality. That’s why it begins to sag, crack and wrinkle as you age. 
Collagen is a primary component of healthy skin, yet it is a large molecule that is difficult to deliver through topical application. Most skin creams only feed the skin smaller molecules, such as partial proteins, hydrolyzed collagen (smashed up collagen molecules), vitamins and minerals. Until now, many people turned to doctors to restore collagen with direct injections. But injections are costly, inconvenient and irritating.  
Hydroderm helps solve that problem. After years of testing, Hydroderm scientists developed the unique Collagen Infusion Delivery System, a transdermal formula that actually delivers whole collagen molecules directly to the skin by ensuring the delivery of full collagen molecules to the skin. This invention was granted a U.S. Patent (#6,759,056) on July 6, 2004.  
Hydroderm scientists also discovered a natural concentrate of selected proteins, called Vyo Serum, which produces an immediate tightening effect and provides additional lift and vitality to skin. 
What is the Collagen Infusion System and how does it work?  
The Collagen Infusion Delivery System (the technology) is a patented, liquid-based solution that will allow a wide range of large molecules to absorb through human skin. Hydroderm researchers utilized this technology and added marine collagen to the solution, which provides the skin with natural, plant-derived whole collagen molecules that help restore and rejuvenate your skin's essential material. 
What is the Vyo-serum and how does it work?  
This protein concentrate called Vyo-Serum helps produce an immediate tightening effect and increase moisture content. Vyo-serum works as an instant lifting serum and active anti-aging ingredient.  
Hydroderm researchers found that Vyo-serum performs three vital functions for the skin:
  • 1. Firms: Vyo-serum is enriched with highly concentrated proteins that gently pull on the skin's surface and create an instant tightening effect.
  • 2. Hydrates: The firming action of Vyo-serum on the skin's surface helps trap water molecules, retaining moisture and softness.
  • 3. Smoothes Wrinkles: As Vyo-serum firms the skin, it helps to gradually reduce the appearance of wrinkles, grooves, furrows and lines, adding to Hydroderm's overall smoothing potential.
Anything else I should know about Hydroderm and its ingredients?
  • The serum protein used in the formula is not bovine-derived (from cows).
  • The collagen comes from marine sources, such as plants and fish.
  • Imidezolidinyl is a urea-derived preservative.
  • Butylparaben is a preservative.
  • Hydroderm has a two-year shelf life.
  • Hydroderm has been sold since July 2003.
Is Hydroderm approved by the FDA? 
Because Hydroderm's Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer is not a drug, it does not have to undergo the strict review process that drugs do. So it does not literally need to be approved by the FDA to be sold.  
However, Hydroderm's researchers follow the FDA's guidelines on product research, substantiation and formulation when designing this product.  
All facilities involved with the manufacture of Hydroderm, from the initial collagen extraction to the glass manufacturer who makes the bottles, operate under Hydroderm's strict requirements for precision, cleanliness, efficiency and ingredient purity. In addition, Hydroderm initiates random and independent tests of its product to ensure its consistency.  
Is Hydroderm safe for all ethnicities and skin types?  
After focus group testing, clinical studies and customer response data analysis, Hydroderm Beverly Hills is confident that the Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer can be used safely and effectively by all skin types. Hydroderm did not cause allergic reactions among test subjects. However, each person's physiology is different and there are literally thousands of different types of skin allergies.  
If you are concerned about how this formula will react with your skin, it is best to conduct an initial skin test of Hydroderm (something we recommend whenever trying out any new cosmetic product) and/or consult with a health professional.  
How do I apply Hydroderm?  
Use this simple process to apply Hydroderm and see best results.
  • 1. First, cleanse your face with your favorite cleanser and warm water to help open pores.
  • 2. Pat your face dry.
  • 3. Before opening, shake the bottle of Hydroderm well.
  • 4. Release several drops of the formula on the palms of your hands and/or fingertips.
  • 5. Apply Hydroderm generously over your face and neck, making sure to avoid your eyelids.
  • 6. Allow the formula to set in for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • 7. For best results, you should use Hydroderm twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening.
Case Studies
LORI BACCA, age 44 
Every month you can tell it's working a little better. The first couple of weeks I saw a tremendous change. And every week after that, you just keep noticing. It's a phenomenal product. I'm gonna use it forever. Since I've been using Hydroderm, it really does make me feel more self confident. I'm 44 years old and I always get people commenting on how I look a lot younger than that. And it really makes me feel great. 
DEBBIE BOOSTROM-Cunningham, age 48 
Doesn't cosmetic surgery anymore 
I'm 48 years old and I was considering plastic surgery. But now I don't have to. It worked so fast. 
When I first started using Hydroderm I noticed it softened the skin around my eyes. And it softened around my mouth. I feel younger, I look younger and I would recommend it to my friends, you know, why not look a little younger? 
I have every reason in the world to continue this product. I've had people come up to me so many times and have asked me, have you had plastic surgery? No I have not had plastic surgery. I did Botox one time in my life two years ago and I won't do it again. And I really don't have the lines that most people do.
Hydroderm Fast Acting Wrinkle Reducer is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.