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Candex 40 Vcaps - Natural Enzymes to Help Control Candida Albicans, 40 vcaps , (Pure Essence Labs)
Candex 40 Vcaps - Natural Enzymes to Help Control Candida Albicans, 40 vcaps , (Pure Essence Labs)
Candex 40 Vcaps - Natural Enzymes to Help Control Candida Albicans, 40 vcaps , (Pure Essence Labs)
Candex 40 Vcaps -
Product Code:00901
状态:In Stock: Ships in 3 days
类别: Candida

Candex 40 Vcaps - Natural Enzymes to Help Control Candida Albicans, 40 vcaps, (Pure Essence Labs)

For many years, the overgrowth of Candida could be addressed only with anti-fungal drugs and herbs. These anti-fungals, however, have been only partially successful, and have often produced debilitating side effects. Now, there's a 
better way. 
Because the cell wall of Candida albicans is made most of various types of fiber, cellulase and hemicellulase enzymes "digest" it, or break it down. As this occurs, the yeast dies, with no die off reaction. 
For over five years, Candex has provided the most potent blend of plant based, fiber digesting enzymes available anywhere, and helped countless people live richer, fuller lives. Because of its success, imitations have begun to appear, most of which combine cellulase with mega-doses of protease (protein digesting) enzymes.  
Because protein digesting enzymes digest whatever proteins they encounter, they destroy the healthy bacteria (acidophilus, bifidus, etc.) that help to keep Candida under control, Since people who suffer with Candida already have low levels of healthy bacteria, this is clearly inappropriate.
To support a healthy gastrointestinal tract, two capsules, twice daily, between meals. For maintenance, one capsule at bedtime. Children: One-half capsule, twice daily, between meals. Always use with at least 6 oz of water.
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Retail Price: $32.98
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Candex 40 Vcaps - Natural Enzymes to Help Control Candida Albicans, 40 vcaps, (Pure Essence Labs)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 4 Capsules
Suggested Use: Two capsules, at least one hour before breakfast, and two at bedtime, at least two hours after eating, until desired results are achieved. Always take on an empty stomach with 8 oz. of water. For maintenance, one capsule at bedtime.
Amount per serving
Vegetarian Cellulase 128,000 CU *
Vegetarian Hemicellulase 80,000 HCU *
Vegetarian Amylase 8000 SKB *
Vegetarian Invertase 2000 SU *
Vegetarian Glucoamylase 400 AG *
Other Ingredients: Maltodextrin, Pullulan (vegetable capsule).
Storage: Keep tightly closed at room temperature.
Caution: Please keep all supplements out of children’s reach.
*Daily Value not established.
Candex 40 Vcaps - Natural Enzymes to Help Control Candida Albicans, 40 vcaps, (Pure Essence Labs)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
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Candex 40 Vcaps - Natural Enzymes to Help Control Candida Albicans, 40 vcaps, (Pure Essence Labs)

Can I take Candex with probiotics? 
Yes. In fact, we encourage you to take probiotics concurrently with Candex as the likelihood of balancing a Candida overgrowth is higher when you take both. An imbalance of Candida and GastroIntestinal flora often occur together, so supporting your GastroIntestinal flora can actually speed up recovery from a Candida infection. We happen to have an excellent probiotic product that we made especially for those who use Candex. It’s called LivingFlora. 
Can I take Candex with other Candida cleansing products? 
Yes. Candex is a very unique formulation of enzymes designed to break up the cell wall of Candida, speeding up the elimination of excess Candida organisms. Most other Candida cleansing products work differently and in a complementary way. So, yes, you can use other products with Candex, but it’s usually not necessary. You might also keep in mind that Candex works without the typical healing reactions that occur with other types of products. So, if you DO use other products with it, you might experience the die off reactions that Candex won’t cause by itself. 
Is Candex gluten free? 
Yes. Candex is 100% gluten free and hypoallergenic. 
I believe I have a Candida imbalance, but I’m not sure. Can I take Candex? Is it harmful? 
Yes, you can take Candex without being sure that Candida is the problem. In fact, if you have nothing better than questionnaire types of diagnoses at your disposal, it’s a great way to determine if yeast IS your problem. Put simply, if Candida is the biggest part of your problem, Candex WILL help. If you have other issues, like parasites or fibromyalgia, that cause similar symptoms, it won’t. So, in addition to being the best solution we know of for Candida, it’s also a great diagnostic tool. And, it can’t do any harm even if you don’t have a problem. 
Will Candex interfere with my prescription medication? 
In most cases, no. The main ingredients in Candex are cellulase and hemicellulase, enzymes that do not interfere with most prescription medications. However, in very rare cases, medications contain cellulose to facilitate a gradual release of the drug in the body. If you use Candex with one of those drugs, it would digest that cellulose and speed up the release of the drug. The most common drugs with the cellulose delivery system are thyroid medications. So, if you use one of those, you should ask your doctor if it contains cellulose, and if it does, take the Candex as far away from the time you use the drug as possible. 
How long does it take for Candex to work? 
Beating Candida is like a mathematical equation. First, how much yeast do you need to clear from your system. Second, how quickly can you do it. 
We’ve found that four capsules a day provide enough enzymes to do the job for anyone. But, there are several factors that play into how long complete recovery, or nearly complete recovery, will take. First, again, is how much yeast you need to clear. What kinds of foods are you eating? To what degree is your immune system helping? How strong are your probiotic populations? Those are just a few of the things that vary – and vary a LOT – from person to person. 
The thing we CAN tell you is that, if Candida is your main problem, you’ll notice Candex is helping within 10 to 30 days. But, that doesn’t mean you be where you want to be in that time frame. 
Have you ever had the flu, and after resting at home for a day or two, decided you were well enough to go back to work, and then, after BEING at work for a couple hours, realized you were still really sick? 
Well, Candida works the same way. After using it for awhile, you begin to feel so much better that you think you’re completely well, so you quit. Then, a few weeks later, you begin to feel the symptoms of yeast creeping in all over again. 
What happens there is that you’ve reduced the yeast population enough to FEEL better, but not enough to keep it from growing back when you quit using the Candex. The best way we’ve found to gauge all this is to use four capsules of Candex per day until you think you feel as well as you should. Then, cut back from four capsules a day to three for about two weeks. Next, cut back from three to two for two weeks, and then, from two to one. If, at ANY point, you begin to feel the symptoms of Candida creeping back in, go back to four capsules daily for another couple of months, and then begin to cut back again. 
Lots of people reach a point where they don’t need Candex anymore. Others, because of weak immune function, low probiotic populations, poor diet, and so on, may need to use a capsule or two on an ongoing basis as a preventive measure. So, be sure to cut down on your use gradually, get back up to four a day if you feel any recurrence at all, and stay at one or two capsules a day if you just don’t every seem to be able to get over the hump. 
Does Candex have side effects? 
Often, when a drug or herbal antifungal begins to kill yeast, there is a reaction called the Herxheimer effect. Basically, this occurs because the yeast is fighting fire with fire. As the toxic effects of the antifungal attacks the yeast, the yeast releases toxins of its own. These are the same toxins it’s releasing into your system every day. The difference is that when you use an antifungal, the rate at which these toxins are released increases rather dramatically, so that the normal symptoms of Candida are intensified. In short, using antifungals, almost everyone has to feel worse before they feel better. 
Because Candex does not attack yeast chemically, it does not produce this Herxheimer effect. It simply digests, or breaks down, the cell wall of the yeast, so that the yeast CAN’T any longer produce its own biochemicals. Being unable to produce these things, metabolism becomes impossible, and the yeast dies in a way that does NOT cause you to feel worse before you begin feeling better. 
However, a very few people are allergic to the enzymes in Candex, and a few more have very severe imbalances in the digestive tract. Either of these situations can produce unpleasant symptoms, such as headaches, gastrointestinal distress, and skin rash. 
If symptoms like these are severe, we recommend you discontinue using the product. Again, very few people are allergic to digestive enzymes, but those who are will continue to have bad reactions to them. 
I believe I’m having a reaction to taking Candex. What do I do? 
We recommend discontinuing the product until symptoms subside. Then, try about half a capsule at a time. If that still causes a problem, it’s possible that you are one of the very few people who are allergic to the enzymes themselves, and you shouldn’t use it at all. Of course, the best thing is to get help from a health care practitioner who can help you determine how much Candex is ideal for you as an individual, but not all people have access to such resources. 
What if I cannot take Candex according to the directions on the label? Will it still work? 
The most important rule of thumb with Candex is to take it away from meals so it can work on digesting Candida instead of your meals. Take it on an empty stomach if possible, but if not, take it as far away from meals as possible. If you can’t take it apart from meals, use it with meals that do not contain fruits, vegetables, grains or other foods that have fiber. You could use it with meats, or yogurt or things like that. Just nothing with fiber. 
What is the dosage of Candex for children? 
We suggest one capsule per day per 40 pounds of body weight. So, if a child weighs 20 pounds, about half a capsule per day would be appropriate. At 80 pounds, we would recommend two capsules per day, and so on. 
Can I give Candex to my dog or cat? 
Yes. Candex is safe for dogs and cats. We would suggest dosing pets in the same way as children, i.e., one capsule per day per 40 pounds, with a one half capsule minimum per day.
Candex is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Candex 40 Vcaps - Natural Enzymes to Help Control Candida Albicans, 40 vcaps, (Pure Essence Labs)

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