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AdvaJOINT - 60 caps , (Lane Labs)
AdvaJOINT - 60 caps , (Lane Labs)
AdvaJOINT - 60 caps , (Lane Labs)
Product Code:LV0227
类别: Joint Health

AdvaJOINT - 60 caps, (Lane Labs)

New AdvaJOINT is the culmination of 40 years of clinical research.
  • Significant joint benefit in clinical research
  • HAI potentiated for advanced absorption
  • Only 2 capsules per day
Does not irritate the stomach... actually helps protect it. There are hundreds of joints in the human body – including 33 in each foot alone. And while the ones we’re most likely to notice (especially when they’re giving us trouble) are the fingers, wrist and knee, every single one of those joints requires proper nutrition to stay in good working order. 
To move freely and comfortably, a joint requires two things: adequate lubrication (synovial fluid) and strong, healthy joint tissue (including cartilage and tendons). And while taking AdvaCAL calcium (see page 6) is the best way we know to support the health of your bones, AdvaJOINT helps ensure that the joints connecting those bones are comfortable, cushioned and lubricated. 
Another wonder from the sea! 
AdvaJOINT is a dietary supplement containing GlycoMarine – a proprietary extract of Green Lipped Mussel potentiated with HAI. GlycoMarine is a rich natural source of glycosaminoglycans (polysaccharides with a glucosamine base) and the omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentanoic acid) and DHA (docosohexanoic acid). 
HAI amino acid extract enhances the bio-availability of hard-to-absorb nutrients, allowing them to move easily out of the intestines into the bloodstream. AdvaJOINT works by supporting the normal regulation of prostaglandins which play an important role for healthy, comfortable joint movement. It also contains mucopolysaccharides which help support joint cushioning. 
40 years of research. 
The ingredients in AdvaJOINT are backed by 40 years of clinical research. In one published study, people with long-standing joint support concerns were divided into two groups. Among those taking Glycomarine, 68% in the first group and 40% in the second saw major joint improvement.  
Many noticed a benefit in just 90 days. A second study on 53 people measured the impact of taking Glycomarine for the knee. Participants saw improvement in 4 key measurement criteria. Three additional criteria were also trending positive.  
HAI Potentiated 
Other research suggests that higher levels of Glycomarine in the body produce quicker results. That is why we’ve supercharged the Glycomarine in AdvaJOINT by adding HAI. In studies, HAI has consistently demonstrated the ability to increase absorption of some nutrients by as much as 40%. AdvaJOINT with HAI offers more absorption power and more benefit to you. 
There is a natural synergy 
Both AdvaCAL and AdvaJOINT promote joint health, but in different ways. Dr. Takuo Fujita, M.D., past president of Japans Osteoporosis Foundation, has theorized that taking AdvaCAL calcium will help protect joint cartilage from calcium deposits.  
The glycosaminoglycans and omega-3 fatty acids in AdvaJOINT help support the synovial fluid needed for healthy joint lubrication and comfortable joint movement. Taken together, AdvaCAL and AdvaJOINT can be expected to promote excellent bone and joint health. 
For best results, take one 500 mg AdvaJOINT capsule twice daily, with meals. While you may notice some benefits in a matter of days, be patient. The overall benefit is cumulative. In a few months, you are never going to want to give up your AdvaJOINT!
Take one capsule twice daily, with a meal.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $39.95
Other Spec:
AdvaJOINT - 60 caps, (Lane Labs)

Serving size: 1 Capsule 
Green Lipped Mussel Extract (Perna Canaliulus), HAI Amino Acid Extract (from Sea Algae). 
Other ingredients: Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate and Silica
AdvaJOINT - 60 caps, (Lane Labs)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

As many people know, certain joint support products can do some unpleasant things to your stomach. Fortunately, that is not the case with AdvaJOINT with GlycoMarine.  
AdvaJOINT does not block COX or 5-Lo enzymes. Products that do block those enzymes may inhibit certain prostaglandins that help protect the stomach lining.  
AdvaJOINT works selectively, naturally helping the body to control production of joint-related prostaglandins while allowing the body to go right on making stomach lining prostaglandins. At the same time, AdvaJOINT has its own natural gastroprotective qualities. That means not only does it not damage the delicate stomach lining, but actually helps protect it.  
But AdvaJOINT goes far beyond mere joint comfort. It is a natural source of mucopolysaccharides that your body uses to help form large, slippery joint-lubricating molecules to absorb shock, reduce wear-and-tear, and support easy joint movement.  
One important thing to note, however, is that not all green-lipped mussel products have the same effectiveness. The extract must be quickly stabilized during the extraction process, or it becomes nearly worthless. Powders made from frozen mussel meat – or, worse, from cooked mussel meat – may have little or no activity.  
John Croft is a marine scientist, research consultant for GlycoMarine and best selling author based in Auckland , New Zealand . His life work has been researching the nutritional and therapeutic properties of substances derived from the ocean.

AdvaJOINT - 60 caps, (Lane Labs)


What is AdvaJoint?  
AdvaJoint has been clinically shown to safely and effectively help your joints. AdvaJoint works in ways similar to Glucosamine and Chondroitin – but with a low daily intake of two e-z swallow capsules. Plus, AdvaJoint actually helps protect your stomach lining. That’s important because other joint pills you take may irritate the stomach.  
What is in AdvaJoint?  
AdvaJoint contains Glycomarine, a special extract of Green Lipped mussel, potentiated with HAI. HAI is an amino acid extract shown to enhance absorption. HAI is helps make Glycomarine better absorbed and therefore morepowerful. Together, the 2 key compounds in AdvaJoint have over 40 years of clinical research behind them.  
Why is AdvaJoint safer on the stomach than other supplements?  
Certain joint products work by blocking the COX or 5-lo enzymes. These products not only block joint enzymes, but enzymes that support the stomach lining.  
AdvaJoint does not block COX enzymes, so stomach lining production is not impeded. In fact, research suggests that AdvaJoint goes a step further and actually helps protect the stomach lining.  
When Would I Feel the benefits of AdvaJoint?  
Some people have noticed some benefit after a few weeks of using AdvaJoint. The benefit is cumulative. Be patient. The longer you take AdvaJoint the greater the joint benefit. 
Is AdvaJoint Safe to Take With Other Joint Products?  
Generally, yes, although it may not be necessary. If you have been taking Glucosamine, MSM or Chondroitin, try replacing it with 1 tablet of AdvaJoint twice daily. AdvaJoint can also be used with topical creams. If AdvaJoint is your first joint supplement, it may take a few weeks for you to first notice results.  
What is the Bone/Joint System?  
We recommend taking both AdvaCAL advanced calcium for bone building and AdvaJoint for joint mobility support everyday. These products complement one another and provide essential nutritional essential support your bones and joints.
AdvaJOINT is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.