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Prelief Granulate Powder - Promote Normal Urinary Function, 4.7 oz
Prelief Granulate Powder - Promote Normal Urinary Function, 4.7 oz
Prelief Granulate Powder - Promote Normal Urinary Function, 4.7 oz
Product Code:065223-0

Prelief Granulate Powder - Promote Normal Urinary Function, 4.7 oz

Many people are highly sensitive to food acid; it makes them profoundly uncomfortable. For some, food acid can cause bladder pain, urinary urgency and/or an irritable bowel, for others, heartburn or acid indigestion. 
However food acid affects you, Prelief can help. Prelief is calcium glycerophosphate, a food-grade mineral classified as a dietary supplement, for use with acidic foods and beverages for more comfortable eating. 
Prelief dietary supplement is AkPharma newest development; it takes acid out of provocative foods so you are less likely to suffer from food-induced heartburn. In addition, Prelief has been shown to have beneficial effects in persons with urinary urgency/overactive bladder, interstitial cystitis and irritable bowel syndrome.
Use about a 1/4 teaspoon of granulate to your serving of acidic food or beverage (use more depending on your sensitivity to the food's acid). Use Prelief as often as you like. Add Prelief when cooking or simply use it at the table. 
Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Case Quantity: 0
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $32.19
Other Spec:
Prelief Granulate Powder - Promote Normal Urinary Function, 4.7 oz

Serving size: 1/4 teaspoon 
Servings per container: 150 
Calcium 155mg (as calcium glycerophosphate), Phosphorus 120mg (as calcium glycerophosphate). 
Glycerophosphate is an organic mineral which naturally occurs in the body.
Prelief Granulate Powder - Promote Normal Urinary Function, 4.7 oz

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


L.P  "I love it!"
I use Prelief for interstitial cystitis. I have eliminated 95% of my symptoms with Prelief. Thanks again

J.G  "Great product!"
I had suffered for years with unknown “cystitis”, gone through over a year of constant pain and frequency, bleeding at times and surgery with no relief. Just a few hours after I started taking Prelief my symptoms started to subside. I keep it in my purse, in my bathroom, in my kitchen and in my overnight bags so I am never without it. It literally gave me my life back.

K.P  "Relief with Prelief!"
Five years ago I was diagnosed with IC. The effects of certain foods on this condition are readily available, though real life stories actually send a stronger message. I have used Prelief for almost 3 years, when used correctly (before you eat), the results are amazing. Though Prelief does not make every food I ingest palatable, it does reduce the discomfort I feel if I stray from the well known diet of an IC sufferer. I went the previous 4 months without taking Prelief, and my symptoms worsened considerably, to the point where I purchased a bottle this afternoon. Whether it was intentional or by accident, your product has helped many of us who suffer daily with eliminating problem foods from our diet. The guess work is gone, and we have Relief with Prelief!

B.A  "Thanks to Prelief!"
Thanks to Prelief I am now almost completely free of interstitial cystitis. I keep a small stock in the house just in case. I can’t say how grateful I am to your product. My life has completely changed!

A.T.  "Strongly suggest!"
Prelief is helping me manage my IC. It helps me far more than any prescription medications the doctor gave me. I am thankful my doctor gave me your sample kit and suggested I try it! Thank you!

T.S.  "Awesome!!"
I’ve suffered from IC all my life, as long as I can remember. I was only officially diagnosed yesterday. I heard about Prelief from my doctor, and started using it at lunchtime. After 24 hours, the results are amazing. I’ve reduced the number of pit stops in a 24 hour period from roughly 25 times to about five. Your product is truly awesome. Thanks for your help.

S.H  "Terrific product!"
I started taking your product two weeks ago and it has made an amazing impact on my symptoms. My problems stem from IBD. I have not had an attack for three weeks.

B.C  "It works great!"
I have had IBS and also bladder urgency for years and have tried a lot of things, also medicine from my doctor. But I’m really proud of my samples of Prelief- it has already helped me. So thanks so very much!
Prelief Granulate Powder - Promote Normal Urinary Function, 4.7 oz


What is Prelief? 
Prelief is calcium glycerophosphate, a food-grade mineral classified as a dietary supplement, for use with acidic foods and beverages for more comfortable eating. 
Why is reducing the acid in food necessary? 
Many foods you eat can cause discomfort well beyond your stomach, into your digestive system, even down to your bladder. You may already know that certain foods can cause heartburn but what you may not know is that many foods can also cause urinary urgency, frequency and pain, bloating and/or diarrhea. These symptoms can be associated with any of these conditions: interstitial cystitis, overactive bladder or irritable bowel syndrome. 
Prelief takes the acid out of foods and beverages, such as tomato sauce, coffee, wine, beer, colas and orange juice. Prelief can take the acid out of these foods and make them more tolerable. 
In fact, two clinical surveys on file demonstrate Prelief's value to many interstitial cystitis (IC) and overactive bladder (OAB) patients in permitting the ingestion of acidic foods otherwise prohibited. The IC patients reported a reduction in pain, discomfort and urinary urgency with the use of Prelief when consuming acidic foods. The OAB patients reported an improvement in their overall quality of life. (Whitmore, et al 1998-99 and Kennelly, et al 2003). 
A third set of observations by a major eastern U.S. urology clinic on a small number of patients with IC, showed that with every patient that use of Prelief (a) reduced or entirely removed IC symptoms, and (b) demonstrated, using a specific urinary marker (NMP22 Test Kit) a quantitative measurement of apparent cellular improvement that correlated with the symptoms reduction. 
The latter observation will be the subject of an early study, and if confirmed, will be the first such benefit recorded for IC by any product. Prelief’s benefits, do indeed, go beyond simple acid reduction. 
How do you use Prelief tablets? 
Just take 2 tablets 3 times a day; best with meals. Also 2 tablets at bedtime if desired. You can use more tablets as needed.  
How do you use Prelief powder? 
Add an 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of powder to each serving of acidic food or beverage. 
When Prelief is added to foods, does it change the taste? 
Not at all in most foods. When detectable at all, the sole change is a slight reduction in the food's acid "bite". 
Who makes Prelief? 
Prelief was developed by AkPharma Inc., one of America's leading developers of specialty foods and digestants such as Lactaid and Beano.
Prelief Granulate Powder is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.