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Sovereign Silver Vertical Spray Top - 2 oz , (Natural Immunogenics)
Sovereign Silver Vertical Spray Top - 2 oz , (Natural Immunogenics)
Sovereign Silver Vertical Spray Top - 2 oz , (Natural Immunogenics)
Product Code:54534

Sovereign Silver Vertical Spray Top - 2 oz, (Natural Immunogenics)

Sovereign Silver is a proprietary formula designed to provide safe and precise levels of functional silver in the dosages recommended. 
Sovereign Silver features a unique particle size (average 0.0008 microns), that with its ultra-fine dispersion may enhance bioavailability. The silver content is at minimum 99.99% pure.

Adults: One teaspoon or more daily, or as directed by a health care provider.Children: 1/2 the adult dose. 
The EPA oral Reference Dose (RfD), apllied to 10 ppm silver, may be the most authoritative guide for safety. The RfD for a 154 lb. adult = 7 teaspoons per day for seventy years of continuous ingestion. The RfD for an 11 lb. infant = 1/2 teaspoon per day.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $14.99
Other Spec:
Sovereign Silver Vertical Spray Top - 2 oz, (Natural Immunogenics)

Silver (as elemental silver) 50mcg. 
Other ingredients: Ultra-pure water only.
Sovereign Silver Vertical Spray Top - 2 oz, (Natural Immunogenics)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

Historic Perspectives on Clinical Use and Efficacy of Silver
Since ancient times silver has been highly regarded as a versatile healing tool. In ancient Greece, Rome, Phoenicia, and Macedonia, silver was used extensively to control infections and spoilage. , Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” taught that silver healed wounds and controlled disease. Around 400 B.C. he listed as a singular treatment for ulcers “the flowers of silver alone, in the finest powder.” Herodotus describes how the King of Persia carried with him boiled water in silver flagons to prevent sickness. In 69 B.C., silver nitrate was described in the contemporary pharmacopoeia.  
The popularity of medicinal silver especially arose throughout the Middle East from 702 A.D. through 980 A.D. where it was widely used and esteemed for blood purification, heart conditions, and used to control halitosis.  
Paracelsus (circa 1520) extensively used silver medicinally, and later Caradanus, Pareus, and Sala also used it. For example, Angelus Sala used silver nitrate to successfully treat chorea, tabes dorsalis (syphilis), and, it is doubtable, epilepsy. These crude and inferior forms of silver were reported by Sala to rarely cause the bluish-hue skin discoloration (argyria) due to overuse. It is widely thought that during the Middle Ages silver utensils and goblets contributed a bluish-hue to the skin-tone of the upper class, resulting in the term “blue-bloods.” Plausibly, “born with a silver spoon in his mouth” was coined during that time for the same reason, as an attribute for describing the good fortune of being healthy more than being wealthy. Blue-bloods were noted to have been afforded a measure of protection from the rampant plagues common to Europe in those centuries.  
During the wars with Napoleon, the armies of Tsar Alexander used water casks lined with silver to clean drinking water from rivers and streams. This practice by the Imperial Russian army was continued through World War I and by some units in the Soviet Army in World War II.  
Raulin recorded the first description of the water cleansing effect by silver in 1869. He observed that Aspergillus niger could not grow in silver vessels. 
In 1861, Thomas Graham found that certain solutions would pass through a membrane and others would not. He found a stable, intermediate state of matter, and was able to describe it. Graham’s discovery was that substances could enter a solution in such a manner that they exhibit characteristics that are quite different from those of a true solution. He applied the term “colloidal” (from kolla = glue) to this intermediate state, as glue, gelatin, and related substances were the most obvious to him as being in this unique state.  
The Swiss botanist von Nageli recorded one of the amazing discoveries of the nineteenth century in 1869. Von Nageli coined the term “oligodynamic” to describe the microbiocidal properties of a metal hydrosol (e.g. copper, silver and tin) at minute concentrations. , In 1884, Crede introduced the use of 1% silver nitrate for the prevention of ophthalmia neonatorum. By 1897, silver nitrate began to be used in America to prevent blindness in newborns and is still used today. , By 1910, Henry Crookes had documented that certain metals, when in a colloidal state, had strong germicidal action, but were harmless to human beings. The oligodynamic concept has motivated the development of many antimicrobial processes and products.  
One of the water purification developments that took place in 1928 was the development of katadyn silver, described as a porous metallic, spongy mesh that attempts to maximize surface area. This silver meshwork also contains a small quantity of gold or palladium. Katadyn silver has been used inside flasks, storage containers and with water filters.  
During the last century, advances in pharmacological manufacturing methods sought to harness this time-valued strategy expressed in nearly all silver formulations. Yet early manufacturing methods rarely created high quality, homogenous oligodynamic Ag +. Nevertheless, more than 96 different silver medicinals (many used intravenously) were in use prior to 1939, as documented by The Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association. ,  
A project begun at the State University of New York by Robert Becker and associates involved a silver nylon product in the early 1970’s. This project was originally instigated in order to find an electromagnetic shield. Instead, it lead to the revolutionary discoveries by Becker of silver’s unique antimicrobial properties, and his discovery that silver ions could induce fibrocytes to dedifferentiate into stem cells and back again. One of Becker’s research associates, A. Bart Flick, continued work in this area for professional and commercial applications. As a result, Flick has filed patents in 1994, 1996 and 2000 for silver-based wound dressings that are far superior to anything that has ever been available before. He has also obtained approval for these dressing from the US Food and Drug Administration. Because of the success of these silver dressings, many other medical product manufacturers have filed for their own parallel products.  
In the early 1970’s silver topical salves, such as silver sulfadiazine, provided superior control and prophylaxis in severe burn cases. Today, multiple drug resistant (MDR) microbes are challenging this formulation’s effectiveness, but we shall review how state-of-the-art silver protocols and formulations offer superior protection against microbial strategies for acquiring resistance.  
To date, absolute microbial resistance to medicinal silver has not been scientifically established. Several studies indicated that some bacterial species have physiological mechanisms that circumnavigate silver’s toxicity. , , , Although it is clear that some pathogens have mechanisms to survive exposure to silver, these mechanisms are limited when compared to higher life forms. Herein lie all the clues necessary to identify strategic silver therapeusis that pathogens are unlikely to survive.  
It is probable that pathogens lack sufficient defense mechanisms to circumvent the toxic effects of silver ions when oligodynamic silver is delivered in sufficient, physiologically compatible quantities. In fact, the “apparent” resistance of microbes to silver was mistakenly made by many who failed to notice and identify: (a) insufficient oligodynamic Ag + particle concentrations, (b) inadequate protocols, or (c) improper procedures. Reports that multiple-drug-resistant (MDR) pathogens (i.e., MRSA and Acinetobacter spp.) were truly resistant to silver proved to be erroneous. Grier stated, “Some so-called Ag + resistant microorganisms may result from an apparent neutralization of the metal’s inhibitory action or other assay artifacts. These include the presence of chelators such as serial amino acids, constituents of hard water, different buffers, light, incubation temperature, and particularly, soluble components of trypticase soy agar (TSA) and tryptose glucose extract agar (TGE).”  
With the advent of antibiotic therapy, medicinal silver products fell largely into disuse (circa 1940 -1945), with the notable exceptions of topical silver salves and neonatal eye drop preparations. These salves advanced the science of “silver salt-derived” Ag + delivery and effectiveness in the mid 1960’s. Then, during the mid 1970’s, several papers were published that utilized electrically activated silver probes as delivery systems for targeted oligodynamic Ag + strategies. The interest in such strategies continues to grow to the present, with high efficacy being obtained for viral vectors such as HIV, and resistant bone and dental infection.  
Sufficient defense capacity to mitigate morbidity clearly exists in higher organisms, including humans (with the exception of medically benign argyria). Zhao and Stevens state that, “With the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, silver is re-emerging as a modern medicine because all pathogenic organisms have failed to develop an immunity to it (Ag +).”

Sovereign Silver Vertical Spray Top - 2 oz, (Natural Immunogenics)


Why is Sovereign Silver packaged in glass and not plastic? 
Plastic containers contaminate silver products due to the reaction of silver with plastic. Colloids will leach contaminants from plastic due to its porosity. This creates unwanted chemical reactions. Glass ensures the formulation maintains its quality. This is why we never use plastic.  
Manufacturers make the decision to use plastic instead of glass for the following reasons:  
1. It's cheaper than glass.  
2. It eliminates breakages.  
3. It reduces shipping weights and therefore shipping costs.  
Why is Sovereign Silver clear in color while most other silver products are not? 
Color (light yellow, yellow, gold, amber, brown, cloudy) is an indication of one or any combination of the following:  
1. Refraction of light off large particles.  
2. Chemical reagents or stabilizing additives.  
3. Oxidation during the time of manufacture.  
This is a quick indication of poor quality, and if the manufaturer tries to tell you differently, you are being mis-led.  
What is the difference between a [Colloidal] Silver Hydrosol, Colloidal Silver, Ionic Silver and a Mild Silver Protein? 
Silver supplement manufacturers try to distinguish themselves from others by trying to categorize their products so they will have maximum acceptance. The truth is, it all comes down to particle size and particle energy. Regardless of what these different manufacturers claim, we find out the truth about their quality under the Electron Microscope. We are the only company on the market offering proof of what we claim.  
Can I give Sovereign Silver to my baby? 
According to the medical literature, there is no known risk for an 11 lb baby to ingest up to 70 micrograms (mcg) of pure silver daily, for up to 70 years! That’s seven (7) droppers (or 40 fine mist sprays) of Sovereign Silver daily.  
Can I use Sovereign Silver as eye drops or for sores on my skin? 
Prior to 1999, such products were allowed to be sold ‘over-the-counter’ for many common complaints, both external and internal. Today, we can only market Sovereign Silver as a dietary supplement.  
Do other silver products pose risks that Sovereign Silver does not? 
They can. [Just refer to the chart on the opposite page.] Knowing what are safe and critical amounts of silver ingestion is important. You want to buy a product which allows for multiple daily dosages while remaining safe. As for homemade products, it is impossible to produce safe, high quality silver formulations without the sophisticated laboratory resources available to us.  
Are other silver products with higher concentrations more powerful 
No. It’s not about concentration, it’s all about particle size and particle charge. The smaller the silver particle, the more powerful its energy. Actually Sovereign Silver, at 10 ppm, outperforms other brands up to 500 ppm.  
Can pets safely be treated with this product? 
Please note that even though we manufacture the highest quality silver dietary supplement, which is safe and non-irritating, Sovereign Silver is only sold under the Dietary and Supplement Health Education Act (DSHEA). Therefore, we unfortunatly cannot offer you any advice on this subject since its exclusive target market is for humans. However, there are many medical reports of intriguing animal studies that report fascinating results utilizing silver. But remember, if your pet has a health problem always consult with a veterinarian. 
Does Sovereign Silver destroy the friendly and beneficial bacteria (i.e.,probiotics) in my intestines when I ingest it? 
To some small degree Sovereign Silver's active ingrediant may inhibit probiotics. But your nearly 30 feet of intestinal tract is consistantly making more friendly bacteria. More importantly, the active ingrediant in Sovereign Silver(AG+) Promotes superior anti-germ actions as well. In related ways, probiotics exert powerful effects against germs too. Therefore, a marvelous strategy is to take both but in a specific daily schedule by:  
(a) ingesting Sovereign Silver during the day time, while at bedtime. 
(b) take a dose of high quality probiotics from your health food store. In this way, you get the best of both in terms of benefits and performance, without creating any conflicts. 
I understand now about the concentration and particle size aspects of Sovereign Silver, but what about the Mild Silver Protein products? 
Sovereign Silver is nearly pure Oligodynamic Ag+. Mild Silver Protein is a formulation that stabilizes silver by binding it to protein. Silver is inactive when bound to a protein. The real performance only comes from when the silver splits off from the protein, a process riddled with bottlenecks. Therefore, much more Mild Silver Protein is required to provide the same benefits as lower amounts of pure oligodynamic Ag+. Again, with Sovereign Silver you now understand that less means more!
Sovereign Silver is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.