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Enzyte & Ogoplex Special Combo 2 pc
Enzyte & Ogoplex Special Combo 2 pc
Enzyte & Ogoplex Special Combo 2 pc
Product Code:discontinued

Enzyte & Ogoplex Special Combo 2 pc

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Many men report a decrease in erection quality with age. For some, it may even start as early as age 30. For a number of reasons, men can experience a decrease in natural blood flow during arousal that can lead to difficulties in getting and maintaining erections. 
While there is no known ingestible proven to alter the natural size or shape of the penis, Enzyte can help your body achieve full, strong erections. That's because the proprietary formula of Enzyte was designed to help maintain blood flow and create fuller, firmer-feeling erections.

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Case Quantity: 0
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $98.55
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Enzyte & Ogoplex Special Combo 2 pc

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Enzyte & Ogoplex Special Combo 2 pc

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 83% 17%


During arousal, arteries in the penis relax, allowing an increase in blood flow. This blood flow fills the corpora cavernosa—spongy chambers of the penis—creating a firm, swelling effect. This effect hardens the penis and increases its size in the form of an erection. 
This increase in blood flow to the penis dictates erection quality. Over time, a decrease in a man’s natural blood flow during arousal can lead to a decrease in erection quality; less flow, less grow, in other words. The proprietary formula of Enzyte helps restore blood flow. This increase in blood flow is what is known as "natural male enhancement." 
Erection issues may signal a health problem. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, talk to your doctor. 
In the European sexual underground, the term ropes applies to the number of physical ejaculatory contractions a man has during an orgasm — the more contractions (ropes), the longer and better the orgasm. In a typical orgasm, men experience 4–7 ropes, while most men who take Ogöplex daily report that their ropes increase significantly — some up to 12–15 per orgasm!


Anonymous  "Watch out!"
This really works. My wife always reminds me to reorder! I took it for 3 months without telling her. One night, before she knew, she told me to "be careful with that thing.".

Susan L.  "Better than ever!"
I thought my husband had lost interest in me. After trying Ogoplex for about a week, he regained more than just interest - he's practically obsessed. Our lovemaking is better now than I ever thought possible.

Dr. Juanita Hernandez  "Doctor says..."
Women and men are always asking me advice about sexual matters; what can they do to make it better, more exciting, longer lasting. Tourists come to our country in search of secret solutions and magic potions. I used to say that there was no such thing, until I found Ogoplex Pure Extract. I speak from experience, my husband brought is back from Europe about 2 months ago. I have seen and felt his strong multiple orgasms. We are more sexual now than ever before and I highly recommend Ogoplex Pure extract for couples in search of that "fountain of youth."

Joseph L.  "Best in years!"
I've traveled throughout the world in my 30 plus years in he service, Ogoplex Pure Extract is the only product I've ever come across where you can truly feel the difference.

Charles  "Doesn't work too well"
had mixed results. I did notice better circulation but not as much as from taking Testosterone, or Yohimbe/Maca. As a matter of fact I take the Multivitamin Daily Two, and Maca. And most often can't sleep. I experienced more of an impact to sleep with a testosterone supplement and the Daily Two. But this product neither gave more energy nor increased size.

Nathan  "Effective!"
I took Enzyte with my One-a-Day men's multivitamin and green tea extract. I noticed "enhancement" after less than 1 month. I'm going to keep it up and see how much it can really do for me. I believe this pill to be safe as I have experienced no side-effects. People just need to realize that, as with any drug or supplement, this product will have different levels of effectiveness for different people. Good luck and be healthy!
Enzyte & Ogoplex Special Combo 2 pc

How It Works
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Case Studies
Success Story #1  
Jack is 40 years old. He works out, lifts weights occasionally, and has a light interest in exercise with more emphasis on outdoors sports activities. He plays basketball with “the guys” one night a week at the local recreation center. He is career-minded and works an office job, with hopes of one day running the business. 
Jack has been married for three years to Melanie. They have always enjoyed a regular sex life and typically have sex once or twice a week. Lately, Jack has been thinking that if he could improve his erections to make them fuller and stronger, he may be able to improve their love life and make it even better. 
Jack would like to find a product that offers a desirable “boost” to his erections, but he does not want or need a prescription. 
Success Story #2 
Kevin is a vital, active 55-year-old. He plans to retire in the next few years, following a long, successful career as an architect. He and his wife Jenny are sociable and have many friends. In his spare time, Kevin enjoys playing golf. 
Kevin and Jenny have a strong connection and still enjoy an active love life, but Kevin feels his erectile quality is not as good as it was when he was younger. He doesn’t have trouble getting erections, but his erections don’t seem as firm and full as they once were. 
Recently, Kevin saw an ad for Enzyte, and realized that the changes he was experiencing were more common than he thought, and that he may be helped by taking Enzyte daily. Kevin turned to Enzyte because of its promise to enhance erectile quality for firmer, fuller-feeling erections. And that’s something he and Jenny can both appreciate. 
Success Story #3 
Ted is 32 and single with a thriving career and even more thriving social life. He recently landed a great job at a major software company. Although he’s now part of the work force, he still maintains a full-throttle social schedule, sometimes staying out until all hours of the night with his buddies. It’s after these nights that Ted’s erections don’t seem as full and hard as he would like.  
After seeing a TV ad for Enzyte, Ted thought he’d give it a try. He likes that it stays in his system and isn’t situation specific.
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