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Reflux Away - Helps Relieve Symptoms of Stomach Distress, 60 caps , (NaturalCare)
Reflux Away - Helps Relieve Symptoms of Stomach Distress, 60 caps , (NaturalCare)
Reflux Away - Helps Relieve Symptoms of Stomach Distress, 60 caps , (NaturalCare)
Reflux Away -
Product Code:NC0020
类别: Stomach Pain

Reflux Away - Helps Relieve Symptoms of Stomach Distress, 60 caps, (NaturalCare)

Helps relieve the symptoms of stomach distress: heartburn, indigestion, belching and flatulence (gas). 
Millions experience it! 
We take our stomach for granted until it hurts or gets upset, then it's the most important thing in our lives. There are more than 60 million adults in the U.S. who experience stomach discomfort monthly and over 25 million daily. Consider the following potential stomach offenders: Over eating, fatty foods, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, eating on the go, certain medications, junk food, ice cold beverages, exercising with a full stomach, stress excess weight and eating before bed. 
Health Barometer! 
How your stomach feels truly is a measure of how you feel, both physically and emotionally. So when something isn't right and you feel distress, your stomach knows, and lets you know in the form of gas, belching, indigestion, bloating, nausea, heartburn and even stomach discomfort. Even though digestion is somewhat trouble-free for most people, it's good to know that stomach distress is not usually serious. Take Reflux Away and make stomach friendly choices... bon~appetit.

Adults and children age 12 and older: take 2 capsules during and after meals, immediately upon onset of symptoms. 
Permanent serving: take 1 capsule with each meal to help reduce onset of symptoms. 
Warnings: For adults and children ages 12 and older. If symptoms persist or become severe, ask your doctor. If pregnant or nursing, ask a doctor before use. Keep out of reach of children.
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $23.39
Other Spec:
Reflux Away - Helps Relieve Symptoms of Stomach Distress, 60 caps, (NaturalCare)

Active ingredients: abies nigra 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, antimonium crudum 8x, 12x, 30x, argentum nitricum 6x, 12x, 30x, carbo vegetabilis 8x, 12x, chelidonium majus 3x, 6x, 12x, colocynthis 6x, 12x, condurango 6x, 12x, 30x, ferrum phosphoricum 8x, 12, lycopodium clavatum 3x, 6x, 12x, natrum muriaticum 6x, 12x, 30x, nux vomica 3x, 6x, 12x. 
Other ingredients: betaine HCL, capsule (gelatin), purified water, glycerin, titanium dioxide), caraway, cardamom, deglycyrrhizinated licorice root, ginger root, glutamic acid, gum mastic, magnesium stearate, pepsin, silica.
Reflux Away - Helps Relieve Symptoms of Stomach Distress, 60 caps, (NaturalCare)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Bonnie  "Forever grateful"
Having been diagnosed with Acid Reflux and a Hiatal Hernia six years ago, and on Prevacid since that time, I listened intently at how Reflux-Away was helping so many people. I also was intrigued by the Kineseology method of manipulating the stomach to assist in correcting the hiatal hernia included in a pamphlet in each box of Reflux-Away. I immediately called… and I began that day taking the Reflux-Away. I’m now on my second bottle, taking one capsule with each meal, and one capsule as needed between meals. Reflux-Away has rescued me. My reflux is greatly diminished, becoming very manageable, and I’m no longer dependant upon a prescription medication. I know I’ll be healthier overall now that I’m using Reflux-Away.

Linda  "What a wonderful difference"
I called Health Talk on September 4 regarding acid reflux. Thank you so much for taking my call and recommending Reflux-Away. We were on our way home and detoured to Healthy Habit to buy Reflux-Away so I could start taking it immediately. What a wonderful difference! I had torn a muscle in my abdomen doing the supine bridge exercise, and that's when the acid reflux started. I had an endoscopy (as well as a colonoscopy), which showed no hiatal hernia. The muscle has healed, but the acid reflux remains and probably will be with me for the rest of my life (I'm only 59). I had been taking Zantac and Tums (800 in 5 months), but it hadn't done the job, in spite of the medication, using an 8" wedge for my head for sleeping, eating smaller quantities, and eliminating many foods from my diet. I feel so much better on the Reflux-Away than I had on the Zantac. Prilosec made me feel all out of sorts, so I took that only two days. I was afraid to take the Nexium, Protonics, or Prevacid because I react strongly to prescriptions and those work for 24-hours. Some of the side effects were serious and I didn't want to chance it. With Reflux-Away I feel so much better and look forward to each day, whereas from March through August, I was in some to a lot of pain and felt depressed because of the situation. I'm taking five to six Reflux-Away capsules a day right now, but maybe in the future I'll be able to cut down some. Thank you so much for helping me.
Reflux Away - Helps Relieve Symptoms of Stomach Distress, 60 caps, (NaturalCare)

How It Works

How the stomach works 
To derive nourishment from food, stomach acid breaks down the food, the muscles in the stomach walls create a rippling motion mixing the food, and juices made from stomach glands help to digest the food into a liquid. After approximately 2 to 3 hours, the food moves into the small intestine for absorption. This normal digestive process may become disrupted with what we often felt in the upper abdomen. 
Your digestive system is a complicated machine 
You usually don't have to think about your digestive system, you just eat. Your onboard stomach alarm alerts you when digestive violations occur. When this happens, do something about it. Be sure to make healthy food choices, chew food well before swallowing, manage any stress, exercise regularly, and ge plenty of sleep. Protect yourself and relieve the symptoms of your digestive system today, with Reflux Away! 
Reflux Away has been formulated with the highest quality, all-nautral, proprietary blend of homeopathic formula in strict compliance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. 
Reflux Away helps relieve symptoms of stomach distress. It also contains a base of all natural ingredients.
Reflux Away is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.