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StressCare - Anti Stress, 60 tabs , (Himalaya)
StressCare - Anti Stress, 60 tabs , (Himalaya)
StressCare - Anti Stress, 60 tabs , (Himalaya)
StressCare -
UPC:Duplicate from PID 14627
Product Code:discontinued

StressCare - Anti Stress, 60 tabs, (Himalaya)

Nature's balanced anti-stress formula 
Healthy living is well understood to be threatened by stress and coping with the consequences of stress is fast becoming a cornerstone of health and well-being. 
StressCare is a completely natural product that regulates and balances all of the body’s organs and systems for comprehensive health maintenance. This ultimate general fitness product helps everyone handle daily stress without any adverse effects. 
StressCare provides several vitamins and minerals from natural sources, has strong antioxidant properties, the key to its anti-aging benefits, and improves hormonal effectiveness, the key to its menopausal benefits. It delivers an extremely broad range of health benefits which are well documented by extensive research. 
Many studies have uncovered definite evidence of StressCare’s effectiveness in stress-related conditions like premature aging, fatigue, insomnia or emotional imbalance. StressCare is the ultimate physical and mental restorative that keeps the body mentally alert and physically fit. It is the prime example of the elaborate science of using herbs as rejuvenating tonics.

Scientific validation 
In a striking placebo-controlled study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Vol 717, June 30, 1994, pp. 170-173)., StressCare (Geriforte) induced a significant increase in the production of both enzymes SOD and CAT, prompting the authors to state that “through the elimination of damaging free radicals responsible for the oxidative damages linked to aging, StressCare (Geriforte) is an ideal tonic for promoting health and longevity.” 

Take 1 tablet twice daily, preferably with meals. Allow several weeks for full benefit. The use of natural products provides progressive but long-lasting results.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $17.95
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StressCare - Anti Stress, 60 tabs, (Himalaya)

Ashwagandha (Latin name: Withania Somnifera) 
Ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years as a rejuvenating treatment. It is one of the best health tonics and restorative agents that have been used to treat general debility, exhaustion, stress induced fatigue and insomnia. Studies have shown its rejuvenating effect, particularly for the muscles and marrow. Various alkaloids and withanoloides in Withania somnifera have shown impressive results in scientific testing, two of them as stimulants for the immune system. 
Chyavanprash is one of the best known Ayurvedic components. It is a complex herbal concentrate that has been the geriatric tonic par excellence for centuries. Chyavanprash is the cornerstone of a comprehensive preventive therapy in Ayurvedic medicine. It is a compound of choice extracts from more than 40 plants and contains a large percentage of Amalaki (Emblica officinalis or Indian Gooseberry), a very strong rejuvenative which is a very rich natural source of Vitamin C. 
Haritaki (Latin name: Terminalia Chebula) 
Haritaki is known in Ayurveda as an adaptogen and anti-aging agent. The fruits are credited with laxative, stomachic, tonic and alterative properties. It is also a known adaptogen and anti-stress, hepato-protective drug. 
Gotu Kola (Latin name: Centella Asiatica) 
Gotu Kola or Indian Pennywort Gotu Kola is famous for improving memory and attention as well as maintaining microvascular integrity (calming agent). It has been noted from many studies for its effect on vein structure. French researchers found evidence that Gotu Kola significantly increases the production of collagen, the key to the synthesis of the connective tissues surrounding the veins. Its usefulness has also been claimed for wound healing. The improved collagen allows brain capillaries to be protected, thus, increasing mental altertness. 
Licorice (Latin name: Glycyrrhiza Glabra) 
Licorice is a versatile medicine in both India and China and has been primarily used to promote gastrointestinal health. It is a mild laxative which soothes and tones the mucous membranes and relieves muscle spasms. Clinical studies have proven Licorice extracts to be as effective as many synthetic alternatives. Licorice is rich in flavonoids and is currently under intense investigation as an antioxidant and as a cancer-protecting botanical boosting certain immune functions such as interferon production. Its mode of action is as an anti-mutagen, which prevents damage to genetic material. 
Arjuna (Latin name: Terminalia arjuna) 
Arjuna is a heart tonic that has been used to support cardiovascular functions since ancient times when it was discovered to have cardio-protective benefits. It has been used as a tonic for both heart and liver. Recent studies have investigated the mechanism of this activity and has shown a dose-dependent regulation of blood pressure and heart rate. There was also an increase in the HDL-to-total cholesterol ratio and an overall improvement in the cardiovascular profile. Overall, Arjuna regulates blood pressure, heart rate and lipid metabolism. 
Shilajeet or Mineral Pitch 
Purified exsudate of mineral origin, Shilajeet is a balanced general tonic comprising useful mineral and organic constituents. It is taken to help digestion and with the assimilation of foods. Shilajeet is often used in combination with other specific plant decoctions to, for example, support respiratory and genitourinary functions.
StressCare - Anti Stress, 60 tabs, (Himalaya)

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StressCare - Anti Stress, 60 tabs, (Himalaya)

StressCare is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.