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Prosta Q - Prostate Health, 60 caps , (Farr Laboratories)
Prosta Q - Prostate Health, 60 caps , (Farr Laboratories)
Prosta Q - Prostate Health, 60 caps , (Farr Laboratories)
Prosta Q -
Product Code:n/a

Prosta Q - Prostate Health, 60 caps, (Farr Laboratories)

Prosta-Q was born out of the intense desire to tailor a combination of the most potent of the bioflavonoid supplements with a mixture of other naturally occurring compounds needed to overcome absorption issues while at the same time promoting and maintaining a healthy prostate to successfully address symptoms associated with:
  • Chronic Non-bacterial Prostatitis
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (Category III Prostatitis)
  • Prostatodynia
  • Sexual Dysfunction
Early studies with bioflavonoids for prostatitis treatment were disappointing because of their low and inconsistent absorption rates. Dr. Shoskes, in association with his colleagues, recognized this and structured a formula specifically designed to increase bioavailability. 
The results of the research in Chronic Non-Bacterial Prostatitis patients using Prosta-Q have been dramatic and compelling in significantly and rapidly addressing the symptoms associated with Category III Prostatitis (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome). 
Other studies suggest that bioflavonoid intake can be linked to "protection against coronary heart disease" and a "reduction of the increased capacity for signal transduction in human abnormal growth cells".
1 capsule taken three times a day with meals.
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Case Quantity: 0
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $59.99
Other Spec:
Prosta Q - Prostate Health, 60 caps, (Farr Laboratories)

Zinc (from zinc gluconate): 5mg,  
Proprietary blend: quercetin, cranberry (berry), saw palmetto (berry), bromelain, papain. 
Other ingredients: gelatin, maltodextrin, and magnesium stearate.
Prosta Q - Prostate Health, 60 caps, (Farr Laboratories)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 83% 17%


Dr. Daniel Shoskes, Director of Prostate Research at the Institute for Male Urology and Chief of renal Transplantation at the Cleveland Clinic, Florida, in association with his colleagues, recognized this, structured a formula specifically designed to increase bioavailability.


Frank Reed  "Fantastic, it works"
My doctor recommended it for Prostatitis

Dave  "Fantastics"
fantastic, after 2 years of tests with urologists and constant burning and frequency, I have total relief. It is everything the literature promises!

G.B.  "90% reduction of chronic pain"
I just placed my second order for Prosta-Q. I was diagnosed with prostatitis in 1998 and was told by my MD and Urologist to take up to 2400 mg of Motrin a day and take hot baths. This was barely effective when measured against the relief I get using Prosta-Q. On average my chronic pain has been reduced by 90% using only Prosta-Q.

S.M.  "Thank god for Prosta Q"
I was treated for an infection in the prostate in 1997 and after a few months there was no more bacteria, but daily pain and discomfort in the prostate persisted. In October 2000 I started on Prosta-Q and symptoms were at one point gone but they came back when I stopped Prosta-Q. I will stay on it for 10 years if I have to.

Derek  "Prosta Q has been a miracle for me"
To whom it may concern, I would just like to take the time to thank the researchers and developers of Prosta-Q. I was diagnosed with Chronic Prostatitis in September of 2001. I was in terrible pain and miserable for about 10 months. In those 10 months I had been to 5 Urologists in order to get some type of relief. Finally, out of desperation, I researched chronic prostatitis on the Internet. This is where I found Prosta-Q. Prosta-Q has been a miracle for me. I have been taking it for about 7 months and I can honestly say that I am 99.9% pain free. I finally have my life back and can finally enjoy it. There are no words that can express my thanks to the researchers and developers. I plan on taking Prosta-Q for as long as I have to.
Prosta Q - Prostate Health, 60 caps, (Farr Laboratories)


What is Prosta-Q? 
Prosta-Q is an herbal supplement containing bioflavonoids and minerals that is manufactured by Farr Laboratories. It is a patent pending proprietory formulation. Please refer questions regarding its manufacture and composition to Farr Laboratories, LLC. 
What indications support the use of Prosta-Q? 
I use Prosta-Q in men to support prostate health which may help address chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Synonyms for this condition include nonbacterial chronic prostatitis, prostatodynia, pelvic muscle myalgia and NIH category III prostatitis. I first perform localizing cultures of urine and expressed prostatic secretions (EPS) in all men prior to therapy. I treat and sterilize any infection that is found to localize to the prostate. In men with extensive inflammation of the EPS, I will often give a trial of antibiotics if the patient has not been so treated before. Men with no evidence of active infection and those who have failed treatment with antibiotics are ideal candidates for the benefits of Prosta-Q. 
How do you use Prosta-Q? 
I recommend 1 capsule taken three times a day with meals. If 3 times per day is successful, many patients can then manage longer term with 2 times or once per day. If the patient has no symptom improvement after 6-8 weeks, the product is unlikely to help them. 
How long will it take for Prosta-Q to work? 
Some users notice improvement after the first few doses. Others find that they must take it for at least 1 month to see any benefit. 
Are there any contraindications to using Prosta-Q? 
There is a theoretical risk that use of Prosta-Q will interfere with the action of quinolone antibiotics (eg Cipro, Floxin, Levaquin). Therefore, don't take these antibiotics with Prosta-Q. 
What side effects have you seen? 
Some users who take the product on an empty stomach report mild nausea. Some users have report slight tingling in the extremities shortly after their first dose.  
Prosta-Q has helped me, but I still have urinary symptoms. 
Some men find that Prosta-Q is more effective for their pain than for their urinary symptoms. I have found that combining Prosta-Q with an alpha blocker (eg Flomax, Uroxatral) is a helpful approach for these men. 
Can I combine Prosta-Q with other supplements? 
I don't recommend it. There is no way of knowing how ingredients in other herbal supplements or traditional treatments will interact with Prosta-Q. Even if the other product is considered "safe", it may interfere with the absorption of Prosta-Q, or block its actions in other ways. Furthermore, very high doses of antioxidants can lead to pro-oxidant effects. By combining high doses of multiple supplements, you may actually be producing the opposite and potentially harmful effect. 
Prosta-Q has helped me feel better. Do I have to keep taking it? 
I recommend staying on a maintenance dose of 1 capsule per day for an additional 2-3 months. Some users find they can stop the product without recurrence of symptoms. Some find they need to stay on the maintenance or even full dose. Some have utilized a "3 weeks on/1 week off" regimen with success. 
What is Chronic Non-Bacterial Prostatitis? 
Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis or inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome is the inflammation of the prostate not due to bacterial infection. It refers to a condition affecting patients who present symptoms of prostatis without a positive result after urine culture or expressed prostate secretion (EPS) culture. Currently, the National Institute of Health refers Chronic Non-Bacterial Prostatitis as Category IIIa Prostatitis or Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS). 
Nonbacterial prostatitis is typically a chronic, painful disease. The symptoms characteristically go away and then come back without warning. The urine and fluid from the prostate show no evidence of a known infecting organism, but the semen and other fluids from the prostate contain cells that the body usually produces to fight infection. 
Treatment with antibiotics and drugs that relax the muscles of the prostate glands is often tried and commonly fails. It is the least understood type of prostatitis and hardest to treat. This form of prostatitis is the most common. It is believed to occur eight times more often than bacterial prostatitis. It occurs in assocation with other diseases such as Reiter syndrome (arthritis, conjunctivitis [eye inflammation] and inflammation of the genital and urinary systems). 
What is Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome? 
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) occurs just in men. It is a persistent discomfort or pain that you feel in your lower pelvice region - mainly at the base of your penis and around your anus. The source of the pain is thought to be the prostate gland. The prostate gland is only found in men. It lies beneath the bladder. It is normally about the size of a chestnut. The urethra, a tube that passes urine from the bladder, runs through the middle of the prostate. The prostate helps to make semen. However, most semen is made from the seminal vesicle. Currently, the National Institute of Health refers to Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome as Category IIIa Prostatitis or Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS). 
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome is another name for Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis (or close medical condition associaton). The noninflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome was formerly called prostatodynia. 
What is Prostatodynia? 
There are various types of prostatitis, one of which is prostatodynia (or Prostadynia). sometimes called noninflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome, it is the occurrence of prostatitis symptoms, without inflammation or bacterial inflammation. Currently, the National Institute of Health refers to Prostatodynia as Category IIIb. 
Doctors understand very little about why some people - often young, otherwise healthy men - develp this problem. Theories to explain prostatodynia include an abnormal buildup of pressure in the urinary tract, irritation resulting from an autoimmune or chemical process, or pain generated in the nerves and muscles within the pelvis. There may be a link between prostatodynia and increased stress, because this condition is often found in men with "Type A" personalities in high-stress situations. 
The main symptom is pain in the pelvis or perineum (the area between the scrotum and the anus.) However, many of the nonbacterial prostatitis symptoms may be present, such as fever, pain in the lower back, pain in genital area, general body aches, burning or pain on urination, increased urinary frequency, urgency, pain or discomfort during or after ejaculation, decreased libido, and occasionally visible blood in the urine.
Case Studies

Prosta-Q Works For 82% Of Men 
Quercetin in Men with Category III Chronic Prostatitis: A Preliminary Prospective, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled Trial 
Objectives: The NIH category III chronic prostatitis syndromes (nonbacterial chronic prostatitis and prostatodynia) are common disorders with few effective therapies. Bioflavonoids have recently been shown in an open label study to improve the symptoms of these disorders in a significant proportion of men. We wished to confirm these findings in a prospective randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled trial. 
Methods: Thirty men with category IIIa and IIIb chronic pelvic pain syndrome were randomized doubly-blinded to receive either placebo or the bioflavonoid quercetin 500 mg twice a day for 1 month. The NIH Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Score was used to grade symptoms and quality of life impact at the start and conclusion of the study. In a follow up unblinded, open-label study, 17 additional men received 1 month of a supplement containing quercetin, as well as bromelain and papain (Prosta-Q), which enhance bioflavonoid absorption. 
Results: Two patients in the placebo group refused to complete the study due to worsening symptoms, leaving 13 placebo and 15 bioflavonoid patients for evaluation in the blinded study. Both quercetin and placebo groups were similar in age, symptom duration and initial symptom score. Patients taking placebo had a mean improvement in NIH symptom score from 20.2 to 18.8 (NS) while those taking the bioflavonoid had a mean improvement from 21.0 to 13.1 (p= 0.003). Twenty percent of patients on placebo and 67% of patients on bioflavonoid had an improvement of symptoms of at least 25%. In the 17 patients who received Prosta-Q in the open label study, 82% had at least a 25% improvement in symptom score. 
Conclusion: Therapy with the bioflavonoid quercetin is well tolerated and provides significant symptomatic improvement in the majority of men with chronic pelvic pain syndrome. 
Prosta-Q has significantly improved symptoms in 82% of men 
Purpose: The chronic pelvic pain syndrome is a clinically defined symptom complex of unclear etiology. We have noted increased oxidative stress in the prostatic fluid of these patients, implying an active inflammatory response. Immune cells can produce the natural opioid b-endorphin at the site of injury, which may modulate pain. We measured b-endorphin and the inflammatory marker prostaglandin E2 in the expressed prostatic secretions of men with prostatitis, and correlated the results with symptoms. 
Materials and Methods: Expressed prostatic secretions samples from 70 patients and 8 asymptomatic controls were collected and frozen. b-Endorphin and prostaglandin E2 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results were stratified according to prostatitis category and compared in individuals before and after therapy. 
Results: In symptomatic patients b-endorphin and prostaglandin E2 were not significantly different in categories II, IIIa and IIIb expressed prostatic secretions but they were higher than in controls. The mean b-endorphin level plus or minus standard error of mean in symptomatic patients was significantly higher (23.8 + 11 ng./ml. versus 8.7 + 4.7, p = 0.0001) and mean prostaglandin E2 was lower (6.01 + 2.9 ng./ml. versus 3.01 + 2.9, p = 0.001) after successful therapy with antibiotics or antioxidant phytotherapy, Prosta-Q (Farr Laboratories, Santa Clarita, California). 
Conclusions: We observed a correlation of higher prostaglandin E2 and lower b-endorphin in symptomatic men with chronic prostatitis. Increased oxidative stress and inflammation may induce prostaglandin E2 production that would inhibit b-endorphin release. Treatment with therapeutic agents that decrease oxidative stress, such as antibiotics and antioxidant phytotherapy, may function at least partially by increasing b-endorphin and decreasing prostaglandin E2.
Prosta Q is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.