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Lean System 7 - Triple Action Fat Loss Formula, 90 caps , (iSatori Technologies)
Lean System 7 - Triple Action Fat Loss Formula, 90 caps , (iSatori Technologies)
Lean System 7 - Triple Action Fat Loss Formula, 90 caps , (iSatori Technologies)
Product Code:

Lean System 7 - Triple Action Fat Loss Formula, 90 caps, (iSatori Technologies)

Advanced fat-loss activator as seen on TV.
  • Research proven
  • Support metabolic rate
  • Lose fat -- quickly and safely
With the introduction of Lean System 7, a new frontier has been established in nutritional sciences: Advanced triple action metabolic-activation system. Lean System 7 has been scientifically designed to help get and keep you lean -- safely and effectively, without the use of harmful stimulants. 
Lean System 7 was designed to penetrate and attack fat cells with a revolutionary triple action mechanism:
  • Lean System 7 contains a rich supply of Yerba mate and guarana, natural herbs that have been shown in a recent study to significantly increase and maintain weight loss. This unique blend may supply the body with the tools needed to help liberate stored fat.
  • Lean System 7 supplies the precise amounts of Citrus aurantium and green tea extract, natural herbal stimulants shown in studies to be useful in controlling body composition by activating thermogenisis and fat oxidation.
  • Lean System 7 provides the groundbreaking new micronutrient 7-Keto, a patented compound that, by increasing enzymes, has been shown to support a healthy metabolic rate, which may be beneficial in helping the body burn calories more rapidly and continually throughout the day.
Lean System 7 contains a precise combination of "metabolic-support" compounds which, when taken in conjunction with a sensible nutrition and exercise regimen, is designed to help users:
  • Burn bodyfat...fast
  • Inhibit fat storage
  • Enhance fat metabolism
  • Support a healthy metabolic rate

Lean System 7 was recently evaluated in an eight-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (the "gold standard" of studies). Those using Lean System 7 faired exceptionally well compared to those in the placebo group who followed the same exercise and nutrition plan. Some subjects using Lean System 7 showed an increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR—the body's fat-burning mechanism) up to 43%, which equates to burning an extra 930 calories per day. 
Equally important, participants lost up to 19 lbs and reduced their waist and hip circumferences by up to 4.5 inches, which is simply phenomenal, considering those dreaded "problem areas" are the hardest (and last) parts of the body to lose bodyfat! 
Although it's impossible to say exactly how much bodyfat each person will lose from using Lean System 7—obviously, as individuals differ, so will results, as proven by this groundbreaking study, numerous people experienced extraordinary results (bodyfat losses of up to 19 lbs in only short eight weeks).  
What's more, with no adverse effects reported, Lean System 7 was proven to be just as safe as the placebo (which was rice flour).

As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules, twice per day, 30 minutes prior to meals and/or exercise. Do not exceed 6 capsules per day. For best results, use with one half the recommended dose for the first week (one to two capsules, twice per day).
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Retail Price: $44.97
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Lean System 7 - Triple Action Fat Loss Formula, 90 caps, (iSatori Technologies)

Yerba Mate (llex paraguariensis)(leaves): 500mg, Guarana Extract (Paullinia Cupana) (seeds) [Standardized for 15% alkaloids as caffeine (105 mg)]: 700mg, Citrus aurantium Fruit Extract [Standardized for 6% synephrine (18 mg)]: 300mg, Green Tea Leaf Extract (Standardized for 90% polyphenols; 70% catechins): 300mg, 7-Keto (3-Acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone): 50mg, Dandelion Leaf and root powder (Taraxacum officinale): 250mg, Bioperine (Piper nigrum)(fruit) [98% piperine (4.9 mg)]: 5mg 
Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Rice Flour, Magnesium Stearate, and Titanium Dioxide. 
7-Keto: The product of over 10 years of intense research, patented 7-Keto is a new breed of supplement—one engineered for specific results. Its ability to promote safe fat loss is a breakthrough in weight-loss supplements. It has also shown anti-aging actions and has been awarded patents for boosting the immune system and enhancing memory. 
7-Keto has been shown to help our bodies burn more fat, faster, without the stimulating effects most thermogenics impart. This can be a real benefit for those who are sensitive to stimulants and those who wish to supplement for longer periods. As an added bonus, 7-Keto also supports the immune system and helps prevent age-related health complications. 
Yerba mate is a perennial (a plant that doesn't die at the end of the year) and member of the holly family, evident by its leathery leaves. It grows wild in the rainforests of Argentina, Chile, Peru, Brazil, and Paraguay (where it is cultivated). Some time back, native people used to just chew the leaves of Yerba mate for a quick boost of energy and eat it in foods for a true "power lunch." Later, people ground up the leaves and added them to cold water, but now those seeking natural boosts of energy and fat-fighting properties can benefit from yerba mate in a powdered supplement form. 
Guarana is an herb that grows within the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. It contains significant amounts of guaranine (the active constituent that's nearly identical to caffeine) and has thus been used for centuries by indigenous tribes to help reduce hunger and relieve fatigue—it was even said to have been used for treating hangover symptoms from alcohol abuse, namely headaches.  
The surprising truth about guarana is that while it may be a valuable aid for temporarily increasing energy levels (which is usually needed before an intense workout or first thing in the morning as a "pick-me-up"), its ability to "free" fatty acids (i.e., fat cells) into the bloodstream and break down and mobilize these fat cells to be used for energy makes it a "natural" choice for effective fat loss. 
Citrus aurantium, commonly referred to as bitter orange, has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine for improving and maintaining overall health. That is until recently, when science discovered compounds from the little orange fruits of Citrus aurantium, the most well-known being synephrine, demonstrated powerful thermogenic ("fat-burning") activity. Now, this herb is acclaimed as the "calmer chemical cousin" to ephedra because it increases the body's fat-burning mechanism—the metabolic rate—without producing the negative central nervous system and cardiovascular side effects. 
Coleus forskohlii is an ancient Ayurvedic plant and member of the mint and lavender family, which grows in the mountains of Asia. Recent research has shown that the active ingredient in coleus, forskolin, plays a major role in a variety of important cellular functions, including inhibiting histamine release, relaxing muscles, increasing thyroid function, and increasing fat-burning activity. 
Dandelion: one major factor in individuals attempting to lose weight is water retention, which can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal and dietary issues. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) a common garden weed, has long been recognized. The leaves are used in salads and teas, while the roots are often used as a coffee substitute. Medically, it's been particularly valued as a diuretic (a substance that promotes excretion of salts and water from the body) or weight-loss agent. 
Bioperine: casual thought may lead you to believe if you take more of a nutrient, more will be available for use by the body. Of course, this is not necessarily true; in fact, more from less is better and ultimately safer—as both a philosophy and a practice. Fortunately, we can now get more effectiveness from the nutrients we consume with Bioperine. Based on clinical data, having Bioperine in the digestive system with supplemented nutrients results in enhanced absorption. Studies show that when Bioperine is taken with other nutrients, it significantly increases the absorption of those nutrients.
Lean System 7 - Triple Action Fat Loss Formula, 90 caps, (iSatori Technologies)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 88% 13%


John L. Zenk, M.D., Medical Director and Principle Investigator, Minnesota Applied Research Center 
"Our recently completed clinical study on Lean System 7 resulted in a significant reduction in overall bodyweight and waist and hip circumference measurements in both men and women. More important, the study demonstrated that Lean System 7 is safe and has a side effect profile no different than a placebo.  
In my professional opinion, Lean System 7 is a safe and effective formula for accelerating weight loss and improving body composition when combined with diet and exercise."


Anonymous  "Not"
It did absolutely nothing to promote weight-loss.

Anonymous  "WASTE"
I gained weight and did not lose a pound, and I was working out and eating sensibly.

Anonymous  "Don't"
I bought this product. I did not change my eating habits or activity level. I started with 1 pill at breakfast and 1 at supper to see how I would react to it. After about 2 days, I started taking 2 pills at breakfast, 1 at lunch, and 1 at supper. After this, I took 2 before each meal. I took this product this way until I ran out and I did not see any difference in my weight. I still have a hard time getting in my pants so in my opinion, this product does not work.

Chelsea  "Boost of energy"
It's great! If you want something that increases your metabolism then this is it. This does not have caffine in it so it doesn't make me all shaky. I love it!

Karin  "Fabulous"
The fabulous results! I have been taking Lean System 7 for about 6 months now, and I LOVE IT! I have gone from a size 22 to a 10! This product was highly recommended to me by my brother, who is a bodybuilder. He knows I cannot take supplements with ephedra or all that other 'junk' that makes you shaky and 'on edge.' My friends ask me how I lost all my weight, and I tell them 'exercise, proper nutrition, and LEAN SYSTEM 7!' This is an amazing product, and I continue to promote this product to everyone I know and even meet. Keep this product coming!!!

Harold  "It works"
IT WORKS! I have been taking Lean System for about a year. I am 66 years old, and keeping weight off the middle becomes harder as you age, but with Lean System 7, I have been able to keep my bodyfat in check. I believe Lean System 7, along with regular exercise, is the ticket for keeping me in shape and feeling young.

Sandra  "Wow"
Wow! Lean System 7 is working great for me! In the first four weeks, I've lost over 10 inches and 12 lbs and have nearly regained my 'old' body... I feel confident about myself again after just having a baby!

Darius  "The best fat burner I have ever used"
I used Lean System 7 for 12 weeks and lost 21 lbs of bodyfat. I have since continued my sound eating habits and resistance training and have continued to lose bodyfat while taking advantage of the extended 'half-life' of the product. I have never experienced any side effects, like shakiness or nervousness whatsoever. It is truly the best fat burner I have ever used... it FLAT OUT WORKS!

Harley  "Successful"
With all my years of training celebrities and professional athletes, I know a successful supplement when I see it. Lean System 7 produces dramatic results, quickly but, more importantly, safely. I encourage all my clients to use it to help maximize their results.

Dawn  "Great result"
I had tried taking some of the other highly advertised weight-loss products but couldn't handle the way they made me feel. Searching for something that would raise my metabolism and not give me the jitters and shakes, I heard about Lean System 7. The first thing I definitely noticed was an increase in energy, without question, then a few weeks later, I noticed dramatic differences and changes in my body. And even more important, so did everyone around me. People were coming up to me and asking what I was doing, telling me how great I looked—my arms, stomach, and thighs were toned and beautiful. I have since spread the word about Lean System 7 to many of my friends and individuals I work out with at the gym. Everyone who has tried Lean System 7 has raved about their results. I am totally sold on Lean System 7 and what it has done for me. There's nothing else like it... you have to try it!

Connie  "I've lost 22 lbs"
When you've tried everything to lose weight without any real success, like I had, you start to give up... But thankfully, with Lean System 7, I am losing fat faster than ever before! So far I've lost 22 lbs in just under eight weeks, and my husband still can't believe it!

Michael Ryan, Professional Trainer to the Stars  "Highly recommend"
With utmost confidence, I highly recommend Lean System 7 weight-loss solution to all of my male and female clients who are looking to lose those unwanted pounds and keep them off, without having to seriously alter their daily routines. Lean System 7 is easy to use, and it is very apparent to me and my clients that it simply works!

Pat  "Great product"
I love the extra boost of energy I get after taking Lean System 7. It allows me to get more out of my workout with no side effects. It has been instrumental in helping me lose close to 80 lbs of fat this year. Thanks for a great product that does even more than I expected.

Michael Dunbar  "Awesome"
Twice a day: that's it! Started at 225 lbs, 36% bodyfat, 5'8", 44 years old. On 10/13/2003, I got a software tracker of food and calories, skipped rope twice a week, and do callisthenic bodyweight exercises. Reporting 10 lbs less in weight and bodyfat of 24%. Awesome for one month without crazy diets! Goal of 195 and 16% body fat by 01/17/2004.

Marilyn  "Love Lean System 7"
With all other supplements to help with fat loss, I felt jittery and would get a splitting headache as a side effect about two hours later. With Lean System 7, all I feel is wonderful. I get an incredible energy boost and have had no side effects whatsoever. I love Lean System 7!

Laura  "Burning more fat"
I took my Lean System 7 at 6:00 in the morning before I did a 62-mile bike ride, and I am certain that is why I didn't 'bonk' going up all those mountain climbs! Lots of energy... plus, I was burning more fat while exercising!
Lean System 7 - Triple Action Fat Loss Formula, 90 caps, (iSatori Technologies)

What is Lean System 7, and how does it work?
What is in Lean System 7 that makes it so effective?
What does the research say about the ingredients in LS7?
Have there been research studies done on Lean System 7?
What kind of results can I expect from Lean System 7?
What makes Lean System 7 so different from other fat-loss      supplements?
What is 7-Keto, and why is it so unique?
I hear that some weight-loss formulas contain ingredients such as      ephedra or PPA that are potentially not safe—does Lean System 7      contain these ingredients?
How much Lean System 7 do I need to take to make it most effective?
Is there an "optimal" time to take Lean System 7?
How long does it take for Lean System 7 to take effect? How soon will I      see results?
Can women take Lean System 7?
How does Lean System 7 ensure its "pharmaceutical-grade" quality?

What is Lean System 7, and how does it work?
Lean System 7 is a new dietary supplement clinically proven to promote safe, effective fat loss (not to be confused with weight loss, which is normally mostly water and muscle loss). Lean System 7 provides a precise synergistic blend of seven powerful "fat-fighting" ingredients that have been shown in recent studies to help you get and stay lean—safely and effectively, without the use of harmful stimulants (like ephedrine). | Top |

What is in Lean System 7 that makes it so effective?
Lean System 7 contains seven "metabolically active" ingredients that work synergistically to produce its powerful fat-fighting effects.

Lean System 7 contains a rich supply of yerba mate and guarana, natural herbs which have been shown in a recent study to support rapid fat loss, working synergistically to enhance thermogenesis—the body's ability to free fatty acids (i.e., fat cells) and use them for energy.

Lean System 7 supplies the precise amount of Citrus aurantium, a natural herbal stimulant, which has been shown in studies to promote thermal up-regulation to accelerate calorie burning, which helps mobilize and break down bodyfat. Working together with the addition of Coleus forskohlii helps increase fat metabolism, breaking down stored fat cells.

Lean System 7 provides the groundbreaking new micronutrient 7-Keto, a patented compound which, by activating thyroid functioning and increasing thermogenic enzymes, has been shown to safely "rev up" the body's base metabolic rate and thus "burn" calories more rapidly and continually throughout the day, even while resting, as well as inhibit the storage of fat within the body.

This formula also contains dandelion, a mild herbal diuretic, which has been added to prevent the body from retaining unwanted, excess water between the skin and muscle tissue. Finally, another patented compound, Bioperine, has been included to support the breakdown and absorption of each of the nutrients in Lean System 7, which increases their uptake and utilization—to achieve full effectiveness. | Top |

What does the research say about the ingredients in LS7?
Several studies have been published in the most prestigious peer-reviewed scientific journals, which validate the efficacy and safety of each ingredient in Lean System 7.

The most profound studies documented are those conducted on the breakthrough patented supplement 7-Keto. A new peer-reviewed clinical trial revealed a significant reduction in bodyfat in overweight adults by positively impacting thyroid (T3) functioning. (This is significant because T3 is not only the most active thyroid hormone but also has the greatest effect on metabolic rate.) Over the eight weeks, the 7-Keto group lost three times more fat than the placebo group. Plus, bodyfat percentages decreased for the 7-Keto group. It's no wonder 7-Keto has been awarded nine prestigious U.S. patents, including one for its use in weight loss. In fact, 7-Keto has been compared to today's leading pharmaceutical prescription drugs and faired quite well in comparison.

Another impressive study conducted recently on the herbal combination of yerba mate and guarana conclusively revealed their ability to support rapid fat loss. The results showed that those taking the herbal combination for 45 days lost an average of 5 kg (or about 11 lbs) compared to the placebo group who lost an average of only 0.45 kg (or about one pound)—a significant difference. What was also noteworthy was that the herbal combination also delayed gastric emptying by 20 minutes, which means a longer feeling of fullness after eating a meal.

These results are encouraging and indicate that fat loss can also be achieved with non-stimulatory compounds and herbs, as opposed to the standard amphetamine-like formulas on the market. | Top |

Have there been research studies done on Lean System 7?
Yes. Lean System 7 was recently evaluated in an eight-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (the "gold standard" of studies). Those using Lean System 7 faired exceptionally well compared to those in the placebo group who followed the same exercise and nutrition plan. Some subjects using Lean System 7 showed an increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR—the body's fat-burning mechanism) up to 43%, which equates to burning an extra 930 calories per day. What's more, with no adverse effects reported, Lean System 7 was proven to be just as safe as the placebo. | Top |

What kind of results can I expect from Lean System 7?
In a recent study using Lean System 7, some participants lost up to 19 lbs and reduced their waist and hip circumferences by up to 4 1/2 inches, which is simply phenomenal! Although it's impossible to say exactly how much bodyfat each person will lose from using Lean System 7—obviously, as individuals differ, so will results—numerous people have experienced extraordinary yet realistic results (bodyfat losses of up to 22 lbs in only eight weeks). | Top |

What makes Lean System 7 so different from other fat-loss supplements?
Unlike most other formulas, Lean System 7 is concentrated on supporting fat loss, not weight loss. Make no mistake, these two goals are not the same. Fat loss is the reduction of bodyfat, whereas weight loss allows for only a small reduction in bodyfat initially; then you start breaking down muscle and losing water weight. Your primary goal should be to lose fat, while you maintain and/or increase your lean mass. Lean System 7 supports this goal of fat loss 100%.

Lean System 7 is the first formula to attack bodyfat in three ways—by "activating" the metabolic pathways. The majority of other formulas work by penetrating one or maybe two of the pathways, but when researchers discovered an additional pathway to penetrate and attack fat cells (not just while exercising but even while resting), this led to the revolution of a new supplement that would enable users to reap the benefits of a full assault on fat.

And most importantly, many of today's most popular weight-loss products that claim they boost the metabolism actually are stimulant-based and have no beneficial effect on the metabolism (the body's fat-burning mechanism). Instead, their primary action is to stimulate hormones in the brain that help suppress appetite to encourage weight loss—including loss of muscle tissue, water, and some fat—simply because you eat less. Long-term use or overuse of these stimulant-based products can have detrimental effects on the body. Lean System 7, however, works by increasing the body's basal metabolism (the rate it burns calories for energy as opposed to storing them as fat), without the effects of harmful stimulants or appetite suppression. | Top |

What is 7-Keto, and why is it so unique?
Recently developed and awarded nine patents, 7-Keto was discovered by Dr. Henry Lardy, who spent the last 10 years examining over 150 metabolites in hopes of finding a nutrient that would promote thermogenesis—increasing the body's metabolism (to burn more calories)—without unwanted side effects. What Dr. Lardy has discovered is suggested by many researchers to be the most potent thermogenic enhancer available for aiding safe, effective fat loss... and for good reason.

A new peer-reviewed clinical trial reveals a significant reduction in bodyfat in overweight adults by positively impacting thyroid (T3) functioning within a safe range. (This is significant because T3 is not only the most active thyroid hormone but also has the greatest effect on metabolic rate.) Over the eight weeks, the 7-Keto group lost a significant amount of bodyweight compared to the placebo group—in fact, three times more fat than the placebo group (6.34 lbs vs. 2.13 lbs). | Top |

I hear that some weight-loss formulas contain ingredients such as ephedra or PPA that are potentially not safe—does Lean System 7 contain these ingredients?
Lean System 7 does not contain any harmful stimulants, such as ephedra, ma huang, or PPA, which have been extensively documented by the FDA to cause severe adverse effects, including high blood pressure, heart palpitations, nervous disorders, headaches, and, in more severe cases, even death. Not only are these types of stimulants potentially harmful, they are usually not tolerated well by users, as they tend to cause jittery, edgy feelings and an overall sense of uneasiness. Each of the ingredients contained in Lean System 7 has been documented by studies to be safe when used according to "recommended usage" instructions. Still, as with any supplements, it is not intended for children or women who are pregnant or lactating. | Top |

How much Lean System 7 do I need to take to make it most effective?
For optimal results in reducing bodyfat, we suggest taking three capsules, twice per day, 30 minutes prior to meals and/or exercise. Do not exceed six capsules per day. Each daily dosage of Lean System 7 has been developed to reach a precise range of supplement amounts, which has been validated by research studies to make it most effective and help users gain its full effects. | Top |

Is there an "optimal" time to take Lean System 7?
To make Lean System 7 most effective for optimizing results in reducing bodyfat, the "best" time to take the easy-to-swallow capsules is upon rising and/or 30 minutes prior to exercise and meals. | Top |

How long does it take for Lean System 7 to take effect? How soon will I see results?
Taking Lean System 7 according to the recommended usage instructions, you may "feel" it working relatively quickly, within the first 30 to 45 minutes (but remember, this formula is not an "instant buzz" stimulant but is a specifically targeted fat-loss product)—this "feeling" is the heat-producing ("metabolic-activation") and fat-burning system taking effect. In addition, most users have claimed to feel the effects, in terms of increased energy, after taking Lean System 7 within the first seven to ten days. And users that have followed a sensible nutrition and exercise program have reported losses of up to 20 lbs bodyfat in as little as 12 weeks. But, since individuals differ in body types, so will results. | Top |

Can women take Lean System 7?
Yes, they certainly can. In fact, the makers of Lean System 7 recognized early on in preliminary research and development that women have unique and varying needs when it comes to fat loss. After discussions with literally hundreds of women, Lean System 7 researchers identified their unique requirements and developed a precise, synergistic blend of nutrients which are suitable for both men and women.

In fact, research showed that female participants in clinical studies have responded very favorably to 7-Keto, as well as the other ingredients contained in Lean System 7, for supporting a healthy metabolic rate and burning bodyfat. The makers of Lean System 7 understand how important it is to allow both men and women to optimize their results by employing ingredients that are focused directly on their bodies' distinctive
needs. | Top |

How does Lean System 7 ensure its "pharmaceutical-grade" quality?
Each production run of Lean System 7 capsules is analyzed for complete purity and accuracy of its content and is produced under the strictest pharmaceutical-quality guidelines. Rather than throwing in herbal mixtures with active ingredient potencies that change with each batch, Lean System 7 uses independent laboratories to provide analysis and guarantee each capsule has the precise range of ingredients to meet label
claims. | Top |

Case Studies





Julia Lacy - I lost 24 lbs of ugly, post-pregnancy bodyfat, and now I look and feel better than I ever have! After having two children, back-to-back, Julia Lacy-Adele, from Morrison, Colorado, lost over 24 lbs of unattractive bodyfat and dropped four dress sizes to re-build the body she once had... thanks to Lean System 7.
Mark Harden - I lost 14 lbs of bodyfat in just 8 weeks, and now I can finally see my abs! At the age of 41, Mark Harden, of Huntsville, Alabama, lost 14 lbs of unhealthy bodyfat and increased his strength and muscle tone following Lean System 7 and ABSolution principles.





Shari Friedman - I dropped my bodyfat in half, and now I'm an inspiration to my friends and family! Shari Friedman, of Georgia, dropped her bodyfat in half, increased her self-confidence, and developed a leaner, more toned physique with the help of Lean System 7 and the ABSolution principles.
Linda O'Byrne - I Lost 11 lbs of Bodyfat and Dropped 2 Dress Sizes, Just in Time for My Special Day! With less than a month to re-shape her body, Linda O'Byrne, of Manchester, England, lost 11 lbs of bodyfat and looked as beautiful as ever for her wedding day, using Lean System 7.
Lean System 7 is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.