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TestPro Alpha - 1 Testosterone Topical Gel, 2 oz , (Urban Biologics)
TestPro Alpha - 1 Testosterone Topical Gel, 2 oz , (Urban Biologics)
TestPro Alpha - 1 Testosterone Topical Gel, 2 oz , (Urban Biologics)
Product Code:discontinued
类别: Testosterone

TestPro Alpha - 1 Testosterone Topical Gel, 2 oz, (Urban Biologics)

Discontinued -

The science of structure 
TestPro Alpha is defined, chemically, as 1,(5alpha)-Androstene-3-one, 17-tetrahydropyranyl (THD). For those of us shmoes who just want to take something that gets us huge and strong, knuckles dragging, and gives us a good boner kick for the ladies, 1-TEST is simply the closest thing you'll find to straight, legal testosterone. In fact, if you know your chemistry and steroids, you might associate 1-TEST with the anabolic steroid boldenone (ex: Equipoise or Equigan). Better still, 1-TEST is reportedly 700 times more anabolic than taking straight testosterone. 
Advantage 1 
The "1" in 1-TEST refers to the position of the double bond in the first position of the molecule. Means nothing, right? To your body it does, though. Unlike 17-alkalated structures that enable steroids to make it past your liver, this fist position double bond allows the same advantage, however without liver toxicity - alkalating is both illegal in supplements and highly toxic to the liver. In other words, once 1-TEST gets into your body, your liver won't simply destroy it. 
5 Alive 
Typically you wouldn't want to take a pro-testosterone that has its double bond in the 5th, as opposed to the 4th slot, but that's not an issue with 1-TEST. You see, the numbers 5 and 4 refer to the position on the molecule where the attachment between two carbon atoms takes place. Testosterone, as its chemical structure shows, has its bond on the 4th slot. So that's where you'd typically like to see the double bond in a supplement for efficient conversion (to testosterone, in this case). The Urban Biologics scientific team addressed this general inefficiency by engineering 1-TEST as a 5-alpha reduced (5AR, or 5-alpha-reductase) structure. How this works isn't as important as why it works: 1-TEST is chemically incapable of binding to estrogen receptors and forming estrogen because technically it's recognized by your body as a DHT (dihydrotestosterone) derivative. 
For you bald or balding guys, you've probably already heard of DHT - it's often to blame for male pattern baldness. Oddly enough, DHT, while it can cause cranial hair loss, also is extremely anadrogenic and anabolic (and you thought bald guys were just mad because they had no hair - it's their gorilla-like test levels). The beauty of TEST PRO ALPHA is that since it's already gone through 5AR, you get the anabolic benefits of DHT - muscle hardness, strength and libido - but there's no chance of TEST PRO ALPHA aromatizing directly to estrogen. Not converting to estrogen means no bloating, gyno (i.e. enlargement of breast tissue) or increased fat mass. Any DHT-related side effects you get are largely going to be dependant upon your hereditary susceptibility.  
Ether bound 
Aside from the high estrogen conversion of most pro-hormones, the other big complaint of these products has always been the flipside - a low active conversion rate. In other words, if you take a 100mg Andro cap, how much of that actually ends up getting converted to testosterone? Surely it can't all get converted to estrogen, right? Unfortunately only about 4%-6% of a typical pro-hormone gets converted to testosterone. Now I don't know about you, but if I'm forking-out $69.99 every 20 days for a testosterone stack that only gives me 5% of what I'm paying for, I'm pissed! 
The conversion issue stems largely from the inability of a pro-hormone to pass through your liver's very advanced filtering mechanism. In other words, to convert to testosterone, the pre-cursor must first be absorbed so to be able to bind to its intended receptor sites. Your liver, however, recognizes a steroid as a toxin when it's ingested. This because your body manufactures steroids from cholesterol (fat) and isn't preprogrammed to recognize steroids when they're consumed orally. The solution? An ether molecule called tetrahydropyranyl (THD). 
THD makes TestPro Alpha more fat-soluble (lipophilic), thereby protecting the active pro-testosterone from being destroyed as it passes through your liver. As a result, TestPro Alpha ends up in your bloodstream where it can directly affect your lymphatic system and do its job - convert to testosterone, get you huge, increase your strength and make you rock hard both muscularly and otherwise. 
Transdermal efficiency 
Although 1-TEST was originally formulated to apply to oral ingestion, we took it to another level. Choosing instead to go with a more efficient route that entirely bypasses your kidneys and liver for safer, faster, more effective dosing - transdermal delivery. Contracting an exclusive agreement with Basic Research (Salt Lake City, UT), we suspended 1-TEST in their patented lecithin-based solution Epidril. In clinical trials, Epidril has been shown to successfully penetrate the many dermal layers of skin. The active ingredients it houses can then be directly released into the underlying fatty tissue and absorbed into the bloodstream. Now, instead of the 4%-6% conversion you've come to expect from a normal pro-hormone, you get closer to a 95% and above conversion rate into active testosterone with TEST PRO ALPHA. That, without ever negatively affecting your liver, kidneys or converting to estrogen.

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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $98.00
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TestPro Alpha - 1 Testosterone Topical Gel, 2 oz, (Urban Biologics)

Discontinued -
TestPro Alpha - 1 Testosterone Topical Gel, 2 oz, (Urban Biologics)

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TestPro Alpha - 1 Testosterone Topical Gel, 2 oz, (Urban Biologics)

How It Works
Discontinued -
Discontinued -
Discontinued -
TestPro Alpha - 1 Testosterone Topical Gel, 2 oz, (Urban Biologics)