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RingStop - Prevents & Stops Ear Noise, 60 caps , (NaturalCare)
RingStop - Prevents & Stops Ear Noise, 60 caps , (NaturalCare)
RingStop - Prevents & Stops Ear Noise, 60 caps , (NaturalCare)
Product Code:NC0021

RingStop - Prevents & Stops Ear Noise, 60 caps, (NaturalCare)

RingStop contains the highest quality, all-natural proprietary, homeopathic formula in strict compliance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. Homeopathic remedies have demonstrated unsurpassed safety for over 180 years. 
RingStop helps reduce the annoyance and frustration that comes with tinnitus. For added benefits, RingStop also contains a base of all natural herbal extracts, specific amino acids, important antioxidants, and special vitamins and minerals. Contains no synthetic drugs, artificial chemicals, or additives. 
RingStop helps relieve symptoms of
  • Tinnitus
  • Ringing and/or buzzing in ears
  • Ear noises
  • Sensitivity to noises
Imagine hearing a ringing noise in your ears or head that sometimes doesn't go away. This maddening noise is called tinnitus, and can range from a ring to a roar. Some people also hear buzzing, hissing, roaring, whistling, chirping or clicking. Each person has a unique version. It can be intermittent or constant with single or multiple tones and its perceived volume can range from subtle to shattering.

Probale causes of Tinnitus 
Up to 90% of all people who seek treatment for tinnitus have some level of hearing loss, usually noise-induced. Exposure to loud noises is by far the most likely culprit. Other suspects include: stress, high blood pressure, aging, ototoxic (harmful to hearing) drugs, ear or snus infections, jaw, neck, or cranial bone misalignment, thyroid disorders and head and neck trauma. 
50 million people 
Most people will experience tinnitus symptoms at some time in their life. In America alone, as many as 50 million people say their ears ring. About 12 million have tinnitus severe enough to seek medical attention and some people are so seriously bothered by tinnitus that living a normal life is not possible.  
Tinnitus symptoms can, in fact, interfere with concentration, work, sleep, relaxation, normal communication with others, and can lead to psychological distress. Now there's hope with RingStop! 
Noise may raise blood pressure 
A recent study (Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;58:761, 769-773) showed that people living with high levels of noise may be more likely thant those in more quiet environs to have high blood pressure.  
The investigation by the Robert Koch Institute looked into the effect of noise on 1,700 people. It found that people who lived in areas with average night-time noise levels of 55 decibels or more were almost twice as likely to be treated for high blood pressure as those who were exposed to noise levels lower than 50 decibels. "The study shows that noise pollution raises blood pressure and so has a long-term health impact," said Dr. Heidemarie Wende from the Federal Environment Agency.

Start with two capsules twice daily for the first 30-90 days. Thereafter, reduce the dosage to one capsule twice daily. For best results, use daily for 3-6 months.
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Retail Price: $33.49
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RingStop - Prevents & Stops Ear Noise, 60 caps, (NaturalCare)

Active Ingredients:
  • Calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonate) - relieves throbbing and cracking noises, stitches and pulsing sensations in the ears.
  • Cimicifuga racemose (black cohosh root) - helpful for tinnitus symptoms, and for people who are very sensitive to noise.
  • Carbo vegetabilis (vegetable charcoal) - this natural remedy is for ringing in the ears, especially if it occurs during flu or other conditions involving vertigo and nausea.
  • China (cinchona officinalis) (peruvian bark) - helps ringing in the ears and hearing sensitive to noise.
  • Chininum sulphuricum (sulphite of quinine) - helps relieve violent ringing, buzzing and roaring sounds that are loud enough to impair a person's hearing.
  • Coffea cruda (unroasted coffee) - for people with tinnitus accompanied by extremely sensitive hearing and a buzzing feeling in the back of the head.
  • Graphites (plumbago) - this remedy is beneficial for tinnitus with associated hearing loss, and for hissing and clicking sounds in the ears.
  • Kali carbonicum (potassium carbonate) - for tinnitus with ringing or roaring, accompanied by cracking noises and itching in the ears.
  • Lycopodium (club moss) - for a humming and roaring in the ears, along with impairment of hearing, and sounds that seem to echo in the ears.
  • Natrum salicylicum (sodium salicylatae) - this remedy is beneficial if ringing in the ears is like a low, dull hum, and for loss of hearing related to bone condition, as well as nerve interference.
  • Salivylicum acidum (salicylic acid) - this remedy is indicated for tinitus with very loud roaring or ringing sounds, which may be accompanied by some hearing loss. It may also be helpful if tinnitus has been caused by too much aspirin.
Other Ingredients:
  • Arginine is an amino acid that stimulates the release of natural nitric oxide which dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow, and protects the ear from free radical damage.
  • Vinpocetine is an herbal extract that improves blood flow in the inner ear and brain, thereby increasing utilization of glucose and oxygen.
  • Ipriflavone is a soy-derived bioflavonoid that provides nutritional benefits for people with ringing.
  • Alpha lipoic acid is an important antioxidant that protects your ears from free radical damage.
  • Chinese herbal formula helps provide benefits for the body so that an internal balance can be achieved.
  • Ginko biloba is a powerful herbal extract that increases the circulation of blood to the ears and enhances cellular metabolism.
  • N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that is a major glutathione antioxidant precursor protecting against free radical damage.
  • Zinc helps maintain healthy red cell membranes and protects cells from oxygen-related damage.
  • Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for the cochlea in the inner ear.
  • Magnesium protects against damage to hearing function caused by exposure to noise, and protects the tiny arteries going to the inner ears from constricting due to noise-induced constriction of the arteries.
  • Melatonin helps provide protection against ear concerns.
  • Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps generate red blood cells, produce brain and nervous-system chemicals; and regulate the body's production and use of homocysteine which helps regulate dangerous plaque in the blood vessels.
  • Vitamin B-12 helps maintain healthy nerve function and circulation.
  • Vitamin B-6 also helps maintain the health of the nerves leading to the inner ear.
RingStop - Prevents & Stops Ear Noise, 60 caps, (NaturalCare)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 67% 33%


Dr. Martin is an internationally recognized authority on human health. He is a diplomate of the American Academy of Anti-Aging medicine and a double board certified Clinical Nutritionist. Dr. Martin is also a board certified Chiropractic Physician and Physio Therapist. His popular national radio talk show Health Talk is heard by millions each week.


Anonymous  "Very happy"
I have had tinnitus since 1991. After numerous Dr appointments including specialists nothing could be found to help me. Sleep was almost impossible! I have only been able to get to sleep since then with a headphone playing music to drown out the clicking sound I heard...at a co-workers suggestion. Received a SPAM message about RingStop. Ordered a bottle and the very first night, there was no clicking noise! After only 3 pills! I am VERY happy with the way RingStop has worked for me and am ordering more bottles soon!

Rumi  "No more ear noise!"
It is working on my ears! My ear doctor told me that I have to live with it. I checked the web site and found RingStop. I am so happy it helps me. It is not a cure, but it stops buzzing or ringing in ears. It took a few days to start working. No more ear noise!

Susan  "No improvement"
Although I took the dosage as described on the package for several months, I have seen absolutely no improvement in my tinnitus.
RingStop - Prevents & Stops Ear Noise, 60 caps, (NaturalCare)

How It Works
RingStop is designed for the symptomatic relief and prevention of the recurrence of tinnitus symptoms, ringing and/or buzzing in the ears, and sensitivity to noise after diagnosis by a doctor. It contains 11 powerful natural homeopathic active ingredients of the highest quality in multiple-potencies in strict compliance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. There no side effects. Homeopathic remedies have demonstrated unsurpassed safety for nearly 200 years worldwide. For added benefits, RingStop also contains a base of all natural herbal extracts, specific amino acids, important antioxidants, and special vitamins and minerls. It does not contain synthetic chemicals, artificial drugs, artificial colors, or additives.

What should I do if I have Tinnitus? 
If you think you have tinnitus, make an appointment for an examination with an ear specialist or audiologist. These are the people who may be able to determine whether or not you've got a problem. Since tinnitus might be a symptom of another health problem, see your doctor for any condition which may require his/her services. Your doctor may refer you to an, an ear, nose, and throat doctor. 
But there are things you can do as well to make sure your condition doesn't get any worse. 
First of all, read more about the breaking news contained herin regarding healthy hearing. Specific nutrients can really make a difference. Now you can support optimal hearing caused by impaired blood flow to the ears, which can happen in two ways. First, the tiny arteries leading to the inner ear can get clogged with cholesterol, causing circulation blockage in the ear. Second, loud noises can send this artery into spasm, reducing blood supply to the cochlea. 
Further, delicate cochlea hair cells (part of the inner ear) may become damaged, bent, or broken. The injured hair cells may begin to leak random electrical signals to the brain as noise - which may cause tinnitus. In either case, an interrupted blood supply or cochlea hair cells injury can lead to hearing and tinnitus problems. That's where the antioxidant nutrients come in. Many of today's medical professionals suggest that you consider a smorgasbord or antioxidant nutrients. 
Second, start on Dr. Bob Martin's RingStop for relief of the ringing noise. RingStop is a safe, powerful natural remedy for tinnitus symptoms, ear noises, and sensitivity to noise. 
Next, make sure you avoid exposure to loud noises and wear ear protection whenever you think you may be exposed to sounds that could aggravate your problem. These sounds could include: heavy machinery, motorcycles, loud music, lawnmowers, vacuum cleaners, chain saws, even hair dryers, and the like. Just be smart and use good judgment. 
Then, understand that caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, aspirin, antihistamines, and more than 200 prescription or over-the-counter medication can aggravate existing tinnitus. It's often easier said than done, but take whatever steps you can to reduce the stress in your daily life. 
Tinnitus may also be accompanied by ear pain. Chiropractic, acupuncture, or dental treatment for jaw problems may prove effective for some people. Other various therapies that have proven helpful in coping with tinnitus include counseling, behavioral modification, cognitive therapy, patient education and support groups. 
How long does RingStop take to get results?  
Unfortunately, there is no "quick fix" for tinnitus. Some people experience a dramatic reduction in noise levels within two weeks. It may take much longer for others, but most people usually notice a reduction of the ringing sound in 6-8 weeks. Dr. Bob Martin recommends using RingStop continuously and faithfully for at least 3 months before decideing how it's working for you. After the noise level begins declining, it should continue to do so for several months. Occasionally, at the beginning of a treatment there may be a temporary worsening of the symptoms for some individuals before it gets better. 
Do I need to take RingStop continuously in the future?  
It depends on the individual. Some people may need to use RingStop as a regular maintenance program in order to keep the volume at a reduced level, while others do not. You can use it according to the level of your symptoms and your personal noise tolerance. 
Does RingStop have any adverse drug reactions? 
RingStop does not interact with any prescription or over-the-counter medication. It is perfectly safe to use RingStop with any prescription medication. However, it is advised to not take it within 2-3 hours of any prescription medication. RingStop may increase circulation or have a mild anticoagulant function in some individuals. People who are taking prescription anticoagulants, such as Coumadin or Warfain, or who have a history of bleeding problems such as hemophilia, frequent nosebleeds, hemorrhaging, etc. should consult their physician before using RingStop. 
Does aging automatically mean that I will have hearing challenges? 
Most doctors tell us that hearing issues increase as we get older. But John A. McDougall, M.D., presents evidence to the contrary in his book, "The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart." He notes that people in the Third World, eating their traditional diets, have beeter hearing at the age of 70 than average American has at 20. These people live to a ripe old age with all of their senses intact, while many of us have more hearing issues as we get older. 
When scientists compared the hearing of the African tribes people called Maabans with the people in Wisconsin, they couldn't find any of the Africans, at any age, with hearing concerns like those common in Wisconsin, the dairy capital of the United states. When scientists studied the Finnish people, who eat a high-fat diet, with Yugoslavs, who had a much lower cholesterol level, they found Finnish children with hearing challenges at the age of 10. By the age of 19, those young Finns had a marked inability to hear high frequency sounds. Yugoslav children had no such hearing concerns. Dr. McDougall points out that, just as the arteries nourishing the heart and brain become clogged with fat, the vessels supplying the inner ear may also become clogged, causing hearing function concerns.
RingStop is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.