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Night Charger - Build Muscle While You Sleep, 25.5 oz , (Urban Biologics)
Night Charger - Build Muscle While You Sleep, 25.5 oz , (Urban Biologics)
Night Charger - Build Muscle While You Sleep, 25.5 oz , (Urban Biologics)
Product Code:discontinued

Night Charger - Build Muscle While You Sleep, 25.5 oz, (Urban Biologics)

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Stage One - initiating slow wave sleep: 
Getting into slow-wave, non-REM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep as soon as possible is critical to setting the stage for maximizing nighttime anabolism…and no ordinary daytime protein or MRP can, or should, help you fall asleep fast. If you take thermos to push you through your workouts and your day, or if you workout late at night, your need for sleep-inducing aids becomes increasingly more important so you can get the kind of rest you need to rebuild and grow. 
Night Charger's nREM4 combines four powerful nighttime ingredients - Melatonin, Valerian Root, Passion Flower and Chamomile Flower - to help you fall asleep fast and push your nocturnally induced anabolic system. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by your pineal gland and is controlled by light:dark environmental stimuli. Zhdanova et al showed that even small doses of melatonin consumed orally by persons with no known sleep disorders had a sleep-promoting action with no morning "hangover" effect. There's also growing evidence to support Melatonin's stimulatory action on the hypothalamic release of GH, however more clinical trials are underway to verify if this holds true. 
Valerian is extracted from the roots of the plant Valeriana officinalis, and has a sedative effect on your central nervous system. Some studies have even shown using valerian elicits more vivid dreams and that the effects of valerian improve with prolonged use. Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) is said to have been used by Native Americans to treat bruises and injuries, however now it's studied and used more for its anti-anxiety and sleep-promoting benefits. Matricaria chamomilla (German chamomile) is widely used in Central American herbal preparations to relieve anxiety, calm nerves and muscles, and is used domestically to help treat sleep disorders. , Topically, chamomile extract has also been shown to act as an anti-inflammatory aid. Whether this occurs when ingested, hasn't been explored. 
Stage Two - insulin priming: 
Insulin is by far your body's most anabolic hormone, and one that you'd best spike before bedtime in order to maximize nighttime muscle growth (GH needs to bind with insulin in your liver to produce IGF-I and IGF-II, and insulin is a necessary "gatekeeper" that enables the uptake of amino acids and glucose into muscle). However, if you think of carbs when you hear insulin, you're grossly missing the boat. Carbs isn't the only thing that'll stimulate insulin release, and in fact you don't want too many carbs before bedtime or you'll decrease your anabolic environment. That's right, hyperglycemia (too much glucose in the bloodstream) blunts your GH response. It's the same reason why the old school train of thought about carbs before and during exercise is grossly overrated. 
To stimulate insulin, Night Charger uses both direct and backdoor (indirect) methods. First, we've added a very small dose of fructose (fruit sugar) to directly stimulate insulin release. Fructose, unlike dextrose, maltodextrin or sucrose, simply targets your liver glucose stores where you want insulin to be shuttled for binding with GH. Secondly, alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is included for its powerful insulin mediating effects, not to mention its strong anti-oxidative effects. And finally, Glutamine and L-taurine are added to support both insulin-like actions as well as their overall anti-catabolic, cell volumizing and anabolic properties. 
Stage Three - 1st pass anabolism: 
Within the first 90 minutes of non-REM, slow-wave sleep, your pituitary gland releases its biggest daily dose of GH into your system. Although GH is cool and can directly stimulate muscle and bone growth, the majority of its benefit occurs after entering your liver, binding with the insulin that's now present and converting into IGF-I and II (insulin-like growth factors I and II). IGF-I, the most anabolic of the two growth factors, then enters your circulatory system where it liberates fatty acids from storage sites to be used as fuel as well as promotes its most powerful anabolic/muscle building actions. 
This is where things can get technical. The degree as well as the duration of your GH burst is based upon several factors, one of which was stated earlier - glucose in the blood. Another is protein itself, which is why Night Charger, although high in protein, isn't overly loaded in the amount of protein per serving because GH is strongly influenced by a lack of amino acids in the bloodstream rather than by an abundance of them. 
That said, to coincide with your first GH burst, approximately 2/3 of the protein contained in Night Charger is released and made available in to your bloodstream within 60 minutes of ingestion. When GH is released and muscle cell receptors are opened, this precise amount of amino acids are available to enter your muscles and go toward protein synthesis (the two primary functions of GH is to increase protein synthesis and to burn fat as energy, sparing protein and carbs). 
Since GH increases fat burning and spares carbs and protein, but yet GH is blunted by glucose in the blood, it stands to reason that in time glucose levels will rise and signal your body to stop pumping out GH. This is where the insulin potentiators such as ALA and L-taurine come into play - as cell receptors are open, allowing protein and carbs into muscle cells, these same insulin potentiators help to prolong and essentially increase the muscle building effect of Night Charger and GH by drawing even more carbs and protein from the bloodstream. Continually sending a signal to your pituitary that glucose and amino acids levels are low, and to keep pumping out more GH. 
Stage Four - 2nd pass anabolism: 
A second GH burst occurs approximately 3 hours after you've fallen asleep, but prior to entering REM (rapid-eye movement, or dream) sleep. If you took a traditional MRP or ate a meal before bedtime, too many nutrients would still be available in your bloodstream and may blunt this second anabolic opportunity. A straight whey protein would have already been utilized and the remainder oxidized or stored as fat. 
Night Charger, however, is the ONLY nighttime protein formulated with programmed microencapsulation, engineered to release its final bolus of protein into your bloodstream 3 hours after ingestion to coincide with this second GH pulse. For improved amino acid uptake of the remaining protein, Night Charger is formulated to delay gastric emptying of the encapsulated protein… holding the protein in your gut where absorption into your bloodstream is more efficient. Here again, additional amino acids will be available in your bloodstream to optimize this second GH burst and further increase protein synthesis while you're asleep. 
Hormonal synergies 
Not that Night Charger wasn't already doing what no other protein or MRP was capable of accomplishing, Dr Pasquale and the Urban Biologics team increased its overall synergistic effect by including Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Colostrum to the formula. Systemic acetyl-l-carnitine (ALCAR) levels, as it turns out, has been postulated as being the prime component in a feedback loop that controls GH release in humans. ALCAR might also be involved in preventing the decrease in testosterone caused by continued excessive training, as well as possibly stimulating the release of testosterone itself. In an ALCAR review, Pettegrew et al discusses this carnitine derivative's function in fatty acid oxidation and brain function, as well as having beneficial effects on persons with depressive disorders and Alzheimer's. 
Colostrum is incredibly rich in IGF-I, which when combined with increased amino acids in the blood induces a protein synthesis response greater than either IGF-I or high protein alone. And IGF-I, when combined with GH, has been shown to induce a more anabolic response than either GH or IGF-I alone; GH directly affecting protein accretion and IGF-I affecting it indirectly.

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Retail Price: $49.99
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Night Charger - Build Muscle While You Sleep, 25.5 oz, (Urban Biologics)

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Night Charger - Build Muscle While You Sleep, 25.5 oz, (Urban Biologics)

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Night Charger - Build Muscle While You Sleep, 25.5 oz, (Urban Biologics)

How It Works
Discontinued -
Discontinued -
Discontinued -
Night Charger - Build Muscle While You Sleep, 25.5 oz, (Urban Biologics)