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Siberian Eleuthero Tea - 25 bags , (Sun Chlorella Products)
Siberian Eleuthero Tea - 25 bags , (Sun Chlorella Products)
Siberian Eleuthero Tea - 25 bags , (Sun Chlorella Products)
Siberian Eleuthero Tea -
Product Code:discontinued
类别: Eleuthero

Siberian Eleuthero Tea - 25 bags, (Sun Chlorella Products)

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What is Chlorella? 
Chlorella is a natural whole food derived from a fresh water-grown plant, with amazing health-enhancing benefits. A recent study shows that chlorella has been on earth since at least 540 million years ago, and is the first known form of eukaryotic organism (true nucleus plant). Chlorella contains the highest percentage of natural chlorophyll and provides vital nutrients such as potassium, all of the B-vitamins, magnesium, zinc and iron, 18 vital amino acids, and beta carotene. 
Sunshine and freshwater nurture chlorella power 
Chlorella is not a sexually reproducible plant, but a unicellular, freshwater green alga, which multiplies four times during a 20-to-24-hour time period. Its tough outer cell wall protects its genetic integrity and its rapid ability to reproduce, which is how chlorella has survived the test of time throughout history. Its capacity for photosynthesis is also substantially higher than that of other plants. In addition, chlorella produces an amazingly large amount of protein that is significantly higher than soy beans and rice. 
There are many species of chlorella, but Chlorella pyrenoidosa (SUN CHLORELLA strain) was found to be especially rich in vital nutrients. In Japan, it was mainly studied as a possible "dream food" and was consumed during the period of food shortage immediately following the war. Today, people consume chlorella as a health food, based on all the nutritional benefits it can provide. 
C.G.F. - a valuable component only found in chlorella 
One of chlorella's unique properties is a phytonutrient called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). CGF is a nucleotide-peptide complex found in the nucleus of the chlorella cell, and is considered the most valuable component in chlorella. Known for the revitalizing boost it can give to your body, CGF is the key to chlorella's remarkable ability to rapidly reproduce itself during growth, and can help speed up the body's own healing process. 
C.G.F. - a component contained only in chlorella 
It is known from a long time ago that certain parts of plants at certain times contain active substance that promotes differentiation and proliferation (physiological phenomena) of organismic plants. The cell of chlorella, which is a kind of plants also includes unique growth accelerator factor called "C.G.F. (Chlorella Growth Factor)." While animals including human beings and plants multiply their cell by binary fission, chlorella divides its cell into four every 20 to 24 hours, and has tremendous life force. It is said that this involves the C.G.F. deeply. The C.G.F. is identified only in chlorella, and a rare substance. Unfortunately, the research has not entirely shown what kind of structures C.G.F. has or what kind of constituents work, however the following constituents the C.G.F. has are revealed. 
Structurally it is a complex of nucleic acid including sulfur and amino acid. The sugar part of nucleic acid is formed by glucose mainly and others such as mannose, rhamnose, arabinose, galactose, xylose, and also amino acid composition of peptide is formed by glutamic acid, asparagine acid, alanin, serine, glycine, proline. These constituents are considered to work synergistically.  
C.G.F contents depends on species of chlorella 
There are many species of chlorella, and the C.G.F. content entirely varies depends on species and culture method. Chlorella pyrenoidosa has the largest amount of C.G.F. than other species, and chlorella cultured outside under full exposure to sunlight has larger amount of C.G.F. than one cultured in tank from the aspect of culture method. 
Certainly the tank culture has the advantage of being able to control temperature of culture solution and nutrients, prevent contamination, and increase the concentration of chlorella in culture solution.  
However, chlorella cannot photosynthesize, and the chlorella harvested differs from chlorella cultured outside from the standpoint of its constituent because it is tank-cultured in a dark place. This is similar to the way vegetables under garden farming differ from in greenhouse in taste and nutrients.

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Retail Price: $20.50
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Siberian Eleuthero Tea - 25 bags, (Sun Chlorella Products)

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Siberian Eleuthero Tea - 25 bags, (Sun Chlorella Products)

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Siberian Eleuthero Tea - 25 bags, (Sun Chlorella Products)

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