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LoveLonger III - Herbal Rejuvenation Formula For Sexual Exhaustion, 60 + 60 tabs , (Lin Institute)
LoveLonger III - Herbal Rejuvenation Formula For Sexual Exhaustion, 60 + 60 tabs , (Lin Institute)
LoveLonger III - Herbal Rejuvenation Formula For Sexual Exhaustion, 60 + 60 tabs , (Lin Institute)
Product Code:

LoveLonger III - Herbal Rejuvenation Formula For Sexual Exhaustion, 60 + 60 tabs, (Lin Institute)

LoveLonger III was developed to aid you in recovering from sexual exhaustion. Sex is a good thing but as we all know, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Having too much sex will deplete your body of hormones, nutrients, and contribute to many sexual dysfunctions.  
In men, they’re prostate gland will enlarge contributing to premature ejaculation, they’re sexual systems will be depleted and be unable to function, contributing to impotence. When suffering from sexual exhaustion, men complain about lower back pain, a weak immune system, pain in the groin and testicles, hair loss, and even vision problems.  
Women will have a harder time getting wet and they will also experience a hormone imbalance that can lead to symptoms like fatigue, depression, and irritability. LoveLonger III will rejuvenate your body so you can get on with your life and resume a healthy sex life.
  • Aids in recovery from sexual exhaustion
  • Rejuvenates the body and mind
  • Promotes higher energy levels and vigor in the bedroom

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Retail Price: $59.94
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LoveLonger III - Herbal Rejuvenation Formula For Sexual Exhaustion, 60 + 60 tabs, (Lin Institute)

LoveLonger III - Herbal Rejuvenation Formula For Sexual Exhaustion, 60 + 60 tabs, (Lin Institute)

Editor's rating: 9 out of 10
User's rating: 85% 15%

LoveLonger III is a highly recommended product, especially for young men who have sexually exhausted themselves from over masturbation. Over ejaculation contributes to a plethora of penile dysfunctions and this includes weak erection, premature ejaculation, venous leakage, seminal leakage, testicular pain, and lower ejaculation volume. LoveLonger III will do a complete maintenance care on your body, fixing your brain’s sexual system and also improving your body’s sexual system. It works by:
  • Pumping hormones into your body that have been depleted by too much sexual activity
  • Freeing DHT from tissues for better recovery and more energy after sex
  • Improving blood circulation to deliver proper nutrients
  • Increasing the brain’s acetycholine, dopamine, and serotonin levels; hormones necessary for proper sexual functioning
  • Repairing damaged sex tissues and organs
LoveLonger III works and will keep on working as a way of maintaining proper sexual health. Enjoy sex again with our wonderful product.


Josh  "skeptical that the reviews are fake"
i plan to order but am wondering if the things are fake or not

I try 2weeks already, still nothing chang yet.

sargonnas  "It depends"
of the email, thats because no one have posted later like they promised

john  "just bought it"
i am hopeful about this product.

Ryan G  
This product sucks...didn't do anything for my dick...just made you feel energized

unknown  ":"
this works, but only with regular eercise. Don't epect a miracle cure if all you're going to do is sit around. I've been taking it in small doses. Vitalife 3 1 in the morning after my workout, and after I eat. Mind Juventor 1 in the evening after dinner. I wasn't sure at first. But I notice on the days you take a day off from the workout schedule and give your body some time to recuperate, it enhances the results of my seual performance. Even better than, just working out, without this supplement

jjjjjjjj  "works good"
took around 2 weeks to see results still improving..good product

Fill  "septical"
I have read all the literature on this site about overmasturbation but I really doubt thete is such a thing called over-masturbation for the doctor I have seen so far keep on teelint me that it doesn't eist. But anyway, I'm going to try!

Stars  "Greatest ever healing herb!!"
It makes wonders to replenish the body.. Will take more & more to get rid sooner..

Derek  "works well"
used it and am very happy

Joe  "Works well, be patient"
Don't epect instant results. Observe changes after 2 weeks not 2 days. Seems to work well overall.

boom boom  "just got it"
let's hope it works. any side effects?

Vim Rath  "Superb!"
Itz absolutely a trustable product ever!!!

michael  "good drug"
does it cure semen leakage.

Eric  "I was hopeful"
Between my painful pelivic region after se, I was really hoping this was my ticket. But 3 weeks later and $90USD less, I have to say I'm disappointed. About 5 days ago I started having really bad blurred vision and was really nervous about it. It wouldn't go away for anything. All I was taking was the LoveLongerIII pack combined with Durama. I went to see my doctor and had some blood tests and a urine test and some of my readings were through the roof. Apparently the combination of these supplements really affected my blood sugar level. I am not diabetic, and was tested for that, as well. My doctor reviewed these supplements and said the combination for some people could cause some really unpleasant results. While he still recommends herbal supplements as much as other medications, he told me to always keep in mind that even though they are natural, does not mean that they can't have side effects. I was really hoping these would help, but I have had to stop taking them. 5 days off of them now and my vision has returned to normal and my test results are normal.

yonba  "Does it work?"
Well, lets just hope it works.

alana  "it does but it takes time..."
it does work to great extent it does make you feel quite active although i am a woman i think its good but am surprised that no one else has written any up to date comments which makes me wonder....

DJ  "ok"
it's impressing

person  "worked good"
worked for me

frank  "like miracle!?"
just in sixth day and i'm coming up!

JD  "Not to what I expected."
After trying this for one month, I only performed longer 1 night and I felt my erection was firm and no PE. Wasnt expecting a miracle but didnt fit quite to the expectations. I wouldnt say its a waster of money because I did felt a tingling feeling in my penis at times during the day, like sort of vibration in nerves so it was doing something. Stopped after it finished. Just ordered Last Longer III and Enduramax yesterday to give it a go and see if that brings any improvement.

Jay  "Not sure yet"
I tried the product before, and I'm not sure about the results. I have decided to try again.

me  "it didnt work for me"
tried it for about a month, but i guess my case is more severe so i'll look into viapal packages

JonnyB  "Day-1 Hopeful"
I just got it in the mail today, just took my 1st one. I hope it works because The pain overbearing at times. Although the herbs listed within I have had good benefits from when making my own teas. But the stuff in here looks serious. Im doing alot of research lately. Masturbation can be an addiction, especially if you have too much free time. I never would have thought it can mess you up so bad. Its serious guys! Regulate your ejaculations or youe gonna have an upset girlfriend when she cant get is like usual. Not to mention the pain is disgusting. Im excited! Ok today is day one. I will keep everyone posted on the results.

dave  "Havn't tried it yet"
But I've read much of the literature and reviews found on this site and I must admit that I am very skeptical about any medication that claims to boost sexual energy. However I do not doubt that there are repercussions associated with over-masturbation.

JJ  "Ayyyy Garamba"
This stuff is awesome,it's only my fifth day using it and I already see the results.

W  "Hope it works"
I'm hoping it will going to work for me. I have been exhausted for more than 15 years. I'm now 30 and after stoping i have see positive results but far away from recovering.

i have just got the product.. na di have seen alot of differnces in me..thanks to lovelonger

Young n Ready  "Not much"
Didn't do much for me physically but im back on point mentally...guess got to use longer but not i will try something else....

Make sure you follow the recommended dosage! If you keep on masturbating or having sex while taking this supplement, your problems will not go away! So ease off the sex or masturbation for a while and then take it, and yes it does work!

Dan  "Amazing product"
WOW this product is amazing, worked great

This stuff is pretty good. Takes some time to work though...

Billy  "Just bought it"
I purchased this product and just got it on Friday. I haven't really noticed a difference yet in terms of sexual recovery, but I have noticed that I'm a little less anxious and more relaxed. As I said, I only started taking this two days ago so I'm going to take it as directed until it's gone and see if I notice any real difference. I wonder if some of the people rating this who say "it sucks" are being impatient. I think with herbs, you have to allow some time for them to take effect. It's not like taking Viagra or Cialis. You have to give this stuff time. I've been suffering off and on with weak erections and groin and lower-back pain for about six years so I don't expect to be fully recovered within a few days. I've ordered other herbs over the years. I tried Staminex a few years ago and that did make me hornier but my penis didn't really get totally rock hard. Hard enough to have sex but not what I was years ago. Of course, I didn't really use it as directed. It took me about 2 1/2 year so finish the bottle and I should have been using it every day. I also purchased another herb formula last year. I forget the name, but it made my face red within an hour and I felt like I was short of breath. I got over that feeling and my body adapted but again, I didn't take it as directed so I didn't see any real results. I'm glad that this stuff doesn't appear to have any negative side-effects like that so now at least I can take it as directed. I really hope it works. I went to a urologist earlier in the year and he did give me cialis and it does work to the point where it gives me erections, not completely rigid but good enough for sex. The problem is Viagra, Cialis and none of those drugs really do much for your libido. I don't want to be some emotionless robot having sex. I want to feel the pleasures like I did before. I want to fantasize about sex all the time like I used to. I'm banking on this stuff working. I'll let you all know later on after a few weeks if this stuff is truly a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

R  "Works Good"
Definite thumbs up

A.  "Didn't totally work"

good  "worked"
wow this stuff is great, back to normal

Mangopork  "It definitely works so far."
For roughly one year I've suffered sexual exhaustion to the point that it takes me about five days of sexual cessation in order to recover my ability to even become aroused again. Now, I've been using Lovelonger 3 for about five days now and so far I can already feel my sex drive recovering. You really have to use this stuff as directed on the bottle. I should note that this product DOES contain a balanced hormone mixture so its effects on your body may vary depending on what medical conditions you deal with. In my case, the pill (not the ginseng mixture) actually makes me a bit sleepy so I tend to take it at night. Note that I said "a bit sleepy". It doesn't force me to fall asleep like a drug or anything. My penis and sex organs are much more relaxed and my penis size has increased slightly (most likely due to nourishment from this product). I can already tell that after a month or so of using this product and holding off on sex that I will be fully recovered. You just have to use this stuff as indicated. Bottom line: While nothing hugely miraculous, for me it is working as advertised. I feel that I've got my money's worth. Good stuff. Recommended.

SSFFH  "Give it a try"
I think this product is basically a detox formula. IT WORKS, but not for the reasons that the Dr. says it does. If you notice on Dr. Lin tends to throw a lot of medical jargon around, which can help him avoid answering questions. Nonetheless, I did try this product and for 3 weeks now, I feel more energized. I don't think it had anything to do with the parasympathetic blah blah or the healing of my abrasion of the prostate. Detoxing is a method that removes toxins of undigested food the we live with for most of our lives. Detoxing is usually very expensive, which is why I like this product. While Lovelonger didn't cleanse the body fully, it did have the effects of a detox!

-  "-"

antoine  "didn't work"
didn't work well for me.

curious george  "We'll see......"
man this stuff is pricey, i'll be usin this and ginseng 4x and i'll post again and let everyone know what's happenin in a month.

jimbo  "test"
this stuff work

Lots of Hopes  "Lets hope"
This is my last hope for me to gain my life back and finally feel like a man

john  "excellent"
it works great

way overdid it  "was good but needed another produt"
see Viapal-hgH-P

avanti  "it works"
i liked it

Way over did it  "feels like it's working"
I'just recieved my Lovelonger III & Dopafibra. This is just the 3rd day & I can tell a difference already. It really feels soothing to my sexual tissues & makes me not as uptight about my condition. I'm begining to have spontaniouse semi erections again that grow to full erections with just a little stimulation...So far so good, feels like it's working. I'll post again in 3 or 4 weeks to tell the outcome.

happy guy  "works fast"
when i recieved my order for lovelonger3 i decided to take a full days dosage at once instead of waiting until the next morning to start. about a half hour later... BOING!! i had a throbbing penis that had been hiding for months. my energy went through the roof. im very glad i got this product and did not expect these kind of results at all

Way overdid it  "Hope it does it"
I'm 39 & in good health & have a very youthful appearance. My sex drive was unchanged since my teens until I was with a really wild girl recently. We were together for 3 weeks & had sex over 120 times. I didn't know I was harming myself. Now however, my sex drive is low, I can barely get an erection & I have all of the sexual exhastion symptoms mentioned on this site with the exeption of hair loss. I have been like this for 3 months now. I thought I would get better with time but so far I haven't. I just ordered lovelonger III & dopafibra. I haven't recieved them yet but I'm putting all my hope that these will cure my problems...I'm very depressed, I can only sleep 2 or 3 hours a night & I can't concentrate on anything else. I can't live my life like this! After I recieve my products & start taking them, I'll post again to tell the results...God I hope it works!!!

John Smith  "Hmm seems its working"
I have only taken this product for one week. And I feel like recuperating from premature eyaculation. I will post latter in a week or so to tell you guys more.

nick  "good"
it really works!!

nick  "its good"
it really worked for me!!

I have tried this and both ViaPal-hGH-J. Viapal-hGH-J works very effectively. Dr. Lin told me Ginseng 4X+ and Moodmax save hair, so I bought Viapal-hGH-J and Ginseng 4x+.

When I took 3 tablets of ViaGrowth-III and Ginseng 4x+ together. Boom!!!!! My G/F cried out: oh! My God! Oh, My God!!!!! all the way to orgasm.

I tried Endura - ViaGrowth-III + Fibra + Ginseng. It is like a dynamite! You have to take enough dosage! that is all.

Yes, you are right. ViaGrowth-III + Fibra + Ginseng 4x+ works much better.

Masturbation lover  
I think the effectiness depends on the dosage and your physical condition. If you are too exhausted, it will atke 2-3 weeks for you to get recovery from sexual exhaustion.

good products for healing!

scott Anderson  
It has healed my penile pain.

My low back pain is gone now. Thank you for the wonderful products.

Happy User!  "Good Stuff"
Like everyone else here, i was pretty skeptical about these products, but after contemplating for the longest time, i decided to give it a try! It was huge difference in my sex life. Gave me stamina and fast recovery time! Definately worth trying!!!

Heyman  "Think it works"
really think it works

Anonymous  "George"
Yes. A Clean Up Needed.

jim  "Coo"

Mitch Bennington  
I used to pass out right after having sex with my wife, which is actually fine if I have sex with her before bed because then it gives me a good nights rest. But... if I try to have sex with her in the morning or I come home for an afternoon quicky, I would be too tired to go to work. I hated it so I had my wife search around for a product that would help. She came across this and I ordered it after taking a quick look. Amazingly... It did its job. I can come home for sex without worrying about being too tired to go back. Thanks a bunch!

Paul N.  
I was always exhausted and I didn't know why until I came here and found out why. I read a few of their case studies and decided to give it a try. I'm back to normal now and don't just sit on my butt all day long.

A buddy of mine tried this and it improved his energy levels. He said it's a great product and that I should try it so I did. I wouldn't say I suffer from sexual exhaustion but I'm exhausted a lot, but that's mainly from my hard-labored job. That exhausted me enough so that I was too tired to have sex. I can now go out to a bar. Have a few drinks and pick up a girl because I'm no longer exhausted. Thanks!

Exhausted? Give me a break. That's what I say now after taking LoveLonger III.

guy  "it does work"
you have to cut down on jerking off, and take this product, and you'll start getting spontanious hard erections.

Morris Krishnamurthy  "I though this is another scam product "
At first, I thought this product is another internet scam product, but I had tried other products to treat my problems and won't work... why not give this a try. I am glad that I did!

masturbation lover.  
Yes, it helps solve my exhaustion in one week.

Keep my penis alive again

ron c  
It is a good starter for sexual rejuvenation.

great stuff!

great stuff!

big Dong now  "best product ever"
This product healed me completely. I'm back in the game, thanks guys!

missing penis returns 2 me  
This tuff really works, and it works fast. My d@ck was out of action, from beating off too much and recreational substances. I know you are suppose to lay off wacking it, but when its throbbing and it hasnt been like that for months its hard to resist. So after 2 times of relieveing myself 1 day it went back into shrink mode and took another 2 days to come back to the engourged mode that I was so proud of. So this stuff is fantastic so far, but the penis is really fragile it seems and I more or less have to save myself for sex. It only took 3 days to see a difference. its hard to keep my hands off of it though,what do you expect its been missing for months and now that it is back I am suppose to take it easy, I wil have to use more self contol. I just spent another $400 on his products, I want to push my growth and repair limmits, so far I am amazed. I would really like to know what a good maitence rountine is after you have done a bottle of everything ( 10 differnt kinds)Thanks Doc, I feel like a man again for the first time in ages, it was really depressing. Guys don't suffer any longer,you don't have to be 1/2 a man any longer.

k  "makes my penis go boing"
maybe alittle too strong for younger guys

I regain my concetration and solve my eye floater too.
LoveLonger III - Herbal Rejuvenation Formula For Sexual Exhaustion, 60 + 60 tabs, (Lin Institute)

LoveLonger III - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.