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Ripped Juice EX2 - Unmatched Appetite Suppresion, 60 caps , (Betancourt Nutrition)
Ripped Juice EX2 - Unmatched Appetite Suppresion, 60 caps , (Betancourt Nutrition)
Ripped Juice EX2 - Unmatched Appetite Suppresion, 60 caps , (Betancourt Nutrition)
Ripped Juice EX2 -
Product Code:JB00160

Ripped Juice EX2 - Unmatched Appetite Suppresion, 60 caps, (Betancourt Nutrition)

RIPPED JUICE has been used to slice and dice physiques since 2002 when the formula was first created by Betancourt Nutrition founder and former teen national bodybuilding champion Jorge Betancourt. Assisted by a team of researchers inside his 140,00-square-foot cGMP manufacturing laboratory, Betancourt made his successful formula even stronger -twice as strong- and called it RIPPED JUICE EX2.  
Slimming down is tough, but getting ripped is tougher. Dieting can kill your mood and cause your muscle to “vaporize” before your eyes. Use new RIPPED JUICE EX2 to help you hold onto every last ounce of lean mass as you tap into a fat-burning euphoria that is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before.  
RIPPED JUICE EX2 Formula Highlights:
  • 1,3-Dimethylpentylamine (Geranamine): This compound is known for producing a state of euphoria that makes it much easier to stay on even the strictest diet or have the workout (or work day) of your life. Unlike some products, we used a dose of geranamine known to work. You will feel it kicking in within minutes of your first serving. 
  • “Secret Methylxanthine Sauce”: Caffeine belongs to a class of chemical compounds known as methylxanthines. It is well-known for its effects on appetite and perceived energy levels. Simply stated, it makes you feel more like getting up and being productive rather than sitting down for a fattening meal. However, many hardcore thermogenic users report that synthetic caffeine doesn’t feel as good when taken alone as it does when combined with natural caffeine and other methyxanthines. That’s why we added our own proprietary methylxanthine blend (“secret sauce”) to EX2. It consists of carefully balanced quantities Guarana, Green Tea, Kola Nut, Chocamine (a trademarked Theobroma cacao extract) and Caffeine Anhydrous. We guarantee that it will excite your thermogenic soul unlike any other product on the market. 
  • L-Carnitine: Many fat-loss products don’t contain this important ingredient. Yet carnitine has a wide array of benefits of interest to anyone trying to get lean. Besides its well-known role in burning fat, carnitine has vaodilatory properties and can increase the delivery of oxygen to muscle. It can even reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and promote greater retention of lean mass. 
  • Nitrated BCAAs: BCAAs stimulate muscle protein synthesis. When you nitrate them, they stimulate nitric oxide (NO) production. NO is a potent vasodilator and regulator of muscle blood flow. 
  • Hoodia gordonii: Unlike other products that contain “fairy dust” quantities of Hoodia gordonii (i.e. too little to be effective), or none at all, it is by far one of the most abundant ingredients in RIPPED JUICE Extreme. Even articles in highly-respected scientific journals refer to Hoodia as a “weight-loss herb” and discuss its use as an appetite suppressant. This property has been linked to its content of compounds known as pregnane glycosides, which are found in our Hoodia extract. These compounds have even caught the interest of pharmaceutical companies (e.g. Pfizer) and been researched by world-class universities such as Rutgers. 
  • Guggul: Unlike other products that may contain “fairy dust” (too small to be effective) doses of guggul, or none at all, it is by far one of the most abundant ingredients in RIPPED JUICE Extreme. Our guggul extract is standardized for guggulsterones, compounds well known for their thermogenic effects. Guggul extra comes from the guggul tree, Commiphora mukul. It has been used for literally thousands of years for a variety of medical conditions, among them, obesity. Besides stimulating thermogenesis, guggulsterones have direct anti-obesity effects on fat cells. They may also down-regulate catabolic signaling pathways, thereby helping to preserve lean muscle. 
  • L-Tyrosine, L-Tyrosine AKG: The amino acid l-tyrosine is a precursor to neurotransmitters involved in the regulation of mood. Supplementation with l-tyrosine appears to be particularly helpful under conditions of mental stress, which all of us suffer from and is a frequent cause of overeating. EX2 combine l-tyrosine with l-tyrosine alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG), a water-soluble form thought to offer superior absorption kinetics. 
  • L-Taurine: L-taurine has been shown to enhance exercise performance in humans. Supplementation with l-taurine prevents weight gain in animals fed a high-fat diet and stimulates testosterone secretion. Under normal conditions it helps the body adapt to stress by functioning as an antioxidant and participating in detoxification pathways. 
  • Griffonia simplicifolia: This plant is a source of 5-hydroxytryptophan, a metabolic precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter. Serotonin has been plays a number of roles, including in the regulation of energy balance, via inhibition of food intake and stimulation of thermogenesis. Fat-burners overloaded with caffeine may upset serotonin balance, thereby producing negative effects on mood and appetite regulation, not to mention sleep. 
  • Evodia rutaecarpae: This plant is rich in evodiamine, another proven thermogenic agent. In animal studies it reduces weight gain and directly inhibits the formation of new fat cells (adipogenesis). 
  • Pausinystalia yohimbe: Yohimbe contains alkaloids such as yohimbine that are known to antagonize (“block”) alpha-2-receptors, resulting in greater lipolysis, or breakdown, of body fat. It is also thermogenic. Supplementation with yohimbine increases weight loss in patients following a low-calorie diet. We used an extract standardized for its content of yohimbine to make sure you are getting the active ingredients you need for maximum control of body fat. 
  • Bioperine: This extract of black pepper is standardized for piperine. Piperine has been shown in numerous studies to enhance absorption. It is also thermogenic.

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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $49.99
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Ripped Juice EX2 - Unmatched Appetite Suppresion, 60 caps, (Betancourt Nutrition)

Ripped Juice EX2 - Unmatched Appetite Suppresion, 60 caps, (Betancourt Nutrition)

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Ripped Juice EX2 - Unmatched Appetite Suppresion, 60 caps, (Betancourt Nutrition)

Ripped Juice EX2 - 60 caps is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually takes about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.