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Diet Metabo 7 - 90 tabs , (Source Naturals)
Diet Metabo 7 - 90 tabs , (Source Naturals)
Diet Metabo 7 - 90 tabs , (Source Naturals)
Product Code:SN1268

Diet Metabo 7 - 90 tabs, (Source Naturals)

Diet Metabo-7 supports seven major body systems involved in healthy and successful weight loss, without the overstimulation associated with other diet products. Diet Metabo-7 contains effective and naturally occurring metabolic activators and calming neurotransmitters, for a balanced approach to weight loss, when used in conjunction with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan. 
Diet Metabo-7 - It's All About Mood & Metabolism 
Diet Metabo-7 supports seven body systems related to successful weight loss, including cellular energy generation and metabolism, and neurotransmitter production to support calmness, drive and determination.  
Diet Metabo-7 Supports Seven Body Systems 
Your body is composed of complex interactive systems that work on many levels. Likewise, the nutrients in Diet Metabo-7 target specific body systems and the connections between them. This full spectrum nutritional formula helps instill balance and harmony by addressing seven interrelated systems whose healthy function is necessary for successful dieting: the brain and nervous system, metabolic energy, liver, thyroid, blood sugar levels, adrenals and fluid balance.  
Mood Management: A Positive Attitude 
Diet Metabo-7 can help you change your habitual response to eating and start making healthy food choices. A key strategy involves the production of neurotransmitters, the brain chemicals that regulate your nervous system. When certain neurotransmitter levels are low in your brain, you may feel depressed. You crave simple carbohydrates and sugars from bread, pasta or candy - because when the brain is low in mood-enhancing neurotransmitters, it does whatever it can to increase them. It will cause you to crave those foods that produce the building blocks your body uses to raise those neurotransmitter levels.  
Diet Metabo-7 provides specific vitamins and amino acids necessary for your brain to make norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine and GABA, the major neurotransmitters that help regulate mood and attention, support clear focus and active calm, and affect drive and determination. Included are the amino acids tyrosine, glutamine, phenylalanine and GABA. For example, the brain uses phenylalanine and tyrosine to manufacture norepinephrine. Increased amounts of norepinephrine can block the drive to eat and may help provide a sense of well-being.  
Metabolic Activators: Herbal Energizers 
To support a sustained reduction of body fat, it's helpful to increase metabolism via exercise and herbal stimulation while lowering caloric intake by curbing appetite. High doses of stimulants, however, are counterproductive and can make you nervous and irritable. To avoid being overly stimulative, DIETMETABO-7 is formulated with appropriate amounts of herbal metabolic activators that promote calorie burning and suppress appetite.  
Used since ancient times in India to support health, Sida cordifolia contains a profile of naturally occurring ephedrine alkaloids that act as stimulants to promote the metabolism of fat. This thermogenic effect is augmented by the natural caffeine contained in standardized extracts of green tea, yerba mate, and kola nut. Also included are specific B vitamins essential to the production of energy from the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. 
Helping The Liver: Detoxification and Circulation 
One of the most overworked organs is the liver, the body's chief manufacturing and detoxification plant. It constantly regulates the levels of chemicals circulating throughout the bloodstream and plays a key role in breaking down fat and eliminating waste products. The amino acid N-acetyl cysteine is an antioxidant that strongly supports liver function. Your liver needs it to make glutathione, a crucial detoxifying substance used to remove harmful compounds from your bloodstream. 
Optimal metabolic energy depends on healthy circulation, especially while dieting, when the bloodstream is delivering excess waste products to the liver for removal. To help maintain a healthy circulatory system, Diet Metabo-7 includes standardized extracts of ginkgo and horse chestnut. In use for centuries, these botanicals have been the subject of numerous chemical and pharmacological investigations. 
The Thyroid: Your Body's Thermostat 
Your thyroid gland produces hormones that control how quickly you burn calories and use energy. Tyrosine is an amino acid building block of thyroid hormones. Low blood levels of tyrosine have been associated with the underproduction of thyroid hormones. Kelp and bladderwrack provide natural sources of iodine, the basic substance of thyroid hormones.  
Stabilizing Blood Sugar: Controlling Mood Swings 
An important strategy of Diet Metabo-7 is to minimize the changes in blood sugar levels that can cause unwanted mood swings, which diminish your physical and mental energy. Chromium, an essential mineral, is important to carbohydrate and fat metabolism and tends to increase insulin efficiency. It helps stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you on an even keel. 
Dealing With The Stress Factor 
Dieting often adds more stress to your life, and stress hormones affect the mind and body in many ways. They disrupt liver function and blood sugar levels, which lowers energy production in the brain, adversely influencing mood and motivation. Because your adrenals need extra attention, Diet Metabo-7 helps nourish these hardworking glands with pantothenic acid and ascorbic acid, both necessary for healthy adrenal function. Also, pantothenic acid provides additional support for energy generation during dieting.  
Water Balance 
Potassium is an essential mineral with many functions, including the transmission of electrical impulses in the brain. It works with sodium to control the body's water balance. Dieting tends to deplete potassium levels in the body, therefore Diet Metabo-7 replenishes this vital nutrient.  
Diet Metabo 7 - The Weight is Over 
Diet Metabo-7 provides necessary cofactors to balance body systems involved with healthy weight management. When used with the Maximum Metabolism Weight Loss Plan and exercise program, Source Naturals Diet Metabo-7 may help you achieve your goal of a healthy and more vibrant life.
1 Diet Metabo-7 tablet, 3 times daily before each meal. Begin with 1 tablet per day to assess personal tolerance. Avoid taking before bedtime. 
Warning: DO NOT EXCEED DIRECTED DOSAGE. Each tablet contains approximately 90 mg of naturally occurring caffeine, which is 11/2 the amount in one cup of coffee. Contains phenylalanine and tyrosine. Not to be used by phenylketonurics. Do not use Diet Metabo-7 if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, diabetes or hypoglycemia, glaucoma, seizure disorder, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement, or are taking antidepressant drugs such as MAO or SSR inhibitors or any other prescription drugs, consult your physician before using this product. Reduce or discontinue use if nervousness, rapid heart beat, sleeplessness, nausea or other similar symptoms occur. NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.
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Retail Price: $28.50
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Diet Metabo 7 - 90 tabs, (Source Naturals)

Serving Size: 3 tablets  
Calories 10, Total Carbohydrates 1 g, Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 80 mg, Niacinamide 30 mg, Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 30 mg, Pantothenic Acid (as calcium D-pantothenate) 100 mg, Iodine (from kelp) 100 mcg, Chromium (as picolinate & polynicotinate [ChromeMate) 400 mcg, Potassium (as potassium citrate) 20 mg, Guarana Extract 22% Yielding 236 mg of caffeine 1.07 g, Phenylalanine (as L- & DL-phenylalanine) 500 mg, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) 400 mg, Gymnema sylvestre Extract 25% 400 mg, Yerba Mate Extract 8% Yielding 20 mg of caffeine 250 mg, Glutamine 200 mg, Acetyl L-Carnitine 150 mg, L-Tyrosine 100 mg, Horse Chestnut Extract 20% Yielding 14 mg Aescin 70 mg, Dandelion Root Extract (4:1) 50 mg, Kola Nut Extract 20% Yielding 10 mg of caffeine 50 mg, Green Tea Leaf Extract 20% Yielding 6 mg of caffeine 30 mg, Bladderwrack Extract (4:1) 30 mg, Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract (50:1) 30 mg, Ginger Root Extract (4:1) 30 mg, N-acetyl Cysteine 30 mg, Aloe Vera Concentrate (200:1) 30 mg, Gentian Extract (5:1) 30 mg, Bupleurum Root Extract 15 mg, Dandelion Leaf Extract (4:1) 10 mg, Guggul Extract (standardized to 95% guggulsterones E&Z) 3 mg, Black Pepper Fruit Extract (Bioperine) 3 mg . 
Other Ingredients: Stearic acid, modified cellulose gum, and colloidal silicon dioxide.
Diet Metabo 7 - 90 tabs, (Source Naturals)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
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What is The Maximum Metabolism Plan? 
The Maximum Metabolism plan is designed for you to safely and permanently:
  • Increase your Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR)
  • Lose excess body fat
  • Build and tone muscles
  • Create a positive change in your appearance
  • Develop healthy lifestyle habits
  • Achieve a greater feeling of personal well-being
The Maximum Metabolism plan allows you to eat healthy, delicious and filling food -- while reducing fat and calories. You'll increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR...metabolism when you're resting) to burn fat more efficiently on a daily basis. You'll develop a simple daily exercise regimen to maintain muscle tone -- while still burning more fat. You'll acquire the good habits so all-important in maintaining a leaner, healthy body. 
What we do is what we get. 
The key to weight-loss is multi-faceted. It embodies more than simply "going on a diet" if you hope to make it permanent. The long-term answer lies in changing our eating habits and exercising properly. (Most of us know how to eat right...we just don't do it.)  
There are generally deep emotional issues around our being overweight. So a strong "will" and determination is necessary to make the required changes in our lifestyle. That's why it's important for you to decide just how much weight you should lose -- not somebody else. It's good to ask for support from those significant others in your life. (Though sometimes those nearest and dearest to you can inadvertently sabotage your earnest efforts to achieve well-being.) So learn to feel good about the steps you are taking towards your goal. Acknowledge yourself every day.  
Ten Steps to changing your life
  • Supplement each day at the proper time to increase your energy, BMR and determination.
  • Exercise for 20 to 60 minutes, preferably in the morning, 5 to 7 times a week.
  • Eat a low-fat, balanced diet of three meals and two snacks every day.
  • Take a complex multi-vitamin daily , such as Source Naturals Life Force.
  • Eat at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables every day.
  • Drink six to eight glasses of water every day.
  • Limit or stop drinking alcohol.
  • Stop eating two to three hours before bedtime.
  • Reach for your walking shoes before reaching for the fridge.
  • Acknowledge yourself and the steps you took towards your goal each day.
What kind of exercise is required? 
A combination of a regular walking program with appropriate aerobic and weight exercise is essential for best results. The Maximum Metabolism exercise plan takes only a short time each day, and is designed to help you reduce stress, increase energy levels, burn calories, lose unwanted fat and gain muscle tone. And remember, the more muscle tissue you have...the higher your basal metabolic rate (BMR)...and the more calories you'll burn. It's best to exercise in the morning so that you get the higher BMR benefit all day long. Another important, though less known, benefit of daily exercise is that it causes the release of endorphins, or 'feel good' hormones in the brain. 
Walking & Aerobics 
Walking has become a very popular aerobic exercise simply because it works. One only needs good shoes, comfortable clothes and several minutes a day. It will improve both leg strength and toning, preserve lean muscle mass, and help you lose fat.  
The average optimum walking distance and pace ranges from 1-4 miles a day at about 3-6 miles per hour. This translates to between 10 and 20 minutes to walk one mile. After stretching your leg muscles for a few minutes, start with a short distance and gradually work your way up to longer and more swiftly-paced walks. The object is to walk at a brisk pace, so that you'll start burning calories immediately, and after approximately 18 minutes, begin to burn fat.  
Beginner's walking program
  • Total exercise time: 45 minutes.
  • Warm-up: 3-4 minutes of stretching.
  • Total walk time: 35-40 minutes.
  • Aerobic workout: Mileage - 1.5 miles.
  • Pace: 2.5 miles per hour.
  • Cool-down: 3-4 minutes of after-walk stretches.
  • Frequency: 5 times a week.
  • Weekly mileage: 7.5 miles.
Advanced walking program
  • Total exercise time: 60 minutes.
  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of stretching.
  • Total walk time: 45-50 minutes.
  • Aerobic workout: Mileage - 3 miles.
  • Pace: 4 miles per hour.
  • Cool-down: 3-4 minutes of after-walk stretches.
  • Frequency: 5 times a week. (You can walk 3 miles a day for 5 days - or 2 miles every day.)
  • Weekly mileage: 15 miles.
For a change, you can switch certain days of your walking plan with other aerobic exercises such as jogging, biking or dance aerobic workouts. You can use an exercise bike, rower, treadmill, stepper or swim laps. You could join a health club, or do it with a friend. The point is to exercise regularly on an established, weekly basis. 
Weight Training 
Another very important aspect to regaining a healthy new you is getting involved in some form of appropriate weight training. Whether you decide to join a club, or check out some of the excellent books on the subject for in-home use, weight training can be a significant part of your attaining a healthy body. We simply need to understand that as we get older and less physically active in our daily lives, it's increasingly necessary to reverse the sedentary process that got us here in the first place. 
A good weight training program can rebuild, reshape and continually increase the size of your muscles. Muscle makes you look and feel thinner, as muscles take up 20% less space than fat. Adding muscle will:
  • Raise your metabolism further to melt more fat away.
  • Tighten flabby body areas.
  • Allow you to eat more calories of favorite foods.
So get out there and enjoy your surroundings, the weathre, the new day, and a newly emerging healthy you.

Diet Metabo 7 - 90 tabs, (Source Naturals)

Diet Metabo 7 is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.