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Fat Smack - 90 caps , (Purus Labs)
Fat Smack - 90 caps , (Purus Labs)
Fat Smack - 90 caps , (Purus Labs)
Product Code:2347-0006

Fat Smack - 90 caps, (Purus Labs)

Fat Smack XR is yet another novel product designed by Purus Labs adhering to our established guidelines of including only research-validated ingredients with oral efficacy shown in human subjects AND including them at the exact dosages proven efficacious in the research. Fat Smack XR contains a unique blend of ingredients, each carefully selected for their potential impact on weight/fat loss related variables, as opposed to a wash-list proprietary blend of unsubstantiated materials like so many others. Brevity, transparency, and precision, the exact principle logic fueling Purus Labs.
    Bodyfat reduction, appetite blunting, heightened mental acuity, focus & energy 
    Increased lipolysis and thermogenesis through extended release stimulants and enteric capsaicinoids 
    Take one serving (based on tolerance) once to twice daily 
    Encourages total body recomposition, greater definition, enhanced motivation and energy
Fat Smack XR contains a carefully selected blend of ingredients, based on oral, human evidence for effect in relation to multiple aspects of weight/fat loss, and provided at the research-proven dosages. While regular exercise and optimal dietary intake should be the cornerstone in any quest for body fat reduction, Fat Smack XR can be utilized as a catalystic adjunct to further enhance effect or more rapidly achieve fat loss goals.
Take one serving (based on tolerance) once to twice daily
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $54.99
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Fat Smack - 90 caps, (Purus Labs)

Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)  
EGCG) is one of several catechins, and is the ester of epigallocatechin and gallic acid. EGCG is found in relatively high amounts within tea (green tea in particular), has multiple physiological properties ranging from antioxidant activity to fueling weight/fat loss (Saito et al., 2009), and is generally viewed as a candidate ingredient in the treatment of metabolic syndrome (Thielecke and Boschman, 2009). In short, the beneficial effects of green tea consumption have been reported in multiple peer reviewed manuscripts; related to weight loss, EGCG (or more specifically green tea extract) has been reported to decrease ad libitum energy intake (Belza et al., 2009), increase fat oxidation at rest (Boschman andThielecke, 2007) and during moderate-intensity exercise (Venables et al., 2008), improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance (Venables et al., 2008), increase 24-hour energy expenditure (Bérubé-Parent et al., 2005), increase dietary-induced thermogenesis via inhibition of catechol-O-methyltransferase (Shixian et al., 2006)—an enzyme contributing to the degradation of catecholamines—as well as enhance weight loss (Di Pierro et al., 2009) and exercise-induced abdominal fat loss (Maki et al., 2009). An interesting finding (Henning et al., 2004) noted that the addition of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) at an amount of 30mg to a 250mL tea beverage increased the catechin digestive recovery of epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), EGCG, and epicatechin-gallate (ECG) when tested using an in vitro digestion simulating gastric and small intestinal conditions. These findings are the rationale for the inclusion of vitamin C to the Fat Smack XR™ ingredient profile (see below- Vitamin & Mineral Matrix). 
Cissus Quadrangularis 
Cissus quadrangularis (CQ) is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in Thailand and used in traditional African and Ayurvedic medicine. As with green tea extract, CQ renders multiple physiological effects including potent antioxidant effects to minimize oxidative stress, anti-arthritis benefits, as well as anti-obesity properties. Specifically, the chemical constituents of CQ (e.g., flavonoids, phytosterols and keto-steroids) have shown promise as powerful antioxidants and demonstrated efficiency for lipase and amylase inhibition—collectively contributing to reduced oxidative stress and weight loss. At least three human studies have been conducted using this agent, all reporting beneficial effects on weight loss and associated variables. In summary, these studies found CQ alone, or in conjunction with other materials, caused statistically significant reductions in body weight, central obesity, body fat, waist size, cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose (Oben et al., 2006-2007-2008). Considering the work performed by Oben and colleagues, the results for use of CQ are very impressive, and an extremely positive attribute of the Oben work is the fact that all studies included a relatively large sample size, something that is lacking in many dietary supplement intervention studies. 
Capsaicinoids are the major pungent, naturally occurring active compounds in capsicum fruits such as hot chili peppers. The most abundant forms of capsaicinoids found within hot red peppers are capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide), dihydrocapsaicin, and nordihydrocapsaicin (Thomas et al., 1998). Capsaicinoid ingestion is typically associated with intense feelings of heat. In fact, the amount of heat generated by these capsaicinoids is actually measured using Scoville Heat Units (SHU), with pure capsaicin yielding the highest measure of 15,000,000 SCU. With such a high rating, very little capsaicin in needed to provide a measureable effect, and too much may be associated with gastrointestinal upset. In terms of effects related to weight/fat loss, capsaicinoids have been reported in multiple studies to reduce ad libitum food intake, increase thermogenesis and energy expenditure, enhance lipolysis (for a review please see Bloomer et al., 2009b), and inhibit adipogenesis (Hsu and Yen, 2007). Capsaicinoids are thought to function to stimulate thermogenesis by activating the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca+-ATP-ase (SERCA). Thermogenesis, as indicated earlier, refers to process of heat generation via the hydrolysis of ATP via SERCA. In the presence of capsaicinoids, SERCA becomes uncoupled (i.e., ATP hydrolysis occurs without the transport of calcium) leading to greater heat energy production (Mahmmoud, 2008). In terms of lipolysis, capsaicinoids are an agonist of the transient receptor potential vanilloid subfamily member 1 (TRPV1). TRPV1, via a number of steps, ultimately leads to an increased activation of the sympathetic nervous system leading to the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from adrenal glands. These anorectic catecholamine hormones interact with hormone sensitive lipase, an enzyme involved in lipolysis and the mobilization of fatty acids from storage sites. Epidemiological data appear to support an association between the consumption of capsaicinoid containing foods and a lower incidence of obesity (Wahlqvist and Wattanapenpaiboon, 2001). 
Vitamin & Mineral Matrix 
Fat Smack XR™ contains a vitamin/mineral matrix to enhance the activity of the other ingredients (Vitamin C-see above EGCG) (Henning et al., 2004), support optimal thyroid function (numerous studies can be found in support of our included vitamin/mineral matrix regarding healthy thyroid-see PubMed, Linus Pauling Institute, and the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements), and as an overall antioxidant. Several of the ingredients provided within this matrix are known to support healthy thyroid (vitamin A, selenium, iodine, iron, and zinc) which is important for the regulation of metabolic rate (energy expenditure). We are not boasting, nor did we focus on, a prolific thyroid stimulating blend to increase thyroid activity beyond normal, healthy function; but instead, we aimed to construct a cocktail that truly supports and encourages optimal thyroid function. 
Piperine is an extract of black pepper and appears to function in a similar manner as capsaicinoids (binding the TRPV1 receptors) by increasing catecholamine secretion, hence thermogenesis. Piperine is often used within nutritional supplements as an aid in absorption, as it may promote rapid absorption of certain nutrients (e.g., curcumin, vitamins, amino acids) from the gastrointestinal tract (Johri, R.K. et al., 1992)( Kowado, T, et al., 1988). For these pertinent reasons, it serves as a synergist within Fat Smack XR's conglomerate.
Fat Smack - 90 caps, (Purus Labs)

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Fat Smack - 90 caps, (Purus Labs)

Fat Smack - 90 caps is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually takes about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.