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Fish Oil - High Levels of DHA & EPA, 120 caps , (iForce Nutrition)
Fish Oil - High Levels of DHA & EPA, 120 caps , (iForce Nutrition)
Fish Oil - High Levels of DHA & EPA, 120 caps , (iForce Nutrition)
Product Code:2166-0060

Fish Oil - High Levels of DHA & EPA, 120 caps, (iForce Nutrition)

Fish Oils are made up of healthy fatty acids that have countless proven health benefits. Until recently, the most effective way of getting fish oils in your diet was to eat a diet high in fatty fish such as salmon, however due to the creation of extremely concentrated fish oil, it is now possible to meet and exceed your recommended daily intake of fish oil!  
iForce Nutrition's Fish Oil is a natural supplement comprised of 100% Natural essential fatty acids commonly referred to as Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help us in numerous ways which include: 
Cardiovascular Health: 
The most known benefit of fish oil is its ability to enhance and protect our cardiovascular system, particularly our heart from various diseases. As we all know, cholesterol is the cause of different cardiovascular diseases and when it build up in our system it can form a plaque causing blockage in our arteries. 
Anti-inflammatory effect: 
Fish Oil has been shown to reduce inflammation in our joints. This means less “creaking”, “cracking”, and pain when we move and exercise. Fish Oil has also been shown to positively affect arthritis pain in people suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis.  
Promotes Mental Health: 
One of the quickest ways to increase mental health is to increase our brains levels of DHA. DHA is responsible for our cognitive functioning and just 1 gel cap of Fish Oil contains a whopping 200mg of DHA.  
Boost in mood/well being: 
Fish oil has been shown to help reduce signs and symptoms of depression as well as numerous other common issues that can reduce our mood or sense of well being.  
Promotes weight loss: 
Nne of the benefits of fish oil is its ability to prevent pre-fat cells from converting to fat cells in the body by effectively causing them to die, thus reducing overall accumulation of fat. This means less body fat now, as well as less body fat in the future.  
Improves Vision: 
Fish oil can even help your eyesight! Proven to help prevent macular degeneration, Fish Oil will keep you at 20/20 vision for as long as possible.  
**These statements have not been approved by the FDA.
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $29.99
Other Spec:
Fish Oil - High Levels of DHA & EPA, 120 caps, (iForce Nutrition)

Fish Oil - High Levels of DHA & EPA, 120 caps, (iForce Nutrition)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
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Fish Oil - High Levels of DHA & EPA, 120 caps, (iForce Nutrition)

Fish Oil - 120 caps is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually takes about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.